Re: NEXRAD stations

3 of the identifiers seem to be the same at NWS offices:

KUNR=Rapid City, SD
KLMK=Lousiville, KY
KGID=Hastings, NE

Not sure about KFFG.

Mike Brennan

Jeff Masters wrote:
> I am cheerfully watching the NEXRAD data flow in here, it is great to see!
> However, I am seeing some products from stations that are not in my WXP
> rad.cty list of stations:
> TOP is easy to guess, it is TWX (Topeka). Can anyone shed light on the
> rest of these?
> Also, in clear air mode, how can you have a negative reflectivity? Is a
> negative return ever really due to precipitation?
> Thanks,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Jeff Masters (jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)                               (  )
>  Chief Meteorologist                              /\ Home of the       (    )
>  The Weather Underground, Inc.               /\  /  \  /\       /\    (      )
>  300 N Fifth Ave #240                       /  \/    \/  \ /\  /  \    ------
>  Ann Arbor, MI 48104                 ______/              /  \/    \_   \\\\\
>  734-994-8824 (voice)                           Weather Underground      \`\`\
>  734-994-8919 (fax)               

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