Re: [idvdevelopers] Displaying certain

Hi Felix,

We have four displays we'd like to create. They are all 2D-grid contour plan view displays available within NAM data files:
        wind speed @ height above ground
        dew point temp @ height above ground
        temp @ height above ground
        pressure reduced to MSL @ MSL

Having reviewed the ISL "creating a display" documentation at, our question is, what specific property values do we need to pass in order to get these displays to load? This was not clear to us.

   It looks like we need to add something to the effect of...


Actually the param attribute is the name of the data parameter. You can get the name by loading the data source into the IDV, bring up the Properties dialog for that data source (right click on the data source in the Field Selector) and look at the Details tab. You can also mouse over the entry in the Fields list in the Field Selector to show a tooltip that names the field.

Attached is an example isl file that creates a contour plan view of the pressure reduced to msl field.


<isl offscreen="false">
         <property name="name" value="NAM Data File" />
     <pause seconds="10"/>

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