Re: [galeon] [WCS-2.0.swg] CF-netCDF standards initiatives

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> Does that make a difference?


In aiding understanding, it helps. If you tell me that "there is an
effort to establish X as an OGC [binary] encoding standard, similar to
Y" it can help me understand what that means about X if I come to learn
how Y is treated. For instance, your mention of KML immediately triggers
the question, "does this mean that if you are successful in your
initiative the future evolution of the CF-netCDF standard will be
subject to the approval of the OGC membership?"





From: bendomenico@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:bendomenico@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Ben Domenico
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:19 PM
To: Max Martinez
Cc: Peter Baumann; Unidata Techies; Unidata GALEON; wcs-2.0.swg
Subject: Re: [WCS-2.0.swg] CF-netCDF standards initiatives


Good question, Max.


To be  honest, I'm not sure whether this would be the first of its kind.
When the approach was suggested by OGC staff, the precedent most often
mentioned was something to the effect that CF-netCDF would be for binary
encoding the equivalent of what KML is for XML encoding -- an existing
de facto standard with a large well-established community of practice
where both communities would be better off with formal de jure
recognition.  (In the case of netCDF, it actually is a de jure standard
in the NASA and NOAA standards realms.)


I've alway thought of JPEG2000 as a binary encoding format, so, at one
time, I thought that was a precedent and looked upon JP2K and JPIP as
being similar to netCDF and OPeNDAP in our user community.   But you are
the expert on JP2K and, from what I can tell, OGC has really only
standardized the use of GML in JP2K and JPIP.


So, it may well be this would be the first OGC standard for binary
encoding.  Perhaps others are aware of precedents.  


Does that make a difference?


-- Ben


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Max Martinez <Max.Martinez@xxxxxxxxx>


What exactly is an "OGC binary encoding standard"? Is CF-netCDF
attempting to be the first of its kind or are there other examples?





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