Re: [idvusers] Black Areas in Color Contour Image


Guilherme is correct that this is related to data outside the range of the max/min of the countours. Check the contour parameters in the display control.

Unless there is an existing parameter default, the IDV will take the maximum and minimum values of the grid, compute a contour interval and add that to the max and min to encompass the range of the data. The caveat for this is that for remote data that is cached to disk and not read in until it is displayed, it uses the first timestep to compute the max/min/interval. This is a performance issue so that a display can be generated quickly without having to read all the data first.

You can create a default range/contour interval for your contours using the parameter defaults editor from the Tools menu or the File->Save As->Save As Parameter Default from the control window. That will be used on subsequent loads. You can also create a named Display Setting if you want to use different ranges/intervals for the same parameter. See the User's Guide for more information on Display Settings and Parameter Defaults.


On 10/7/10 3:37 AM, Guilherme Chagas wrote:
Hi Jim,

What kind of display type are you using? If it is Color-Filled Contour
[plan view] I'd suggest checking the contour interval and minimum /
maximum values in Dashboard ->  Displays ->  <  current display>  . IME
IDV tends to default to a range value that ends up cropping the
extreme values, resulting in black areas. You might have to set values
beyond the actual data range to get it to work!

Best Regards,
                 Guilherme O. Chagas

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 3:01 AM,<Jim.Moser@xxxxxxxx>  wrote:
I'm displaying color contoured images of 2D met data. In some
of the images there are black areas. I don't think its missing data.
(See the attached image) I thought IDV surveyed the dataset while
generating the display to see the range of values and set the color
enhancement accordingly. No?

Any ideas why this is occurring?



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