Re: weird problem


You are 100% cirrect.  That;s what happened.  From the times
on the files in /dev/pts/01 it happened on March 25.

I just did an init 5 (powered it off) from home on the machine
until I can get there this weekend (I work part-time for NSBF now).
I was going to upgrade to Solaris 8 anyway this it looks
like it's a good thing I backed up all of the web and Unidata stuff.

At my full-time job we just gor this CERT notice today..

Oh well, guess it had to happen some day.

Thanks for the help everyone.


On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Alaric S. Haag wrote:

> Gents,
> See the latest at Solaris fell prey to a major root
> compromise.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Ric
> [ Alaric S. Haag, Computer Manager    mailto:haag@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ]
> [ Coastal Studies Institute - Earth Scan Lab    Voice: (225) 388-6438 ]
> [ Louisiana State University                      FAX: (225) 388-2520 ]
> [ Baton Rouge, LA 70803               ]

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