Re: Windowless movie capture

  • To: "Patrick Webb" <webb@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Windowless movie capture
  • From: yates@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 13:00:52 -0600 (MDT)
The best way I've found is to establish an X virtual
frame buffer (Xvfb) as a display. I run an Xvfb
that will dump to device :99

I then simply set the display device

>setenv DISPLAY :99

If you have saved off a bundle, then you can use a little isl to
automatically generate an image.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<isl debug="true" loop="1" offscreen="false" sleep="3600">

  <property name="basedir" value="/data/"/>
  <property name="imagetype" value="png"/>

  <!-- make an image -->
  <bundle file="${islpath}/MyBundle.xidv"/>
  <image file="${basedir}/Image_${yy}${MM}${dd}${HH}${mm}.${imagetype}"/>



> I am trying to capture video while working through a remote terminal.
> Though the manuals don't really mention it, I remember this being
> mentioned at a workshop I attended last year, that it is possible to
> trick the IDV into capturing movies without actually sitting at the
> terminal that the IDV is running at. I don't remember what the IDV
> needs to carry out video capture. Does forwarding X11 data to the
> remote terminal work?
> Thanks for the help
> -Patrick Webb

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