Re: UKMET Data?

But those directory names are so intuitively named ! 8^)

I have no idea why they are in that directory on the CCS,
but we just use the same directory names after pushing the
files to the ftpprd server.


Robert Mullenax wrote:

Thanks Paula.  I don't think either one of us knew they were
supposed to be in the fnl directory.

Thanks very much.
Robert Mullenax

-----Original Message-----
From: Paula Freeman [mailto:Paula.Freeman@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 7:59 AM
To: Robert Mullenax
Cc: 'Michael W Dross '; 'ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx '
Subject: Re: UKMET Data?

I have reposted the nonrestricted ukmet files on in the usual directories:

for 9th-11th.  That's all we have.

To request recent files to be resposted, just send a helpdesk ticket to ncep.helpdesk@xxxxxxxx since I don't always read the ldm-users list.


Robert Mullenax wrote:

Hmm..that's a good question.  I poked around all
over tgftp and ftpprd and didn't find it either.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael W Dross
To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 1/11/2004 6:12 PM
Subject: UKMET Data?

Does anyone know of where I can get UKMET data past 72 hours? At one
it was on the NCEP ftp server
but it is no longer  available.  Some University sites have UKMET data
72 hours, I wonder where they
are getting it.


Mike Dross

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