Re: Linux filesystem type

Due to the nature of LDM and the creation of many small data files and (caches), Reiser FS would seem to be the best choice from what I've read...
-ymmv, depending on the size of your data files.

I've used Reiser v3 on my cluster for over a year now, with no major problems.

Be sure to use to reiser utils for all disk operations:
$ man -k reiser
mkreiserfs           (8)  - create a Linux Reiserfs file system
reiserfsck           (8)  - check a Linux Reiserfs file system
resize_reiserfs      (8)  - Reiserfs filesystem resizer


Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:
Anyone got words of wisdom on the best filesystem to use with a *large* ldm feed, and a fairly large pqact process (with decoders and gempak)? I've a new system in testing with 2 terabytes of harddrive for data. It's been seeing some journal corruptions using ext3 recently and I have made a change (took the product queue off the RAID) to see if that'll help.

Going to SCSI RAID would be nice, but cost prohibitive at this time...

Thanks, Gerry

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