Re: [decoders] Bufr Decode Exception

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hello Robb,

Thank you for your reply.

Our decoder is able to decode the data that I sent on Mar 13. Moreover
the data is normally exchanged between meteorological agencies.
So I think it seems to be better that the source code is changed as follows:

      if( dds.getDataType() == 192 || dds.getDataType() == 64 ) {
         ids.setCompressed( true );
         oBitBuf[ 0 ] = dds.getNumberDataSets();
//      } else if( dds.getDataType() == 128 || dds.getDataType() == 0 ) {
      } else {
         ids.setCompressed( false );

> I even remove 3-8 bit values that resulted in DataType =0 but then
> the descriptors were outside the range ie 0-48-50, in table 12 the
> highest 0 descriptor is 0-35-

And, the output of our decoder says that the data does not have
descriptors of the range of 0-48-50.
So I would appreciate it if you would investigate this error. The
output of our decoder is attached to this messages.

Tatsuya Noyori (^o^)/
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (1/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         24 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         24 :(0,7)WMO block number
        959 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        959 :(7,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(17,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(19,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(31,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(35,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(41,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(46,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      62.00 Degree       :0 05 002      15200 :(52,15)Latitude (coarse accuracy)
     129.70 Degree       :0 06 002      30970 :(67,16)Longitude (coarse 
        101 m            :0 07 001        501 :(83,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,610 Pa           :0 10 004       9961 :(98,14)Pressure
    100,970 Pa           :0 10 051      10097 :(112,14)Pressure reduced to mean 
sea level
         00 Pa           :0 10 061        500 :(126,10)3-hour pressure change
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          4 :(136,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (4) Steady; atmospheric pressure the same as 3 hours ago
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(140,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(154,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(171,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(175,15)Height above station
         10 Degree true  :0 11 001         10 :(190,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(199,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(211,15)Height above station
      253.8 K            :0 12 001       2538 :(226,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      252.6 K            :0 12 003       2526 :(238,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(250,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(257,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(270,9)Present weather (see note 
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(279,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(284,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(289,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(296,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(302,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(306,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(317,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(323,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         11 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         11 :(329,6)Cloud type
# code (11) Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the 
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(335,12)Time period or 
       -0.1 kg m-2       :0 13 011          0 :(347,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(361,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(373,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.34 m            :0 13 013         36 :(385,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(401,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(413,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      250.2 K            :0 12 012       2502 :(425,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(437,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(449,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(464,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (2/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         25 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         25 :(472,7)WMO block number
        400 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        400 :(479,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(489,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(491,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(503,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(507,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(513,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(518,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      65.70 Degree       :0 05 002      15570 :(524,15)Latitude (coarse 
     150.90 Degree       :0 06 002      33090 :(539,16)Longitude (coarse 
         43 m            :0 07 001        443 :(555,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,240 Pa           :0 10 004      10124 :(570,14)Pressure
    101,850 Pa           :0 10 051      10185 :(584,14)Pressure reduced to mean 
sea level
         30 Pa           :0 10 061        503 :(598,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(608,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(612,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(626,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(643,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(647,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(662,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(671,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(683,15)Height above station
      242.3 K            :0 12 001       2423 :(698,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      240.0 K            :0 12 003       2400 :(710,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(722,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(729,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(742,9)Present weather (see note 
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(751,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(756,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(761,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(768,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(774,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(778,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(789,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(795,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(801,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(807,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(819,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(833,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(845,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.47 m            :0 13 013         49 :(857,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(873,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(885,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      232.7 K            :0 12 012       2327 :(897,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(909,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(921,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(936,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (3/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         25 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         25 :(944,7)WMO block number
        563 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        563 :(951,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(961,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(963,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(975,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(979,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(985,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(990,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      64.80 Degree       :0 05 002      15480 :(996,15)Latitude (coarse 
     177.60 Degree       :0 06 002      35760 :(1011,16)Longitude (coarse 
         61 m            :0 07 001        461 :(1027,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,400 Pa           :0 10 004      10140 :(1042,14)Pressure
    102,270 Pa           :0 10 051      10227 :(1056,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         40 Pa           :0 10 061        504 :(1070,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(1080,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(1084,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(1098,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(1115,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(1119,15)Height above station
        300 Degree true  :0 11 001        300 :(1134,9)Wind direction
        8.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         80 :(1143,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(1155,15)Height above station
      244.4 K            :0 12 001       2444 :(1170,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      242.0 K            :0 12 003       2420 :(1182,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(1194,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(1201,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(1214,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(1223,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(1228,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(1233,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(1240,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(1246,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(1250,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(1261,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(1267,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(1273,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(1279,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(1291,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(1305,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(1317,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(1329,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(1345,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(1357,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(1369,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(1381,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(1393,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(1408,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (4/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         25 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         25 :(1416,7)WMO block number
        956 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        956 :(1423,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(1433,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(1435,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(1447,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(1451,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(1457,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(1462,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      60.40 Degree       :0 05 002      15040 :(1468,15)Latitude (coarse 
     169.70 Degree       :0 06 002      34970 :(1483,16)Longitude (coarse 
          5 m            :0 07 001        405 :(1499,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,540 Pa           :0 10 004      10154 :(1514,14)Pressure
    101,600 Pa           :0 10 051      10160 :(1528,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         90 Pa           :0 10 061        509 :(1542,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(1552,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(1556,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(1570,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(1587,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(1591,15)Height above station
         70 Degree true  :0 11 001         70 :(1606,9)Wind direction
       10.0 m s-1        :0 11 002        100 :(1615,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(1627,15)Height above station
      267.9 K            :0 12 001       2679 :(1642,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      263.6 K            :0 12 003       2636 :(1654,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(1666,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(1673,13)Horizontal visibility
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          2 :(1686,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (2) State of sky on the whole unchanged.
