Internet outage AMRC/SSEC/UW-Madison


Due to unscheduled network servicing, there has been an outage in internet between the AMRC and the outside Internet. It is unknow how long the outage will be. This may impact access to out FTP, ADDE, Web servers and any e-mail transmission of routine data from the AMRC.



Matthew Lazzara -Meteorologist- Antarctic Meteorological Research Center
947 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences
Space Science and Engineering Center         E-mail: mattl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
University of Wisconsin-Madison                    Phone: (608) 262-0436
1225 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706           Fax: (608) 263-6738

From owner-ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 04 2004 May -0500 15:16:53
Date: 04 May 2004 15:16:53 -0500
From: "Neil R. Smith" <neils@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: needdata@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Fax map archive?
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Slightly off topic but I hope to the knowledgeable group:

We are reviewing our practice of archiving the fax maps,
both those ftp'd from NOAA and those from U.Wisconsin via the IDD. They are at times a useful teaching and research tool. We have been keeping
paper copy and wish to convert to CD or DVD.

But perhaps they are already archived and available on tape or CD/DVD from somewhere else, say NCDC or other such Federal Gov.
repository. (Yeah, probably not the UW postscipt maps)

Does anyone know if such exists?

Neil R. Smith, Comp. Sys. Mngr.         neils@xxxxxxxx
Dept. Atmospheric Sci., Texas A&M Univ.     979/845-6272 FAX:979/862-4466

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