Red Hat 9 and LDM Problem

Is anyone else having a problem with Red Hat 9 and the LDM ver 6?  When I
try to launch the ldm
the log file shows:

Jan 10 01:19:10 www rpc.ldmd[3191]: Starting Up (version: 6.0.14; built:
Jan 10 2004 00:57:23)
Jan 10 01:19:10 www rpc.ldmd[3191]: Version 6 LDM already running on local
Jan 10 01:19:11 www rpc.ldmd[3191]: Version 5 LDM already running on local
Jan 10 01:19:11 www rpc.ldmd[3191]: Terminating process group

There are no other LDM's running. rpcinfo -p indicates nothing running on
the ldm ports.
I have reinstalled the LDM several times and the same result. I am running
LDM 6.0.14

Thanks for any help,

Mike Dross

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