Re: NLDN Data

Hi Bill,

We list two FSU machines in our ldmd.conf on striker:

ALLOW   NLDN    ^metlab1\.met\.fsu\.edu$
ALLOW   NLDN    ^pluto\.met\.fsu\.edu$

I'm not aware of any change in NLDN hierarchy (although I've only
been here since Feb.) so for now feel free to feed off striker.
Let me know if you have any problems.



Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator               **********************
Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences           ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235                    518-442-4571 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue                          518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222                                **********************

On Thu, 17 May 2001, B. Cottrill wrote:

> Hello all,
> Did I miss a change for NLDN data seeds?  We haven't recieved any data since
> 03.26.2001.  when I checked the config file I found that someone had commented
> out
> Has the feed location changed?
> Thanks
> BC
> ____________________________________________________________________
>                               |
> Bill Cottrill                 |     Anything you do is worth doing
> Weather Station Manager               |     well. If you do your best, 99%
> Coordinator Academic Programs |     of the time you will perform
> Department of Meteorology     |     beyond the expectation. Chances
> Florida State University      |     are if you even attempt the
> Phone:  (850) 644-8581                |     task you will perform beyond
> Fax:  (850) 644-9642          |     the expectation these days.
>                               |

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