ldm x-popup warnings


I wrote a small program tonight that will automatically pop up a warning,
or any other
text upon arrival via the ldm. I think it will be usefull for some.
It requires tcl installed on your machine, many system have this already

Here is the script I called 'ldmxnotify':

pack [text .xstdin]
.xstdin insert 1.0 [exec cat]
button .b1 -text Exit -command exit
pack .b1
# Sleep 5 minutes (300,000 milliseconds) then close window
after 300000 set mywait 1
tkwait variable mywait
exit 0

Here is a sample pqact.conf entry:
DDPLUS  ^WFUS.. ....
        PIPE    -strip -close /weather/ldm/bin/ldmxnotify

The above will pop-up an X window with the Tornado warning upon arrival
with a beep.
It will close automatically after 5 minutes, to keep an unattended desktop
from having to many windows open.

I may try and add a print button tomorrow.


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