Re: ingest error (fwd)

"Jason J. Levit" wrote:
>   Hi everyone,
>   I'm trying to receive data from another LDM machine, and the
> administrator of that computer is seeing this error in the log file:
> sign_on( 7: RPC: Authentication error; why = Client
> credential too weak
>   This is a first for me.  Does anyone know why this error occurs, and
> why it is preventing data from flowing?  Thanks for any help or
> information!
>   Jason
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jason J. Levit, N9MLA                      Research Scientist,
> jlevit@xxxxxx                Center for Analysis and Prediction of
> Storms
> Room 1022                                 University of Oklahoma
> 405/325-3503                    


Don't know if you have the same situation, but I had the same error when I
brought a new system with NFS mounts onto the network.  I had to add it to
the hosts file because DNS hadn't been updated yet.

Ted Jackson                                Sysadm,  Code 912
tjackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Branch

Science Systems & Applications, Inc.

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