[gembud] decoding dropsondes using dcuair

Hi, I've searched the archives of gembud and other Unidata lists and have
a perplexing problem.  We are trying to incorporate some dropsondes into
upper air analyses here, and are having problems extracting/decoding
dropsondes using gempak's dcuair routine.

I've tried using various iterations, including a helpful message
(potentially) I found online at
that suggested manual insertion of ^A^M^M at the start of the message and
^M^M^C at the end, but I can't get the message to decode.

The command I'm executing is:

dcuair -v5 -c 20020929/0940 -b 10 -a 50 -m 50 -w 10 -d testdrop drop.snd <

In this case, I have created an empty unmerged sounding file to accept
output from dcuair, since just trying to allow dcuair to create one did
not work for me.  In the above example, here is the log:

[6178] 080312/1250[DC 3]  Starting up. Version 5.9.3
[6178] 080312/1250[DC 2]  read 1189/204799 bytes strt 0 newstrt 1189
[6178] 080312/1250[DC 2]  read 0/203610 bytes strt 1189 newstrt 1189
[6178] 080312/1250[DC -9]  End of input data file.
[6178] 080312/1250[DC 5]  Normal termination.
[6178] 080312/1250[DC 2]  Number of bulletins read and processed: 0
[6178] 080312/1250[DC 6]  Shutting down.

The file I've made (drop2.txt) is:

UZNT13 KNHC 290940
XXAA  79095 99262 70829 08162 99014 26238 ///// 00123 25229 05008
92805 21034 06506 85533 16856 10014 70165 08446 08511 50589 03770
18505 88999 77999
31313 09608 80929
61616 AF967 1413A LILI OB 04
62626 SPL 2615N08292W LST WND 031 MBL WND 05010 AEV 20200 DLM WND
08509 011515 WL150 05009 105 XXBB 79098 99262 70829 08162 00014 26238 11962 22609 22948 22443
33877 18021 44850 16856 55832 15633 66803 14056 77798 13833 88790
13457 99782 12834 11762 11420 22710 09056 33686 08238 44673 07457
55643 04823 66605 02623 77537 00159 88513 00465 99497 04772
21212 00014 ///// 11011 05009 22970 06010 33958 04511 44931 05005
55886 10011 66850 10014 77670 07013 88518 11012 99497 21006
31313 09608 80929
61616 AF967 1413A LILI OB 04
62626 SPL 2615N08292W LST WND 031 MBL WND 05010 AEV 20200 DLM WND
08509 011515 WL150 05009 105 ^M^M

Can anyone help sort out the problem for us here, please?  Thanks.  I'll
post this to support, too.  Paul

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