Re: LDM development survey

> The above message contained the following:
> > Do you know which username/password we should use for this?  I have two
> > for the unidata community portal, neither of which worked.
> Unfortunately, the GForge system isn't tied into the "my.unidata"
> username/password database, so you'll have to register with the GForge
> system in order to fill-out the survey.

I checked my password keeper and I have 118 accounts on various things.
It's getting out of hand.  I'm not going to go through a registration
process just to fill out a 6 question survey.  I don't think you'll get many
responses.  I don't think it needs to be password protected and a simple
e-mail would probably suffice (one could provide comments then besides just
checking a box)

David Wojtowicz, Sr. Research Programmer
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois
davidw@xxxxxxxx (217) 333-8390

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