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          3 :(1695,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (3) Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(1700,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(1705,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(1712,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          3 :(1718,4)Cloud amount
# code (3) 3 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(1722,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(1733,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         24 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         24 :(1739,6)Cloud type
# code (24) Patches (often Lenticular) of Altocumulus translucidus, continually 
changing and occurring at one or more levels
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(1745,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(1751,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(1763,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(1777,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(1789,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.40 m            :0 13 013         42 :(1801,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(1817,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(1829,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      265.5 K            :0 12 012       2655 :(1841,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(1853,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(1865,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(1880,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (5/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(1888,7)WMO block number
        664 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        664 :(1895,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(1905,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(1907,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(1919,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(1923,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(1929,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(1934,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      53.50 Degree       :0 05 002      14350 :(1940,15)Latitude (coarse 
     115.60 Degree       :0 06 002      29560 :(1955,16)Longitude (coarse 
        811 m            :0 07 001       1211 :(1971,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     91,160 Pa           :0 10 004       9116 :(1986,14)Pressure
    101,190 Pa           :0 10 051      10119 :(2000,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(2014,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(2024,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(2028,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(2042,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(2059,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(2063,15)Height above station
        260 Degree true  :0 11 001        260 :(2078,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(2087,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(2099,15)Height above station
      263.0 K            :0 12 001       2630 :(2114,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      259.4 K            :0 12 003       2594 :(2126,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(2138,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(2145,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(2158,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(2167,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(2172,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(2177,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(2184,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(2190,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
      1,000 m            :0 20 013        140 :(2194,11)Height of base of cloud
         32 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         32 :(2205,6)Cloud type
# code (32) Cumulus mediocris or congestus, Towering cumulus (TCU), with or 
without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis or Stratocumulus, all having 
their bases at the same level
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(2211,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(2217,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(2223,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(2235,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(2249,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(2261,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(2273,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(2289,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(2301,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      262.4 K            :0 12 012       2624 :(2313,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(2325,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(2337,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(2352,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (6/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(2360,7)WMO block number
        673 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        673 :(2367,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(2377,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(2379,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(2391,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(2395,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(2401,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(2406,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      53.80 Degree       :0 05 002      14380 :(2412,15)Latitude (coarse 
     119.70 Degree       :0 06 002      29970 :(2427,16)Longitude (coarse 
        625 m            :0 07 001       1025 :(2443,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     92,810 Pa           :0 10 004       9281 :(2458,14)Pressure
    100,440 Pa           :0 10 051      10044 :(2472,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         00 Pa           :0 10 061        500 :(2486,10)3-hour pressure change
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          4 :(2496,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (4) Steady; atmospheric pressure the same as 3 hours ago
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(2500,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(2514,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(2531,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(2535,15)Height above station
        360 Degree true  :0 11 001        360 :(2550,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(2559,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(2571,15)Height above station
      268.1 K            :0 12 001       2681 :(2586,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      267.8 K            :0 12 003       2678 :(2598,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(2610,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(2617,13)Horizontal visibility
         73 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         73 :(2630,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (73) Continuous fall of snowflakes
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          7 :(2639,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (7) Snow, or rain and snow mixed
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(2644,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(2649,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(2656,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(2662,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(2666,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(2677,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         22 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         22 :(2683,6)Cloud type
# code (22) Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(2689,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(2695,12)Time period or 
        2.0 kg m-2       :0 13 011         21 :(2707,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(2721,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(2733,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.03 m            :0 13 013          5 :(2745,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(2761,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(2773,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      267.8 K            :0 12 012       2678 :(2785,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(2797,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(2809,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(2824,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (7/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(2832,7)WMO block number
        692 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        692 :(2839,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(2849,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(2851,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(2863,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(2867,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(2873,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(2878,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      54.00 Degree       :0 05 002      14400 :(2884,15)Latitude (coarse 
     124.00 Degree       :0 06 002      30400 :(2899,16)Longitude (coarse 
        398 m            :0 07 001        798 :(2915,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     95,390 Pa           :0 10 004       9539 :(2930,14)Pressure
    100,270 Pa           :0 10 051      10027 :(2944,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        -90 Pa           :0 10 061        491 :(2958,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(2968,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(2972,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(2986,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(3003,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(3007,15)Height above station
         50 Degree true  :0 11 001         50 :(3022,9)Wind direction
        6.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         60 :(3031,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(3043,15)Height above station
      271.4 K            :0 12 001       2714 :(3058,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      265.3 K            :0 12 003       2653 :(3070,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(3082,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(3089,13)Horizontal visibility
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          2 :(3102,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (2) State of sky on the whole unchanged.
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          7 :(3111,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (7) Snow, or rain and snow mixed
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(3116,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(3121,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(3128,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(3134,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(3138,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(3149,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         22 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         22 :(3155,6)Cloud type
# code (22) Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(3161,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(3167,12)Time period or 
        0.3 kg m-2       :0 13 011          4 :(3179,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(3193,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(3205,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.03 m            :0 13 013          5 :(3217,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(3233,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(3245,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      271.2 K            :0 12 012       2712 :(3257,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(3269,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(3281,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(3296,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (8/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(3304,7)WMO block number
        758 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        758 :(3311,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(3321,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(3323,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(3335,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(3339,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(3345,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(3350,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      52.10 Degree       :0 05 002      14210 :(3356,15)Latitude (coarse 
     113.50 Degree       :0 06 002      29350 :(3371,16)Longitude (coarse 
        671 m            :0 07 001       1071 :(3387,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     93,470 Pa           :0 10 004       9347 :(3402,14)Pressure
    101,830 Pa           :0 10 051      10183 :(3416,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        260 Pa           :0 10 061        526 :(3430,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(3440,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(3444,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(3458,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(3475,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(3479,15)Height above station
        300 Degree true  :0 11 001        300 :(3494,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(3503,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(3515,15)Height above station
      265.4 K            :0 12 001       2654 :(3530,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      258.1 K            :0 12 003       2581 :(3542,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(3554,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(3561,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(3574,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(3583,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(3588,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(3593,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(3600,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(3606,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(3610,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(3621,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         21 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         21 :(3627,6)Cloud type
# code (21) Altostratus translucidus
         11 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         11 :(3633,6)Cloud type
# code (11) Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the 
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(3639,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(3651,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(3665,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(3677,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(3689,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(3705,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(3717,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      265.4 K            :0 12 012       2654 :(3729,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(3741,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(3753,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(3768,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (9/100) ]----------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(3776,7)WMO block number
        879 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        879 :(3783,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(3793,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(3795,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(3807,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(3811,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(3817,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(3822,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      51.30 Degree       :0 05 002      14130 :(3828,15)Latitude (coarse 
