[IDD #RDH-341232]: UBA - data problems again

Hola Claudia,

> I apologize to bother you again. I know that you are very busy with the
> proximity of the AGU meeting.

Please don't worry about asking for support!

> Since 18th  march we didn�t received any data.

I noticed that unidata.at.fcen.uba.ar stopped reporting real time statistics
some time ago.  I tried to SSH to the machine on several occasions, but I
was unable.  I _should_ have sent you an email, but I have been overly
busy with the AGU meeting planning, sorry.

> In the last weeks I was very busy preparing my PhD dissertation,

I see from your signature line that you got your PhD.  Contratulations!!!

> so
> I could not put attention in the data. I known that the unidata PC was out
> of line and I reboot it. But the data are not coming.

Immediately after seeing your email, I did two things:

- forward the email to our new inquiry tracking system

- verified that I could logon to unidata.at.fcen.uba.ar using SSH

Once I was on your machine, I restarted your LDM using the following

<as 'ldm'>
ldmadmin clean
ldmadmin delqueue
ldmadmin mkqueue -f
ldmadmin start

After doing the above, data once again started being ingested.

> Perhaps in Baltimore we can talk about this problems, if you are patient
> because my english is not so good.

Yes, I was planning on talking to you about the setup on your machine
while in Baltimore.  I am sure that there is no need to be patient
since I am sure that your English is better than my Spanish :-)

> Dra. Claudia M. Campetella
> Dpto. Cs. de la Atm&#65533;sfera y los Oc&#65533;anos / CIMA
> Facultad de Cs. Exactas y Naturales
> Universidad de Buenos Aires
> Ciudad Universitaria - Pab. II - Piso 2
> 1428 Buenos Aires - Argentina
> ------------
> Tel:54 011 4787-2693 &#65533; 54 011 4576-3356 int 14
> FAX: 54 011 4788-3572


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RDH-341232
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed

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