(Again) Internet problems at UAlbany

Once again, our internet connection here at UAlbany has become
extremely unreliable over the past couple of days.  We suggest
all sites that feed DDPLUS/HDS from redwood fail over until
further notice.    NLDN data may also be impacted from

As was the case last week, it seems a malfunctioning and/or
misconfigured Packeteer is to blame.  Our networking folks, for
whatever reason, have deemed it best to keep the Packeteer
online to debug the problems, despite the highly adverse impact
it is having on the University's internet traffic (we are averaging
15 % packet loss at the gateway).

Until I see at least 48 hours of uninterrupted good data flow
again, I will refrain from sending another "all clear" on this

Thanks to all for your patience . . .


Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator               **********************
Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences           ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235                    518-442-4571 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue                          518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222                                **********************

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