     119.60 Degree       :0 06 002      29960 :(3843,16)Longitude (coarse 
        619 m            :0 07 001       1019 :(3859,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     92,820 Pa           :0 10 004       9282 :(3874,14)Pressure
    100,260 Pa           :0 10 051      10026 :(3888,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        160 Pa           :0 10 061        516 :(3902,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(3912,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(3916,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(3930,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(3947,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(3951,15)Height above station
        320 Degree true  :0 11 001        320 :(3966,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(3975,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(3987,15)Height above station
      271.8 K            :0 12 001       2718 :(4002,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      270.4 K            :0 12 003       2704 :(4014,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(4026,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(4033,13)Horizontal visibility
         85 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         85 :(4046,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (85) Snow shower(s), slight
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          8 :(4055,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (8) Shower(s)
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          1 :(4060,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(4065,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(4072,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(4078,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(4082,11)Height of base of cloud
         39 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         39 :(4093,6)Cloud type
# code (39) Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without 
Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
         61 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         61 :(4099,6)Cloud type
# code (61) CM clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of continuous layer of lower clouds
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(4105,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(4111,12)Time period or 
        0.2 kg m-2       :0 13 011          3 :(4123,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(4137,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(4149,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(4161,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(4177,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(4189,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      271.7 K            :0 12 012       2717 :(4201,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(4213,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(4225,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(4240,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (10/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(4248,7)WMO block number
        925 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        925 :(4255,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(4265,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(4267,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(4279,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(4283,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(4289,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(4294,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      50.40 Degree       :0 05 002      14040 :(4300,15)Latitude (coarse 
     106.50 Degree       :0 06 002      28650 :(4315,16)Longitude (coarse 
        797 m            :0 07 001       1197 :(4331,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     93,090 Pa           :0 10 004       9309 :(4346,14)Pressure
    103,130 Pa           :0 10 051      10313 :(4360,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        200 Pa           :0 10 061        520 :(4374,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(4384,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(4388,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(4402,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(4419,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(4423,15)Height above station
        340 Degree true  :0 11 001        340 :(4438,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(4447,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(4459,15)Height above station
      263.4 K            :0 12 001       2634 :(4474,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      256.9 K            :0 12 003       2569 :(4486,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(4498,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(4505,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(4518,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(4527,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(4532,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(4537,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(4544,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(4550,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(4554,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(4565,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         24 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         24 :(4571,6)Cloud type
# code (24) Patches (often Lenticular) of Altocumulus translucidus, continually 
changing and occurring at one or more levels
         19 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         19 :(4577,6)Cloud type
# code (19) Cirrocumulus alone, or Cirrocumulus predominant among the CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(4583,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(4595,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(4609,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(4621,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(4633,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(4649,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(4661,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      262.7 K            :0 12 012       2627 :(4673,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(4685,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(4697,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(4712,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (11/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(4720,7)WMO block number
        935 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        935 :(4727,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(4737,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(4739,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(4751,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(4755,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(4761,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(4766,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      50.40 Degree       :0 05 002      14040 :(4772,15)Latitude (coarse 
     108.80 Degree       :0 06 002      28880 :(4787,16)Longitude (coarse 
        771 m            :0 07 001       1171 :(4803,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     93,130 Pa           :0 10 004       9313 :(4818,14)Pressure
    102,710 Pa           :0 10 051      10271 :(4832,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        250 Pa           :0 10 061        525 :(4846,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(4856,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(4860,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(4874,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(4891,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(4895,15)Height above station
        240 Degree true  :0 11 001        240 :(4910,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(4919,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(4931,15)Height above station
      266.1 K            :0 12 001       2661 :(4946,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      256.8 K            :0 12 003       2568 :(4958,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(4970,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(4977,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(4990,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(4999,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(5004,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(5009,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(5016,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(5022,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(5026,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(5037,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(5043,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(5049,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(5055,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(5067,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(5081,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(5093,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(5105,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(5121,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(5133,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      266.0 K            :0 12 012       2660 :(5145,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(5157,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(5169,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(5184,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (12/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         30 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         30 :(5192,7)WMO block number
        949 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        949 :(5199,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(5209,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(5211,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(5223,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(5227,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(5233,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(5238,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      49.60 Degree       :0 05 002      13960 :(5244,15)Latitude (coarse 
     112.00 Degree       :0 06 002      29200 :(5259,16)Longitude (coarse 
        908 m            :0 07 001       1308 :(5275,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     90,960 Pa           :0 10 004       9096 :(5290,14)Pressure
    102,060 Pa           :0 10 051      10206 :(5304,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        210 Pa           :0 10 061        521 :(5318,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(5328,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(5332,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(5346,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(5363,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(5367,15)Height above station
        290 Degree true  :0 11 001        290 :(5382,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(5391,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(5403,15)Height above station
      266.7 K            :0 12 001       2667 :(5418,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      259.6 K            :0 12 003       2596 :(5430,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(5442,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(5449,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(5462,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(5471,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(5476,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(5481,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(5488,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(5494,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(5498,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(5509,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(5515,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(5521,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(5527,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(5539,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(5553,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(5565,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(5577,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(5593,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(5605,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      266.3 K            :0 12 012       2663 :(5617,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(5629,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(5641,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(5656,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (13/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(5664,7)WMO block number
         88 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         88 :(5671,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(5681,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(5683,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(5695,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(5699,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(5705,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(5710,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      59.40 Degree       :0 05 002      14940 :(5716,15)Latitude (coarse 
     143.20 Degree       :0 06 002      32320 :(5731,16)Longitude (coarse 
          6 m            :0 07 001        406 :(5747,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,640 Pa           :0 10 004      10164 :(5762,14)Pressure
    101,720 Pa           :0 10 051      10172 :(5776,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         90 Pa           :0 10 061        509 :(5790,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(5800,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(5804,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(5818,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(5835,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(5839,15)Height above station
        330 Degree true  :0 11 001        330 :(5854,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(5863,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(5875,15)Height above station
      255.1 K            :0 12 001       2551 :(5890,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      250.1 K            :0 12 003       2501 :(5902,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(5914,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(5921,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(5934,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(5943,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(5948,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(5953,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(5960,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(5966,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(5970,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(5981,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         24 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         24 :(5987,6)Cloud type
# code (24) Patches (often Lenticular) of Altocumulus translucidus, continually 
changing and occurring at one or more levels
         11 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         11 :(5993,6)Cloud type
# code (11) Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the 
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(5999,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(6011,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(6025,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(6037,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.11 m            :0 13 013         13 :(6049,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(6065,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(6077,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      248.7 K            :0 12 012       2487 :(6089,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(6101,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(6113,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(6128,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (14/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(6136,7)WMO block number
