Re: Will Isabel knock out NOAAPORT or GOES imagery?


The backup NOAAPort uplink site is Fairmount, WV . . . the World Weather 
Building (where TG is located) is hardened and has backup power.  Although 
not impossible, it is unlikely that NOAAPort would go down for an extended 
period.  Some obvious natural disasters make all preparations irrelevant . . 
. but the current protocol is supposed to take a land falling hurricane into 


On Sunday 14 September 2003 11:13, Jeff Masters wrote:
> Hi all, with the consensus model tracks for Isabel converging on a track
> near or over Wallops Island and Washington D.C., the question arises:
> 1) Can Isabel knock out the Wallops Island GOES ground station? If so,
> will this mean loss of GOES data on both the NOAAPORT and McIDAS data
> streams, as well as for anyone with a GVAR dish?
> 2) How much wind can the NOAAPORT uplink station in Washington D.C. take?
> Is there a backup uplink station in case the primary is damaged? If
> NOAAPORT does fail for an extended period of time, is there a way to feed
> the IDD via someone with a dedicated land line running into D.C.?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>--- Jeff Masters (jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)                               (
>  ) Chief Meteorologist                              /\ Home of the       ( 
>   ) The Weather Underground, Inc.               /\  /  \  /\       /\    ( 
>     ) 300 N. Fifth Ave #240                      /  \/    \/  \ /\  /  \   
> ------ Ann Arbor, MI 48104                 ______/              /  \/    \_
>   \\\\\ 734-994-8824                                   Weather Underground 
>     \`\`\

Stonie R. Cooper
Planetary Data, Incorporated
(402) 782-6611

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