possible network outages between SSEC and outside network Jan 7 and

University of Wisconsin Campus network maintenance is scheduled for Jan 7 (6 UTC - 11 UTC) and Jan 8 (6 UTC - 11 UTC.) During these times U-Wisconsin SSEC's network may be unavailable to external users for periods of 5 minutes up to possibly an hour.

Users of the UNIWISC, NNEXRAD, HDS, and IDS|DDPLUS data feeds from UNIDATA2.SSEC.WISC.EDU may see some interruptions in data reception during these outages.


Jerrold Robaidek                       Email:  robo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
SSEC Data Center                       Phone: (608) 262-6025
University of Wisconsin                Fax: (608) 263-6738
Madison, Wisconsin

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