Re: LDM Startup error, any suggestions?

Just restart it from the command line as root. You can put a check to see
if syslogd is running in cron and restart it, too, I have a script that
does it one one Solaris machine I have that has trouble with syslogd

 Dr. Jeff Masters (jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)                           (  )  
 Chief Meteorologist                              /\ Home of the       (    ) 
 The Weather Underground, Inc.               /\  /  \  /\       /\    (      )
 300 N Fifth Ave #240                       /  \/    \/  \ /\  /  \    ------
 Ann Arbor, MI 48104                 ______/              /  \/    \_   \\\\\
 734-994-8824 (voice)                           Weather Underground      \`\`\
 734-994-8919 (fax)               

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Chris Novy wrote:

> Jeff Masters <jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>...
> >Check to see if syslogd is running. If it is not running, there will be no
> >/etc/ file.
> Jeff:
> It's not running!  Might I have killed it during the bad shutdown?   Is it 
> something I can simply restart (as root) or do I need the sysadmin to yo 
> yo  the whole system?
> ..Chris..

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