Re: NOAAPORT down?


NOAAPort, itself, is fine.  I cannot say on the NOAAPort receiver that is 
feeding IDD.
Stonie R. Cooper,
Science Officer
Planetary Data, Incorporated
3495 Liberty Road
Villa Rica, Georgia  30180
ph. (770) 456-0700; pg. (888) 974-5017; fx. (770) 459-0016

On Monday 26 November 2001 14:48, Tom McDermott wrote:
> Hi,
> I haven't received any NOAAPORT data since 1425Z.  My upstream sites
> aren't receiving any either.  Is any one else still getting data?
> Tom
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>-- Tom McDermott                               Email: tmcderm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Systems Administrator                 Phone: (716) 395-5718
> Earth Sciences Dept.                  Fax: (716) 395-2416
> SUNY College at Brockport

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