        174 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        174 :(6143,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(6153,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(6155,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(6167,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(6171,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(6177,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(6182,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      54.80 Degree       :0 05 002      14480 :(6188,15)Latitude (coarse 
     137.50 Degree       :0 06 002      31750 :(6203,16)Longitude (coarse 
         21 m            :0 07 001        421 :(6219,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,610 Pa           :0 10 004      10161 :(6234,14)Pressure
    101,730 Pa           :0 10 051      10173 :(6248,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         00 Pa           :0 10 061        500 :(6262,10)3-hour pressure change
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          4 :(6272,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (4) Steady; atmospheric pressure the same as 3 hours ago
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(6276,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(6290,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(6307,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(6311,15)Height above station
        220 Degree true  :0 11 001        220 :(6326,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(6335,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(6347,15)Height above station
      261.2 K            :0 12 001       2612 :(6362,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      259.9 K            :0 12 003       2599 :(6374,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(6386,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(6393,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(6406,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(6415,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(6420,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         50 %            :0 20 010         50 :(6425,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(6432,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(6438,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(6442,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(6453,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(6459,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         11 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         11 :(6465,6)Cloud type
# code (11) Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the 
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(6471,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(6483,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(6497,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(6509,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.40 m            :0 13 013         42 :(6521,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(6537,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(6549,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      250.8 K            :0 12 012       2508 :(6561,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(6573,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(6585,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(6600,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (15/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(6608,7)WMO block number
        369 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        369 :(6615,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(6625,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(6627,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(6639,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(6643,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(6649,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(6654,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      53.20 Degree       :0 05 002      14320 :(6660,15)Latitude (coarse 
     140.70 Degree       :0 06 002      32070 :(6675,16)Longitude (coarse 
         68 m            :0 07 001        468 :(6691,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,070 Pa           :0 10 004      10107 :(6706,14)Pressure
    101,950 Pa           :0 10 051      10195 :(6720,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        -20 Pa           :0 10 061        498 :(6734,10)3-hour pressure change
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          8 :(6744,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (8) Steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing, then 
decreasing more rapidly. Atmospheric pressure now lower than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(6748,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(6762,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(6779,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(6783,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(6798,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(6807,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(6819,15)Height above station
      263.3 K            :0 12 001       2633 :(6834,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      260.7 K            :0 12 003       2607 :(6846,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(6858,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(6865,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(6878,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(6887,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(6892,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(6897,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(6904,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(6910,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(6914,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(6925,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(6931,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(6937,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(6943,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(6955,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(6969,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(6981,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(6993,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(7009,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(7021,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      256.3 K            :0 12 012       2563 :(7033,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(7045,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(7057,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(7072,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (16/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(7080,7)WMO block number
        388 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        388 :(7087,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(7097,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(7099,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(7111,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(7115,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(7121,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(7126,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      52.40 Degree       :0 05 002      14240 :(7132,15)Latitude (coarse 
     129.90 Degree       :0 06 002      30990 :(7147,16)Longitude (coarse 
        208 m            :0 07 001        608 :(7163,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     98,970 Pa           :0 10 004       9897 :(7178,14)Pressure
    101,600 Pa           :0 10 051      10160 :(7192,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        -90 Pa           :0 10 061        491 :(7206,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(7216,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(7220,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(7234,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(7251,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(7255,15)Height above station
        150 Degree true  :0 11 001        150 :(7270,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(7279,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(7291,15)Height above station
      270.5 K            :0 12 001       2705 :(7306,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      263.9 K            :0 12 003       2639 :(7318,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(7330,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(7337,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(7350,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(7359,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(7364,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(7369,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(7376,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          3 :(7382,4)Cloud amount
# code (3) 3 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(7386,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(7397,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(7403,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         11 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         11 :(7409,6)Cloud type
# code (11) Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the 
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(7415,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(7427,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(7441,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(7453,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.02 m            :0 13 013          4 :(7465,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(7481,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(7493,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      259.8 K            :0 12 012       2598 :(7505,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(7517,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(7529,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(7544,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (17/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(7552,7)WMO block number
        478 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        478 :(7559,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(7569,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(7571,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(7583,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(7587,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(7593,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(7598,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      52.30 Degree       :0 05 002      14230 :(7604,15)Latitude (coarse 
     134.00 Degree       :0 06 002      31400 :(7619,16)Longitude (coarse 
        902 m            :0 07 001       1302 :(7635,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     91,100 Pa           :0 10 004       9110 :(7650,14)Pressure
    102,500 Pa           :0 10 051      10250 :(7664,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        -20 Pa           :0 10 061        498 :(7678,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(7688,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(7692,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(7706,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(7723,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(7727,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(7742,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(7751,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(7763,15)Height above station
      258.4 K            :0 12 001       2584 :(7778,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      255.0 K            :0 12 003       2550 :(7790,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(7802,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(7809,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(7822,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(7831,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(7836,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         38 %            :0 20 010         38 :(7841,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(7848,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(7854,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(7858,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(7869,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(7875,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(7881,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(7887,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(7899,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(7913,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(7925,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.40 m            :0 13 013         42 :(7937,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(7953,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(7965,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      248.3 K            :0 12 012       2483 :(7977,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(7989,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(8001,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(8016,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (18/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(8024,7)WMO block number
        510 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        510 :(8031,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(8041,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(8043,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(8055,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(8059,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(8065,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(8070,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      50.30 Degree       :0 05 002      14030 :(8076,15)Latitude (coarse 
     127.60 Degree       :0 06 002      30760 :(8091,16)Longitude (coarse 
        132 m            :0 07 001        532 :(8107,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,730 Pa           :0 10 004       9973 :(8122,14)Pressure
    101,400 Pa           :0 10 051      10140 :(8136,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -180 Pa           :0 10 061        482 :(8150,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(8160,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(8164,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(8178,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(8195,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(8199,15)Height above station
        170 Degree true  :0 11 001        170 :(8214,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(8223,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(8235,15)Height above station
      271.5 K            :0 12 001       2715 :(8250,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      266.6 K            :0 12 003       2666 :(8262,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(8274,7)Relative humidity
   //////// m            :0 20 001     (8191) :(8281,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(8294,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(8303,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(8308,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(8313,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(8320,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(8326,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(8330,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(8341,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(8347,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         17 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         17 :(8353,6)Cloud type
