That was one of the things we tried. Unfortunately in Red Hat 9 (GNOME 2.2)
there is already a gnome-session running on the other screens (unlike
older versions of GNOME). The problem is, it just doesn't work right.
If you open an app on screen 1 or 2 and minimize it, then it just
If you enable Xinerama and mimimize on 1 or 2, it mimimizes to the toolbar
on screen 0. The big problem is that with the NV drivers at least, Xinerama
makes GARP?NMAP2 display VERY slow.
I just ended up switching to FVWM2 for my workstation. Not as fancy, but
it works.
Thanks to everyone for their assistance.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:01 AM
Cc: 'gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; 'mcidas-x@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
What to do with 2 monitors and your WES (or any linux) Workstation
Try this little wrapper script...
#! /bin/bash
export DISPLAY=:0.1
Art Wildman/ITO - mailto: art.wildman@xxxxxxxx Phone: 904-741-5186 x-360
Robert Mullenax wrote:
> We normally use KDE on our triple-head Red Hat 9 Linux systems with
> great success. We get full Desktops on each head by default. However,
> I want to transition one box over to GNOME as we need to run
> a McIDAS session on it and thw McIDAS image window doesn't
> work under KDE.
> However, when I start GNOME, all it shows on the 2nd and 3rd screens
> is a blue background. What's worse is that if you minimize any app
> on these two windows the app just disappears. It is still running in the
> background. nut there is no way to restore it. GNOME is fully
> patches.
> This is likely something that needs to be taken off line so as to
> not offend, but if anyone has experience with GNOME and multi-heads
> I would appreciate some advice. Web searches have proven fruitless.
> Thanks,
> Robert Mullenax
> Robert Mullenax
> Weather Systems Administrator
> Universal Weather and Aviation