Re: kicking off process upon receipt of GVAR imagery into SDI

Thanks John, I stand corrected.


John Benson wrote:

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Robert Mullenax wrote:

Thanks John, that's certainly one part of the puzzle. I appreciate it.

I know that each sector takes a certain amount of time to complete, so I could sleep for x minutes after the receipt
of the e-mail but maybe there is a better way to actually
determine when the image is finished?


     No need, really.  The GVAR server 'tracks' by which we mean
it synchronizes with the incoming data.  So an imgcopy or imgdisp
started at the beginning of an image will finish when the last necessary line is available at the ingestor, or a second or two later. Any waiting you do would slow the totality of the process down more than necessary, since the server slows itself down just enough.


Matthew Lazzara -Meteorologist- Antarctic Meteorological Research Center
947 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences
Space Science and Engineering Center         E-mail: mattl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
University of Wisconsin-Madison                    Phone: (608) 262-0436
1225 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706           Fax: (608) 263-6738

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