[gembud] GARP Update and Unidata's Support Role

Hi all,

I've attached a file ( updimage.c ) which fixes the GARP auto-update bug.

* save file to $NAWIPS/comet/garp/object/ (overwrite existing updimage.c)
* cd $NAWIPS/comet/garp/
* make clean ; make all ; make install

I want to take this opportunity to address GARP support here at Unidata.

COMET has not developed or supported GARP for approximately 20 years. Steve Chiswell did some work on GARP in the past for Unidata, and I have always felt that if bug fixes can be accomplished without dedicating a significant amount of my time, I would apply these fixes and other minor updates to GARP. This means I make no promises of GARP support for the future, as GARP code is extremely old and brittle. Because of this I always encourage long-time GARP users to make the switch to NMAP2. As we've heard in this discussion, some users prefer GARP because of familiarity and ease of use, and because it offers a GUI vertical cross-section display which NMAP2 lacks.

With the upcoming migration to AWIPS2, CAVE will handle all GUI applications while GEMPAK programs will be available for batch scripting. GARP will *not* be included with AWIPS2, nor will CAVE be designed as a replacement for GARP, and users are encouraged to prepare for GARP to become fully unsupported.

The reality is we're approaching a time where using GARP use will be "at your own risk" as the package will become fully unsupported by Unidata. That said, it's my responsibility to represent the interests of GEMPAK users in the design of the AWIPS2 / CAVE national centers perspective (as a replacement for NMAP2) and the ability to display vertical cross-sections with CAVE is of great importance.

With that, please feel free to continue the GARP discussion and send me feedback (off-list, please) regarding GARP-like functionality w.r.t. CAVE development.


Michael James

 *      Copyright 1996, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
 *      updimage.c
 *      Updating utilities for image data.
 *      History:
 *       9/97   COMET   Original copy
 *      12/97   COMET   Added a safety check for fewer new items.
 *      01/98   COMET   Set timestamp and filename to MISSING for new
 *                      secondary metObjects
 *      02/11   Unidata &files/lfiles memory deallocation workaround

#include "winobj.h"
#include "mainwin.h"
#include "gendef.h"
#include "genglobs.h"
#include "_proto.h"
#include "guimacros.h"

int * MatchIndicesToList ( char **, int, int, int * );

 *      This routine looks to see if new images have arrived after the
 *      image specified in the metobject, and returns the list of new
 *      images and timestamps.

GetNewImages (  MetObjectType *m, int maxFrames, int *count,
                char ***newFiles, char ***newTimestamps )
        int             nfiles, index;
        int             start, cnt, i;
        int             metObjectType;
        char            *directory;
        char            *fullpath, *timestamp;
        char            **files;
        char            **lfiles;
        AbsTime         fileTime;
        int             dummyOffset;

        if ( GetVerboseLevel () > VERBOSE_0 ) 

        metObjectType = GetMetObjectType (m);

 *      Get the filelist
        directory = strsavebefore ( m->filename, '/' );
        nfiles = GetImageFileList ( metObjectType, directory, &lfiles, &start, 
&cnt );
        files = lfiles;
 *      See if any files (up to maxFrames) are newer. To expedite this, start
 *      at the end of the filelist and scan backwards. Break from the loop as
 *      soon as we find a file older or the same time as the reference
 *      metObject.
        index = start + cnt - 1;
        for ( i = 0; i < maxFrames; i++ ) {

            if ( index >= 0 ) {
                fullpath = builddirpath (directory, files[index]);
                timestamp = FileToDattim ( metObjectType, fullpath);
                fileTime = String2LongTime ( timestamp, &dummyOffset );

                if ( fileTime <= m->refTime ) {
                        Free ( fullpath);
                        Free ( timestamp);
                } else {
                        if ( GetVerboseLevel () > VERBOSE_0 ) 
                                printf("GetNewImages(): updating loop\n");

 *      Increment the index so that it's pointing to the first new file.
        cnt = cnt - index;
        start = index;
        *newFiles = StringListAllocate ( cnt );
        *newTimestamps = StringListAllocate ( cnt );

        *count = 0;
        for ( i = start; i < start + cnt; i++ ) {

            fullpath = builddirpath ( directory, files[i] );
            timestamp = FileToDattim ( metObjectType, fullpath);

            (*newFiles)[*count] = (char *) malloc(strlen(fullpath) + 1);
            strcpy((*newFiles)[*count], fullpath );

            (*newTimestamps)[*count] = (char *) malloc(strlen(timestamp) + 1);
            strcpy((*newTimestamps)[*count], timestamp );

            Free ( fullpath );
            Free ( timestamp );

 *      free stuff
        StringListFree( nfiles, files );
        Free (directory);


 *      Updates Image objects (sat/radar) with new date/time info so
 *      that they can be redrawn to display the new data. Also frees any
 *      image data associated with the metobject to ensure the new image
 *      file is read.

