[idvusers] 2 cell shift of UAM data file in LatLon coordinates

Dear IDV users,

I am visualizing CAMX binary output (LatLon coordinates) in IDV. IDV
reads this data using the netcdf library
("ucar.nc2.iosp.uamiv.UAMIVServiceProvider"). In principle it works, but
there are two tings bugging me:

- there is a gap between the border of my data (top and right) and the
white wireframe rectangle (border.jpg in the attachment)
- it seems that the data is shifted 2 cells to the north and 2 cells to
the east 

My camxproj.txt file contains these lines:

# These are ignored (defaults)

I noticed that other camxproj parameters are ignored, the coordinate
data is read from the files.

Has anybody observed a similar pattern? 

Thanks for you insights!


Daniel Oderbolz
Paul Scherrer Institut
CH-5232 Villigen 

Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, 
Gasphase and Aerosol Chemistry Group

Tel: +41 (0)56 310 2449
Fax:               4525
daniel.oderbolz [AT] psi.ch

Attachment: border.jpg
Description: border.jpg

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