PQACT.conf questions...

1) Is there a way to get a listing of the products being sent by my feed
that pqact.conf is ignoring? I'd like to make sure I'm making full use of
all the data coming down the pipe and the only way I see so far is logging
everything and then checking to see what files weren't transferred to the
NWX data directories... That's a little cumbersome.

For example - the tabular state forecast SFT is not being saved by the
current pqact.conf file.

2) I'm using LDM with a feed of the NWWS weatherwire. I want all of my local
NWS bulletins to go to the alarms directory for use with nalarm, which I've
accomplished with:

(^......) (KGRR) (..)(....).*/p(.*)

However NWWS sends out a MONMSG or TSTMSG "keepalive" every 15 minutes and I
don't want those going - how would I filter those out? I tried different
combinations of (.[MONMSG])  and none worked...

- Rob

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