Re: WEATHER program, GDBM and LDM (fwd)

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Christian Page wrote:

> I found the problem! It works very well now. The problem is, I think, didn't
> compile with the proper gdbm library for weather. Now using the version 1.7.3
> everything works very well as expected.

Well, the first thing I looked at in your original message was to make
sure you were using the right version (1.7.3) of the the gdbm library,
because I had major problems when it was linked against the 1.8.0 gdbm
lib.  ( pqsurf would crash periodically.  You can find out the full gory
details by searching the Unidata ldm users and/or support archive.  There
is also a message from Robb Kambic there on how to compile ldm w/ gdbm,
which I'm assuming you're using.  If not, I can forward it to you.)

> FYI, the default_time = l12 means to search for the latest obs in the
> last 12h A default_time of 12 would mean to display all 12 hours of
> obs.

Yes, this was my understanding as well.  I just thought it was a strange
default, not for metars maybe, but for other cmds like zone.

Tom McDermott                           Email: tmcderm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Systems Administrator                   Phone: (716) 395-5718
Earth Sciences Dept.                    Fax: (716) 395-2416
SUNY College at Brockport

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