AddNewImages (  WindowObjectType *wo, int mindex,
                int count, char **files,
                char **timestamps)

        AnyImageObjectType      *iot;
        MetObjectType           *mo;
        PixmapObjectType        *po;
        int                     i, findex;

        if ( GetVerboseLevel () > VERBOSE_0 ) 

        if ( count < 1 ) return;

 *      Re-use as many pixmaps need to be updated.
        RecyclePixmapObjects ( wo, count );

 *      Loop through the pixmaps to update.
        findex = 0;
        for ( i = wo->numPixmapObjects - count; i < wo->numPixmapObjects; i++ ){

            if ( GetVerboseLevel () > VERBOSE_0 ) {
                printf("AddNewImages: new reference time: %s\n",

            po = wo->pixmapObjects[i];

            mo = po->metObjects[mindex];

            iot = (AnyImageObjectType *) mo->metObjectContent;

 *          Set the new filename, time info
            strcpy (mo->filename, files[findex]);
            strcpy (mo->timestamp, timestamps[findex]);
            strcpy (mo->titleString, "");
            mo->refTime   = String2LongTime( mo->timestamp, &(mo->fcstTime) );
            mo->validTime = mo->refTime + mo->fcstTime; 
 *          Free any image data

            if ( iot->imgCmn.imageData ) {
                Free ( iot->imgCmn.imageData );
                iot->imgCmn.imageData = NULL;
 *          Update the time matching object
            UpdateDataTimeObject ( wo, mo->refTime, mo->fcstTime,
                                   mo->validTime );

 *          Clear the old pixmap. Set all the metobjects to be redrawn.
            ClearPot ( wo, po );
            SetPixmapObjectDrawnFlag ( po, False);



 *      This function adds new images if a new frame was added (count > 0,
 *      and time matching on), and loops through the other image objects,
 *      seeing if they need to be redrawn.

UpdateImageObjects (    WindowObjectType *wo,
                        int mindex,
                        int count, 
                        BooleanType *newData )
        int                     nfiles, start;
        int                     i, cnt;
        int                     newFrameIndex;
        char                    *directory;
        char                    *timestamp;
        char                    **files;
        char                    *fullpath;
        ListParentObjectType    list;
        ListIndexObjectType     match_list;
        AnyImageObjectType      *iot;
        DataTimeObjectType      *dto;
        PixmapObjectType        *po;
        MetObjectType           *mo;

        if ( GetVerboseLevel () > VERBOSE_0 ) 

        *newData = False;

 *      If the metobject index is 0 (ie, this is the reference metObject),
 *      then just exit, since everything should be up to date.
        if ( mindex == 0 ) return;

 *      Set the index demarking new frames from old ones.
        newFrameIndex = wo->numPixmapObjects - count;

 *      For new frames, turn the image metobjects' inUse flag off. We'll
 *      turn them back on later if we find a timematch for each frame.
 *      Set some things to missing.
        for ( i = newFrameIndex; i < wo->numPixmapObjects; i++) {

            po = wo->pixmapObjects[i];

            mo = po->metObjects[mindex];

            mo->inUse = False;
            strcpy ( mo->timestamp, "MISSING" );
            strcpy ( mo->filename, "MISSING" );    

 *      If we're not time matching, our work is done.
        dto = GetDataTimeObject();
        if ( dto->numTimes == 0 || dto->matchType == NOTIMEMATCH )

 *      Get a handle on the object
        po = wo->pixmapObjects[0];
        mo = po->metObjects[mindex];

 *      Get the filelist
        directory = strsavebefore ( mo->filename, '/' );
        nfiles = GetImageFileList ( mo->type, directory, &files, &start, &cnt );

 *      Allocate storage for the file path and label arrays
        list.string = StringListAllocate ( cnt );
        list.label  = StringListAllocate ( cnt );

 *      Add the path and label (filename) into the list struct
        for ( i = start; i < start + cnt; i++ ) {

            fullpath = builddirpath ( directory, files[i] );
            list.string[i] = (char *) malloc(strlen(fullpath) + 1);
            strcpy(list.string[i], fullpath );

            timestamp = FileToDattim ( mo->type, fullpath);

            list.label[i] = (char *) malloc(strlen(timestamp) + 1);
            strcpy(list.label[i], timestamp );

            Free ( fullpath );
            Free ( timestamp );
        list.listcount = cnt;

 *      Time match
        match_list.intList = MatchIndicesToList (
                                &(match_list.listcount) );

 *      Loop through all the frames and update as needed.
        for ( i = 0; i < wo->numPixmapObjects; i++) {

            po = wo->pixmapObjects[i];

            mo = po->metObjects[mindex];
            iot = (AnyImageObjectType *)mo->metObjectContent;

 *          If the list index is valid, update the metObject with new
 *          info. There are 2 scenarios: 1) new frame, or 2) an old
 *          frame that had a MISSING time but now matches.
            if ( match_list.intList[i] != -1 ) {

                if ( (i >= newFrameIndex) ||
                     (i < newFrameIndex &&
                      strncmp (mo->timestamp, "MISSING", 7) == 0 )) {

                    strcpy (mo->filename, list.string[match_list.intList[i]]);
                    strcpy (mo->timestamp, list.label[match_list.intList[i]]);
                    mo->refTime   = String2LongTime( mo->timestamp, 
&(mo->fcstTime) );
                    mo->validTime = mo->refTime + mo->fcstTime;    
                    strcpy ( mo->titleString, "");

 *                  Free any image data

                    if ( iot->imgCmn.imageData ) {
                        Free ( iot->imgCmn.imageData );
                        iot->imgCmn.imageData = NULL;

                    mo->inUse = True;
                    if ( i < newFrameIndex ) {

                        ClearPot ( wo, po );
                        SetPixmapObjectDrawnFlag ( po, False);
                        *newData = True;


                    if ( GetVerboseLevel () > VERBOSE_0 ) {
                        if ( i < newFrameIndex )
                            printf("UpdateImageObjects: adding previously 
missing time: %s\n",mo->timestamp);
                            printf("UpdateImageObjects: adding matching time: 

 *      free stuff
        Free ( directory);
        Free ( match_list.intList );
        StringListFree( nfiles, files );
        StringListFree( list.listcount, list.string );
        StringListFree( list.listcount, list.label );


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