MesoWest surface observations available via LDM

Surface observations at over 2000 stations in the Western United States are now available to the operational, educational and research community via LDM. The data are accessible from an LDM server at the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Regional Prediction (CIRP), Department of Meteorology, University of Utah. Parameters include temperature, relative humidity, pressure, and wind. The most current observation during the past hour at each station is transmitted every 15 minutes.

MesoWest is a collection of surface observations obtained from government agencies, educational institutions, and commercial firms. Some data providers have extensive regional networks (e.g., SnoTel, National Soil Conservation Service, or RAWS, Bureau of Land Management) while others are smaller and more localized networks. In addition, MesoWest helps to facilitate access to local observations collected as part of other regional mesonet iniatives, e.g., those at the University of Washington and the Naval Postgraduate School/San Jose State University. MesoWest is supported by funding from the National Weather Service with the cooperation of NWS Western Region and WFOs throughout the West, especially the Salt Lake City WFO. For further information, go to

To obtain access to MesoWest data via LDM, please fill out the application at or access the application through the MesoWest Information page. The provisional data made available in real-time by the data providers and MesoWest are subject to usage restrictions as specified on the application.

Currently, we are making the MesoWest data available in an ascii format compatible with Gempak such that the data can be displayed using Nmap2 (N-AWIPS). We would appreciate your help to develop decoders for other platforms.

If you have any questions or comments, please send email to mesowest@xxxxxxxxxxxx.

John Horel and Mike Splitt
NOAA Cooperative Institute for Regional Prediction
Department of Meteorology
University of Utah

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