# code (17) Cirrostratus covering the whole sky
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(8359,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(8371,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(8385,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(8397,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(8409,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(8425,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(8437,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      267.2 K            :0 12 012       2672 :(8449,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(8461,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(8473,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(8488,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (19/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(8496,7)WMO block number
        532 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        532 :(8503,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(8513,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(8515,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(8527,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(8531,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(8537,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(8542,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      50.90 Degree       :0 05 002      14090 :(8548,15)Latitude (coarse 
     132.30 Degree       :0 06 002      31230 :(8563,16)Longitude (coarse 
        272 m            :0 07 001        672 :(8579,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     98,810 Pa           :0 10 004       9881 :(8594,14)Pressure
    102,360 Pa           :0 10 051      10236 :(8608,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        -50 Pa           :0 10 061        495 :(8622,10)3-hour pressure change
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          8 :(8632,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (8) Steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing, then 
decreasing more rapidly. Atmospheric pressure now lower than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(8636,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(8650,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(8667,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(8671,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(8686,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(8695,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(8707,15)Height above station
      261.6 K            :0 12 001       2616 :(8722,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      258.1 K            :0 12 003       2581 :(8734,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(8746,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(8753,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(8766,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(8775,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(8780,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(8785,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(8792,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(8798,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(8802,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(8813,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(8819,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         16 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         16 :(8825,6)Cloud type
# code (16) Cirrus (often In bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, 
progressively Invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole; the 
continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky 
being totally covered
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(8831,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(8843,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(8857,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(8869,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.03 m            :0 13 013          5 :(8881,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(8897,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(8909,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      255.1 K            :0 12 012       2551 :(8921,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(8933,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(8945,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(8960,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (20/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(8968,7)WMO block number
        655 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        655 :(8975,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(8985,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(8987,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(8999,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(9003,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(9009,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(9014,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      49.50 Degree       :0 05 002      13950 :(9020,15)Latitude (coarse 
     136.60 Degree       :0 06 002      31660 :(9035,16)Longitude (coarse 
         33 m            :0 07 001        433 :(9051,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,780 Pa           :0 10 004      10178 :(9066,14)Pressure
    102,260 Pa           :0 10 051      10226 :(9080,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         50 Pa           :0 10 061        505 :(9094,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(9104,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(9108,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(9122,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(9139,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(9143,15)Height above station
        200 Degree true  :0 11 001        200 :(9158,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(9167,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(9179,15)Height above station
      272.8 K            :0 12 001       2728 :(9194,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      268.4 K            :0 12 003       2684 :(9206,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(9218,7)Relative humidity
      4,000 m            :0 20 001        400 :(9225,13)Horizontal visibility
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          4 :(9238,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (4) Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, Industrial 
smoke or volcanic ashes
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(9247,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(9252,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(9257,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(9264,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(9270,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(9274,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(9285,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(9291,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(9297,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(9303,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(9315,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(9329,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(9341,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(9353,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(9369,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(9381,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      268.8 K            :0 12 012       2688 :(9393,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(9405,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(9417,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(9432,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (21/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(9440,7)WMO block number
        707 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        707 :(9447,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(9457,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(9459,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(9471,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(9475,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(9481,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(9486,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      47.70 Degree       :0 05 002      13770 :(9492,15)Latitude (coarse 
     131.00 Degree       :0 06 002      31100 :(9507,16)Longitude (coarse 
         73 m            :0 07 001        473 :(9523,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,270 Pa           :0 10 004      10127 :(9538,14)Pressure
    102,210 Pa           :0 10 051      10221 :(9552,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -120 Pa           :0 10 061        488 :(9566,10)3-hour pressure change
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          8 :(9576,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (8) Steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing, then 
decreasing more rapidly. Atmospheric pressure now lower than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(9580,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(9594,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(9611,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(9615,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(9630,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(9639,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(9651,15)Height above station
      268.8 K            :0 12 001       2688 :(9666,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      266.8 K            :0 12 003       2668 :(9678,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(9690,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(9697,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(9710,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(9719,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(9724,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         75 %            :0 20 010         75 :(9729,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(9736,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(9742,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(9746,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(9757,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(9763,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         11 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         11 :(9769,6)Cloud type
# code (11) Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the 
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(9775,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(9787,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(9801,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(9813,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(9825,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(9841,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(9853,12)Maximum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
      263.6 K            :0 12 012       2636 :(9865,12)Minimum temperature, at 
height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(9877,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(9889,15)Global solar radiation, 
integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(9904,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (22/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(9912,7)WMO block number
        735 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        735 :(9919,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(9929,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(9931,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(9943,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(9947,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(9953,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(9958,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      48.50 Degree       :0 05 002      13850 :(9964,15)Latitude (coarse 
     135.20 Degree       :0 06 002      31520 :(9979,16)Longitude (coarse 
         76 m            :0 07 001        476 :(9995,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,530 Pa           :0 10 004      10153 :(10010,14)Pressure
    102,410 Pa           :0 10 051      10241 :(10024,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         40 Pa           :0 10 061        504 :(10038,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(10048,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(10052,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(10066,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(10083,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(10087,15)Height above station
        220 Degree true  :0 11 001        220 :(10102,9)Wind direction
        5.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         50 :(10111,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(10123,15)Height above station
      275.9 K            :0 12 001       2759 :(10138,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      265.4 K            :0 12 003       2654 :(10150,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(10162,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(10169,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(10182,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(10191,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(10196,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(10201,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(10208,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(10214,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(10218,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(10229,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(10235,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(10241,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(10247,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(10259,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(10273,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(10285,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(10297,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(10313,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(10325,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      266.2 K            :0 12 012       2662 :(10337,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(10349,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(10361,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(10376,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (23/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(10384,7)WMO block number
        829 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        829 :(10391,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(10401,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(10403,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(10415,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(10419,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(10425,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(10430,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      47.30 Degree       :0 05 002      13730 :(10436,15)Latitude (coarse 
     139.00 Degree       :0 06 002      31900 :(10451,16)Longitude (coarse 
         26 m            :0 07 001        426 :(10467,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,220 Pa           :0 10 004      10222 :(10482,14)Pressure
    102,540 Pa           :0 10 051      10254 :(10496,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        190 Pa           :0 10 061        519 :(10510,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(10520,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(10524,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(10538,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(10555,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(10559,15)Height above station
        280 Degree true  :0 11 001        280 :(10574,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(10583,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(10595,15)Height above station
