Re: LDM data streams from both IDD and NOAA port sources dead?

We are still getting data via NOAAPORT ok...


                    "Robert Leche"                                              
                    <rleche@xxxxxxxxxxxx.l        To:     
          >                       cc:                           
                    Sent by:                      bcc:                          
                    owner-ldm-users@unidat        Subject:     LDM data streams 
 from both IDD and NOAA port sources dead?   
                    11/24/2001 10:55 AM                                         

LSU has experienced a total loss of  LDM feed data. The LDM stream data
stopped Saturday at 10:00 hours.

Current status:
All systems at LSU are on line. Internet connections to Internet 1 and 2
The NOAA port is receiving carrier from the satellite.
Streams from IDD and  the NOAA port data stopped.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?

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