What to do with 2 monitors and your WES (or any linux) Workstation
Try this little wrapper script...
#! /bin/bash
# start_gnome_right_screen.sh
export DISPLAY=:0.1
Art Wildman/ITO - mailto: art.wildman@xxxxxxxx
http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jax Phone: 904-741-5186 x-360
Robert Mullenax wrote:
We normally use KDE on our triple-head Red Hat 9 Linux systems with
great success. We get full Desktops on each head by default. However,
I want to transition one box over to GNOME as we need to run
a McIDAS session on it and thw McIDAS image window doesn't
work under KDE.
However, when I start GNOME, all it shows on the 2nd and 3rd screens
is a blue background. What's worse is that if you minimize any app
on these two windows the app just disappears. It is still running in the
background. nut there is no way to restore it. GNOME is fully
This is likely something that needs to be taken off line so as to
not offend, but if anyone has experience with GNOME and multi-heads
I would appreciate some advice. Web searches have proven fruitless.
Robert Mullenax
Robert Mullenax
Weather Systems Administrator
Universal Weather and Aviation