New Red Hat 3 WS ??

There are a lot of issues with GARP.  Move garp to garp.bin and make 
"garp" a CSH script that sources your Gemenviron and then runs
env LANG=C garp.bin&

I had some weirdness with KDE that was really off-putting, just
a lot of irritations.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:owner-ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Michael W Dross
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:27 PM
Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

The IT dept if forcing me to install anti-virus software on our current
Intel linux boxes.  They recommend that we upgrade
our existing machines that are currently running Mandrake 7.1 through Red
Hat 9.0. to the new corporate version of Linux:
Red Hat 3 WS.

Apparently the only Anti-Virus software that works with the new version of
Red Hat, is F-Prot.  I have never
heard of it before.

So my question is: Have you had any experience with Red Hat 3 WS ? Will it
run the current versions of WXP and LDM software?
How about GEMPAK?

Thanks for your help,   I  have a bad feeling about this "upgrade" :-(

Michael Dross                             mdross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Duke Power Company                  Meteorologist/Scientist
9700 David Taylor Dr.               Voice: 704-594-0341
Charlotte, NC 28269                       Mobile: 980-722-0756

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