History of the LDM


I am compiling a history of our experience with weather data ingest and
visualization at Ohio State.  I was wondering if someone could give me a
brief history on the background of the LDM, specifically:

What forces led to its development?
When did development begin?  When was the first version distributed?
Was it immediately successful or were there problems that had to be fixed?
How many universities used the LDM in its early years?  How many today?

Thanks for any information that you can provide.


| Chris Hennon         Ohio State University   |
| Tropical Meteorology      hennon.6@xxxxxxx   |
|                                              |
| Dept of Geography   Office: 1155 Derby Hall  |
| 1036 Derby Hall     Phone : (614) 292-2704   |
| Columbus, OH 43210  Fax   : (614) 292-6213   |

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