      275.6 K            :0 12 001       2756 :(10610,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      267.8 K            :0 12 003       2678 :(10622,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(10634,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(10641,13)Horizontal visibility
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          4 :(10654,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (4) Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, Industrial 
smoke or volcanic ashes
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          1 :(10663,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          1 :(10668,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(10673,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(10680,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(10686,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(10690,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(10701,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(10707,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(10713,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(10719,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(10731,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(10745,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(10757,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(10769,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(10785,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(10797,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      266.7 K            :0 12 012       2667 :(10809,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(10821,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(10833,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(10848,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (24/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(10856,7)WMO block number
        866 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        866 :(10863,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(10873,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(10875,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(10887,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(10891,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(10897,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(10902,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      46.50 Degree       :0 05 002      13650 :(10908,15)Latitude (coarse 
     138.30 Degree       :0 06 002      31830 :(10923,16)Longitude (coarse 
          4 m            :0 07 001        404 :(10939,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,550 Pa           :0 10 004      10255 :(10954,14)Pressure
    102,610 Pa           :0 10 051      10261 :(10968,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        110 Pa           :0 10 061        511 :(10982,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(10992,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(10996,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(11010,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(11027,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(11031,15)Height above station
        230 Degree true  :0 11 001        230 :(11046,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(11055,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(11067,15)Height above station
      270.7 K            :0 12 001       2707 :(11082,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      267.4 K            :0 12 003       2674 :(11094,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(11106,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(11113,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(11126,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(11135,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(11140,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(11145,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(11152,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(11158,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(11162,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(11173,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(11179,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(11185,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(11191,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(11203,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(11217,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(11229,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.05 m            :0 13 013          7 :(11241,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(11257,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(11269,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      265.5 K            :0 12 012       2655 :(11281,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(11293,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(11305,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(11320,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (25/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(11328,7)WMO block number
        873 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        873 :(11335,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(11345,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(11347,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(11359,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(11363,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(11369,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(11374,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      45.90 Degree       :0 05 002      13590 :(11380,15)Latitude (coarse 
     133.70 Degree       :0 06 002      31370 :(11395,16)Longitude (coarse 
        101 m            :0 07 001        501 :(11411,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,360 Pa           :0 10 004      10136 :(11426,14)Pressure
    102,640 Pa           :0 10 051      10264 :(11440,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         20 Pa           :0 10 061        502 :(11454,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(11464,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(11468,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(11482,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(11499,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(11503,15)Height above station
        120 Degree true  :0 11 001        120 :(11518,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(11527,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(11539,15)Height above station
      272.3 K            :0 12 001       2723 :(11554,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      266.6 K            :0 12 003       2666 :(11566,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(11578,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(11585,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(11598,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(11607,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(11612,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(11617,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(11624,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(11630,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(11634,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(11645,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(11651,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(11657,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(11663,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(11675,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(11689,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(11701,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(11713,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(11729,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(11741,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      268.2 K            :0 12 012       2682 :(11753,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(11765,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(11777,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(11792,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (26/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(11800,7)WMO block number
        909 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        909 :(11807,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(11817,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(11819,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(11831,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(11835,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(11841,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(11846,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      45.00 Degree       :0 05 002      13500 :(11852,15)Latitude (coarse 
     136.60 Degree       :0 06 002      31660 :(11867,16)Longitude (coarse 
         68 m            :0 07 001        468 :(11883,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,080 Pa           :0 10 004      10208 :(11898,14)Pressure
    102,870 Pa           :0 10 051      10287 :(11912,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        110 Pa           :0 10 061        511 :(11926,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(11936,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(11940,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(11954,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(11971,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(11975,15)Height above station
        340 Degree true  :0 11 001        340 :(11990,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(11999,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(12011,15)Height above station
      272.7 K            :0 12 001       2727 :(12026,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      269.3 K            :0 12 003       2693 :(12038,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(12050,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(12057,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(12070,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(12079,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(12084,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(12089,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(12096,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(12102,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(12106,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(12117,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(12123,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(12129,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(12135,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(12147,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(12161,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(12173,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(12185,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(12201,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(12213,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      267.1 K            :0 12 012       2671 :(12225,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(12237,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(12249,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(12264,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (27/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(12272,7)WMO block number
        959 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        959 :(12279,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(12289,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(12291,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(12303,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(12307,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(12313,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(12318,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      44.40 Degree       :0 05 002      13440 :(12324,15)Latitude (coarse 
     135.90 Degree       :0 06 002      31590 :(12339,16)Longitude (coarse 
         34 m            :0 07 001        434 :(12355,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,410 Pa           :0 10 004      10241 :(12370,14)Pressure
    102,840 Pa           :0 10 051      10284 :(12384,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        130 Pa           :0 10 061        513 :(12398,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(12408,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(12412,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(12426,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(12443,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(12447,15)Height above station
        240 Degree true  :0 11 001        240 :(12462,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(12471,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(12483,15)Height above station
      272.4 K            :0 12 001       2724 :(12498,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      267.5 K            :0 12 003       2675 :(12510,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(12522,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(12529,13)Horizontal visibility
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          4 :(12542,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (4) Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, Industrial 
smoke or volcanic ashes
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          1 :(12551,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          1 :(12556,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(12561,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(12568,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(12574,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(12578,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(12589,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(12595,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(12601,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(12607,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(12619,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(12633,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(12645,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(12657,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(12673,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(12685,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      265.1 K            :0 12 012       2651 :(12697,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(12709,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(12721,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(12736,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (28/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(12744,7)WMO block number
        960 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        960 :(12751,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(12761,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(12763,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(12775,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(12779,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(12785,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(12790,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      43.10 Degree       :0 05 002      13310 :(12796,15)Latitude (coarse 
     131.90 Degree       :0 06 002      31190 :(12811,16)Longitude (coarse 
        183 m            :0 07 001        583 :(12827,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,270 Pa           :0 10 004      10027 :(12842,14)Pressure
    102,640 Pa           :0 10 051      10264 :(12856,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         30 Pa           :0 10 061        503 :(12870,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(12880,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(12884,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(12898,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(12915,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(12919,15)Height above station
        150 Degree true  :0 11 001        150 :(12934,9)Wind direction
       11.0 m s-1        :0 11 002        110 :(12943,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(12955,15)Height above station
