20040213 : GFS forecast snowfall?

  • To: Robert Mullenax
  • Subject: 20040213 : GFS forecast snowfall?
  • From: Steve Chiswell [mailto:chiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
  • Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 12:19:44 -0600
Thanks.  I was wondering where that list was.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 11:41 AM
Cc: 'ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; support-conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The 1x1 degree grids contain the "water equiv of accumulated snow 
depth" rather than a converted depth of snow. You will find this in the
GEMPAK parameters as "SWEM".

An inventofy of the GFS files is available at:

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 10:10, Robert Mullenax wrote:
> Does anyone know if the GFS Global 1x1 (the one available via FTP or
> CONDUIT) contains
> forecast snowfall amounts?   I have looked through all the params and
> believe I see it,
> but maybe I missed something?
> Thanks,
> Robert
> Robert Mullenax
> Weather Systems Administrator
> Universal Weather and Aviation
>From owner-ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13 2004 Feb -0600 18:37:47 
Date: 13 Feb 2004 18:37:47 -0600
From: "Neil R. Smith" <neils@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Neilley's weather program on linux reading *nix gdbm files
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Anyone experiencing difficulties with P.Neilley's weather program
built on linux (say, Red Hat) reading gdbm metar files generated by 
ldm DBFILE action (pqsurf) on another platform/architecture?

Should endian-ness be an issue? Peter's comments in the source code
file README.linux (ver 4.10) suggests that it shouldn't be an issue.

Neil R. Smith, Comp. Sys. Mngr.         neils@xxxxxxxx
Dept. Atmospheric Sci., Texas A&M Univ. 979/845-6272 FAX:979/862-4466

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