weird problem

I have a weird problem that may be more of an OS problem
I am not sure.  Our main IDD ingest machine is a SPARC
Solaris 7 machine.  The data goes into /var/data/ldm.
If I do a df -k I can see that the disk is about 70% full,
which is what it should be.  If I request data, the data is there
(GEMPAK and McIDAS).  If I NFS mount /var/data/ldm from any other 
machine I can do an ls in all the subdirectories (like
/var/data/ldm/gempak/hds) and see all of the files.  BUT
if I am local to our ingest machine and cd /var/data/ldm/gempak/hds
and to an ls it RETURNS NOTHING!..Yet all of the data is there.
Each of the subdirectories under gempak are there but ls shows
no files.  Also in the /var/data/ldm/upperair directory
where I save raw UA files, same problem.  ls shows directories
there but no files..but it is there.  If I go to /var/data/ldm/mcidas
and do an ls..everything is fine.  If anyone has any ideas 
I'd like to hear them.

Robert Mullenax

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