      274.5 K            :0 12 001       2745 :(12970,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      265.3 K            :0 12 003       2653 :(12982,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(12994,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(13001,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(13014,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(13023,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(13028,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(13033,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(13040,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(13046,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(13050,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(13061,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         25 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         25 :(13067,6)Cloud type
# code (25) Altocumulus translucidus in bands, or one or more layers of 
Altocumulus translucidus or opacus, progressively Invading the sky;these 
Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(13073,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(13079,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(13091,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(13105,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(13117,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(13129,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(13145,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(13157,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      272.7 K            :0 12 012       2727 :(13169,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(13181,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(13193,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(13208,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (29/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         31 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         31 :(13216,7)WMO block number
        989 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        989 :(13223,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(13233,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(13235,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(13247,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(13251,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(13257,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(13262,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      42.90 Degree       :0 05 002      13290 :(13268,15)Latitude (coarse 
     133.90 Degree       :0 06 002      31390 :(13283,16)Longitude (coarse 
         43 m            :0 07 001        443 :(13299,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,360 Pa           :0 10 004      10236 :(13314,14)Pressure
    102,900 Pa           :0 10 051      10290 :(13328,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(13342,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(13352,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(13356,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(13370,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(13387,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(13391,15)Height above station
         30 Degree true  :0 11 001         30 :(13406,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(13415,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(13427,15)Height above station
      276.6 K            :0 12 001       2766 :(13442,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      264.0 K            :0 12 003       2640 :(13454,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(13466,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(13473,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(13486,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(13495,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(13500,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(13505,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(13512,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(13518,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(13522,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(13533,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(13539,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(13545,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(13551,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(13563,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(13577,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(13589,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(13601,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(13617,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(13629,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      271.8 K            :0 12 012       2718 :(13641,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(13653,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(13665,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(13680,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (30/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         32 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         32 :(13688,7)WMO block number
         53 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         53 :(13695,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(13705,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(13707,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(13719,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(13723,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(13729,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(13734,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      51.90 Degree       :0 05 002      14190 :(13740,15)Latitude (coarse 
     143.10 Degree       :0 06 002      32310 :(13755,16)Longitude (coarse 
         34 m            :0 07 001        434 :(13771,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,630 Pa           :0 10 004      10163 :(13786,14)Pressure
    102,130 Pa           :0 10 051      10213 :(13800,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         70 Pa           :0 10 061        507 :(13814,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(13824,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(13828,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(13842,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(13859,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(13863,15)Height above station
        150 Degree true  :0 11 001        150 :(13878,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(13887,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(13899,15)Height above station
      267.1 K            :0 12 001       2671 :(13914,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      262.6 K            :0 12 003       2626 :(13926,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(13938,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(13945,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(13958,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(13967,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(13972,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(13977,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(13984,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(13990,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(13994,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(14005,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(14011,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(14017,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14023,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(14035,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14049,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(14061,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.98 m            :0 13 013        100 :(14073,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(14089,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(14101,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      258.0 K            :0 12 012       2580 :(14113,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14125,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(14137,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(14152,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (31/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         32 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         32 :(14160,7)WMO block number
         98 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         98 :(14167,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(14177,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(14179,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(14191,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(14195,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(14201,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(14206,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      49.20 Degree       :0 05 002      13920 :(14212,15)Latitude (coarse 
     143.10 Degree       :0 06 002      32310 :(14227,16)Longitude (coarse 
          8 m            :0 07 001        408 :(14243,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,280 Pa           :0 10 004      10228 :(14258,14)Pressure
    102,380 Pa           :0 10 051      10238 :(14272,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(14286,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(14296,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(14300,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(14314,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(14331,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(14335,15)Height above station
         40 Degree true  :0 11 001         40 :(14350,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(14359,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(14371,15)Height above station
      270.0 K            :0 12 001       2700 :(14386,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      267.6 K            :0 12 003       2676 :(14398,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(14410,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(14417,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(14430,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(14439,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(14444,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(14449,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(14456,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(14462,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(14466,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(14477,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(14483,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(14489,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14495,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(14507,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14521,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(14533,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.16 m            :0 13 013         18 :(14545,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(14561,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(14573,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      262.0 K            :0 12 012       2620 :(14585,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14597,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(14609,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(14624,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (32/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         32 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         32 :(14632,7)WMO block number
        150 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        150 :(14639,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(14649,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(14651,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(14663,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(14667,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(14673,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(14678,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      47.00 Degree       :0 05 002      13700 :(14684,15)Latitude (coarse 
     142.70 Degree       :0 06 002      32270 :(14699,16)Longitude (coarse 
         24 m            :0 07 001        424 :(14715,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,380 Pa           :0 10 004      10238 :(14730,14)Pressure
    102,680 Pa           :0 10 051      10268 :(14744,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        180 Pa           :0 10 061        518 :(14758,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(14768,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(14772,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(14786,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(14803,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(14807,15)Height above station
        160 Degree true  :0 11 001        160 :(14822,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(14831,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(14843,15)Height above station
      266.9 K            :0 12 001       2669 :(14858,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      263.8 K            :0 12 003       2638 :(14870,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(14882,7)Relative humidity
     50,000 m            :0 20 001       5000 :(14889,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(14902,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(14911,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(14916,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         13 %            :0 20 010         13 :(14921,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(14928,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          1 :(14934,4)Cloud amount
# code (1) 1 okta or less, but not zero
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(14938,11)Height of base of cloud
         31 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         31 :(14949,6)Cloud type
# code (31) Cumulus humilis or Cumulus fractus other than of bad weather,* or 
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(14955,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(14961,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14967,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(14979,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(14993,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(15005,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.30 m            :0 13 013         32 :(15017,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(15033,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(15045,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      258.3 K            :0 12 012       2583 :(15057,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(15069,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(15081,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(15096,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (33/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         32 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         32 :(15104,7)WMO block number
        215 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        215 :(15111,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(15121,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(15123,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(15135,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(15139,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(15145,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(15150,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      50.70 Degree       :0 05 002      14070 :(15156,15)Latitude (coarse 
     156.10 Degree       :0 06 002      33610 :(15171,16)Longitude (coarse 
         23 m            :0 07 001        423 :(15187,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,750 Pa           :0 10 004      10075 :(15202,14)Pressure
    101,050 Pa           :0 10 051      10105 :(15216,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         00 Pa           :0 10 061        500 :(15230,10)3-hour pressure change
