Re: kicking off process upon receipt of GVAR imagery into SDI

Thanks John, that's certainly one part of the puzzle. 
I appreciate it.
I know that each sector takes a certain amount of time to 
complete, so I could sleep for x minutes after the receipt
of the e-mail but maybe there is a better way to actually
determine when the image is finished?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:owner-mcidas-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of John Benson
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:24 PM

     First, a mail alias is created of the form:


     by which I mean the vertical bar followed by the
absolute path of an executable, which will probably
be coded as a script.

     Mail sent to this alias will cause the file to be
executed with the content of the mail message available
from stdin.  This mail message can be parsed to determine
if it's from some particular sector of interest.

     The script should be careful to set all the environment
variables it needs before doing anything, and be aware that
it will probably execute as some user like 'daemon' or 'nobody'.

     Someone else may have working examples you could use as
a guide.


On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Robert Mullenax wrote:

> I realize that the GVAR SDI ingestor sends an e-mail when a new image has
> started, but
> I wonder if someone would be willing to share details on how to kick off a
> process
> (IMGCOPY to another dataset for example) when a particular  sector (CONUS,
> NH..etc)
> is finished.
> Thanks,
> Robert Mullenax
> Robert Mullenax
> Weather Systems Administrator
> Universal Weather and Aviation

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