Re: Need 18Z surface obs from May 3, 1999. Anyone have it?


Here are the 23Z (18 CDT) metars for KOKC:

KOKC 032256Z 14015G22KT 10SM SCT021 SCT150 OVC250 23/19 A2958 RMK AO2 SLP004 CB
SW-W MOV NE T02280194=

KOKC 032312Z 14017G23KT 9SM BKN019 BKN150 OVC250 23/19 A2957 RMK AO2 CB OCNL

KOKC 032328Z 14017G24KT 9SM -TSRA BKN019 BKN150 OVC250 23/20 A2959 RMK AO2=

James P. Koermer             E-Mail: koermer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Professor of Meteorology     Office Phone: (603)535-2574
Natural Science Department   Office Fax: (603)535-2723
Plymouth State College       WWW:
Plymouth, NH 03264

Gilbert Sebenste wrote:

> Hello ldm-users,
> A bit off-topic, but in this slow period (for now), is there any chance
> someone on the list has this:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 18:51:28 -0600
> From: Matthew Biddle
> To: Gilbert Sebenste
> Subject: HELP?
> Hey Gilbert -
> I have the mesonet data for 3 May 1999, but do you know if I can get a
> visibility ob from OUN and or OKC for 1800 (CDT) 3 May 99?
> I can't find it anywhere?
> Matt
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If anyone knows, email me directly, not to the list. Thank you for any
> help!
> *******************************************************************************
> Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
> Internet: gilbert@xxxxxxx    (My opinions only!)                     ******
> Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
> E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                 ***
> web:                                      **
> Work phone: 815-753-5492                                                *
> *******************************************************************************

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