Creating a sfc data file


I am trying to create/populate a surface data file. I have used sfcfil to create the empty .gem file, and I have an ascii text file with the station data. However, when I run sfedit I get the following errors:

[SFEDIT -8]  Parameter HOUR is not in the data set.
[SFEDIT -8]  Parameter DRCT is not in the data set.
[SFEDIT -8]  Parameter SKNT is not in the data set.
[SFEDIT -9]  SFEDIT cannot continue with invalid parameters.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I've attached the station table I used, the data file, and the error messages.

CCD       99999 UNKNOWN                          NH US  4321  -7152    10 
FME       99999 UNKNOWN                          MD US  3911  -7672    10
GYX       99999 UNKNOWN                          ME US  4390  -7030    10
ORE       99999 UNKNOWN                          MA US  4257  -7229    10
PSE       99999 UNKNOWN                          NH US  4309  -7083    10
PSP       99999 UNKNOWN                          NY US  4109  -7721    10
PYM       99999 UNKNOWN                          MA US  4191  -7073    10
RUT       99999 UNKNOWN                          NJ US  4050  -7445    10
SCH       99999 UNKNOWN                          NY US  4285  -7393    10

STID     DATTIM         HOUR    DRCT    SKNT
CCD      021225/1800      18     172      23
FME      021225/1800      18   -9999   -9999 
GYX      021225/1800      18     198      19
ORE      021225/1800      18     152      30 
PSE      021225/1800      18     202      20
PSP      021225/1800      18     126       2
PYM      021225/1800      18     173      33 
RUT      021225/1800      18     173      37
SCH      021225/1800      18     137      23 
 SFEFIL    Surface edit file                 
 SFFILE    Surface data file                 
 [SFEDIT -8]  Parameter HOUR is not in the data set.
 [SFEDIT -8]  Parameter DRCT is not in the data set.
 [SFEDIT -8]  Parameter SKNT is not in the data set.
 [SFEDIT -9]  SFEDIT cannot continue with invalid parameters.
 Parameters requested: SFEFIL,SFFILE.
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