Hi folks...this seems to be similar to what I've been dealing with. We
have a Alden noaaport system, and we're running 5.1.2 on a x86 solaris
box, with pqing feeding (WMO) from a socket connection. Every 3-5 days
or so, everything freezes...no crash/core or anything, but everything
stops. I've been emailing with Anne Wilson at Unidata about this (see
the support-ldm email archive if you'd like the gory details). The best
we've come up with so far is possible noise on the line, or a binary
gets fed when ldm expects text, or something with the socket connection.
_From the previous emails, it seems to me that the socket stuff is the
prime suspect at this point. Anyone feeding directly from noaaport and
*not* using a socket connection, and having similar problems??
Pete Stamus | Phone: (303) 415-9701 x224
Colorado Research Associates (CoRA)* | Fax: (303) 415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane | email: stamus@xxxxxxxxx
Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA | *( CoRA is a division of NWRA )
You can't trust your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
-- Mark Twain