Re: [idvusers] time selection and area averages

Hi Yuan,
                 Probably i am asking too much,
I have seen getNthTimeGrid,  same as doing field.getSample(Nthtime), Actually I 
was wondering If i can subset a field(time|100,lat,lon) at select times , say 
at indices 2,40,30,90 as a new field, so that i could plot it as one 
variable/process it further. last resort for me would be declare a new field 
and use a loop setSample to create the new variable. It would be great to have 
some thing like pass array of time indices to a method to get all newtimes at 

i have tried rects(field.D=??) on a global field and with different smoothing 
Integers and I dont seem to get a global area averaged value, any example on a 
variable like field(time|100,lat|90,lon|180) would be helpful.

From: Yuan Ho [yuanho@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 8:08 PM
To: Suvarchal Kumar
Cc: idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [idvusers] time selection and area averages

Hi Suvarchal,
           We have a few area average formulas available, such as rects(field, 
D=2) for the rectangular aperature smoothing,  and you can check out the Jython 
libraries under Grid Diagnostics. There is also a formula named 
getNthTimeGrid(field, Nth) for your second request under the Grid Routines.


On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 3:24 PM, Suvarchal Kumar 
<suvarchal.kumar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:suvarchal.kumar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi All, I am trying to write some jython scripts to make a composite views,

two things i cant figure out in my script:
1) I want  to compute and display average of a grid at every time step.

I feel there must be better way to do then loop around this to get an Average
--well i can live with it.

I am ok with an average but would like area average, i havent seen a direct 
function(?), is there a way to get area of each grid box? that i could multiply 
and average myself? I think i saw it somewhere  but cant find where.

2) how to access a grid at particular time subset passed as an array?
  i have a gridded dataset with N times as timeset, would like to have 
newvariables at time indices 1,2,7 or specified by time values, into a new 

so I would like to get  only a particular time subset of a grid specified by a 
time array list(either index or value). This works as part of Dataselection 
before reading dataset but cant manage it with a variable after it is loaded?


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