First Order Stations

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Organization: UCSD/Scripps
Keywords: 200109140615.f8E6FS118290
Cc: Larry Riddle <lriddle@xxxxxxxx>

Does anybody have a listing of the 250 (?) "first order stations"?  I'm not 
sure the designation has any utility in this day of mostly automated 
weather stations, but I've been tasked with identifying them.


   -----===(*  Climate's what we expect, but weather's what we get.  *)===-----
  Larry Riddle : Climate Research Division : Scripps Institution of 
      University of California, San Diego : La Jolla, California  92093-0224
      Phone: (858) 534-1869 : Fax: (858) 534-8561 : E-Mail: lriddle@xxxxxxxx

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