Re: Seeking METAR Data

Jim -- I have them and will send them to you under separate cover.

--Bill Noon
Northeast Regional Climate Center
Cornell University

On Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 09:38 PM, Jim Koermer wrote:


I'm trying to find the raw METARS for 7 July 2000 for 00Z through 05Z.

We usually would have these in our own archives, but naturally on the specific date above that we need them for a project, we have a hole in our archives.

Does anyone have these still have these data that they would be willing to share?

James P. Koermer                E-Mail: koermer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Professor of Meteorology        Office Phone: (603)535-2574
Meteorology Program             Office Fax: (603)535-2723
Plymouth State University       WWW:
Plymouth, NH 03264

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