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          0 :(15240,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (0) Increasing, then decreasing; atmospheric pressure the same or higher 
than 3 hours ago
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(15244,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(15258,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(15275,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(15279,15)Height above station
        330 Degree true  :0 11 001        330 :(15294,9)Wind direction
       11.0 m s-1        :0 11 002        110 :(15303,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(15315,15)Height above station
      267.8 K            :0 12 001       2678 :(15330,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      264.9 K            :0 12 003       2649 :(15342,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(15354,7)Relative humidity
      9,000 m            :0 20 001        900 :(15361,13)Horizontal visibility
         36 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         36 :(15374,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (36) Slight or moderate drifting snow(generally low (below eye level))
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          8 :(15383,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (8) Shower(s)
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          3 :(15388,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (3) Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         75 %            :0 20 010         75 :(15393,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(15400,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(15406,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(15410,11)Height of base of cloud
         39 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         39 :(15421,6)Cloud type
# code (39) Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without 
Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(15427,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(15433,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(15439,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(15451,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(15465,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(15477,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.70 m            :0 13 013         72 :(15489,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(15505,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(15517,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      267.1 K            :0 12 012       2671 :(15529,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(15541,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(15553,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(15568,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (34/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         32 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         32 :(15576,7)WMO block number
        594 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        594 :(15583,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(15593,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(15595,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(15607,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(15611,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(15617,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(15622,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      51.50 Degree       :0 05 002      14150 :(15628,15)Latitude (coarse 
     156.50 Degree       :0 06 002      33650 :(15643,16)Longitude (coarse 
         28 m            :0 07 001        428 :(15659,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,650 Pa           :0 10 004      10065 :(15674,14)Pressure
    101,020 Pa           :0 10 051      10102 :(15688,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(15702,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(15712,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(15716,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(15730,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(15747,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(15751,15)Height above station
         50 Degree true  :0 11 001         50 :(15766,9)Wind direction
        7.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         70 :(15775,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(15787,15)Height above station
      264.5 K            :0 12 001       2645 :(15802,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      260.7 K            :0 12 003       2607 :(15814,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(15826,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(15833,13)Horizontal visibility
         85 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         85 :(15846,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (85) Snow shower(s), slight
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          8 :(15855,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (8) Shower(s)
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          3 :(15860,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (3) Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(15865,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(15872,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          7 :(15878,4)Cloud amount
# code (7) 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(15882,11)Height of base of cloud
         39 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         39 :(15893,6)Cloud type
# code (39) Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without 
Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(15899,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(15905,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(15911,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(15923,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(15937,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(15949,12)Depth of fresh snow
       0.13 m            :0 13 013         15 :(15961,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(15977,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(15989,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      264.5 K            :0 12 012       2645 :(16001,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(16013,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(16025,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(16040,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (35/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         45 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         45 :(16048,7)WMO block number
          7 NUMERIC      :0 01 002          7 :(16055,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(16065,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(16067,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(16079,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(16083,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(16089,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(16094,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      22.30 Degree       :0 05 002      11230 :(16100,15)Latitude (coarse 
     113.90 Degree       :0 06 002      29390 :(16115,16)Longitude (coarse 
          8 m            :0 07 001        408 :(16131,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,670 Pa           :0 10 004      10167 :(16146,14)Pressure
    101,760 Pa           :0 10 051      10176 :(16160,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        150 Pa           :0 10 061        515 :(16174,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(16184,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(16188,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(16202,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(16219,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(16223,15)Height above station
         80 Degree true  :0 11 001         80 :(16238,9)Wind direction
        5.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         50 :(16247,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(16259,15)Height above station
      293.8 K            :0 12 001       2938 :(16274,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      287.1 K            :0 12 003       2871 :(16286,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(16298,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(16305,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(16318,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(16327,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(16332,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         13 %            :0 20 010         13 :(16337,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(16344,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          1 :(16350,4)Cloud amount
# code (1) 1 okta or less, but not zero
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(16354,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(16365,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(16371,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(16377,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(16383,12)Time period or 
        0.0 kg m-2       :0 13 011          1 :(16395,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(16409,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(16421,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(16433,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(16449,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(16461,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      291.3 K            :0 12 012       2913 :(16473,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(16485,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(16497,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(16512,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (36/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         58 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         58 :(16520,7)WMO block number
        968 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        968 :(16527,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(16537,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(16539,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(16551,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(16555,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(16561,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(16566,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      25.00 Degree       :0 05 002      11500 :(16572,15)Latitude (coarse 
     121.50 Degree       :0 06 002      30150 :(16587,16)Longitude (coarse 
          9 m            :0 07 001        409 :(16603,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,750 Pa           :0 10 004      10175 :(16618,14)Pressure
    101,830 Pa           :0 10 051      10183 :(16632,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        170 Pa           :0 10 061        517 :(16646,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(16656,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(16660,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(16674,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(16691,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(16695,15)Height above station
         60 Degree true  :0 11 001         60 :(16710,9)Wind direction
        4.1 m s-1        :0 11 002         41 :(16719,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(16731,15)Height above station
      294.3 K            :0 12 001       2943 :(16746,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      291.3 K            :0 12 003       2913 :(16758,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(16770,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(16777,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(16790,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(16799,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(16804,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(16809,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(16816,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(16822,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(16826,11)Height of base of cloud
         34 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         34 :(16837,6)Cloud type
# code (34) Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(16843,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(16849,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(16855,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(16867,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(16881,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(16893,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(16905,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(16921,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(16933,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      292.7 K            :0 12 012       2927 :(16945,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(16957,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(16969,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(16984,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (37/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         58 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         58 :(16992,7)WMO block number
        974 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        974 :(16999,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(17009,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(17011,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(17023,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(17027,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(17033,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(17038,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      25.60 Degree       :0 05 002      11560 :(17044,15)Latitude (coarse 
     122.10 Degree       :0 06 002      30210 :(17059,16)Longitude (coarse 
        102 m            :0 07 001        502 :(17075,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,640 Pa           :0 10 004      10064 :(17090,14)Pressure
    101,880 Pa           :0 10 051      10188 :(17104,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        130 Pa           :0 10 061        513 :(17118,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(17128,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(17132,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(17146,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(17163,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(17167,15)Height above station
         60 Degree true  :0 11 001         60 :(17182,9)Wind direction
        5.7 m s-1        :0 11 002         57 :(17191,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(17203,15)Height above station
      293.1 K            :0 12 001       2931 :(17218,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      290.9 K            :0 12 003       2909 :(17230,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(17242,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(17249,13)Horizontal visibility
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          1 :(17262,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (1) Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed.
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          6 :(17271,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (6) Rain
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(17276,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         75 %            :0 20 010         75 :(17281,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(17288,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(17294,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(17298,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(17309,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(17315,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(17321,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(17327,12)Time period or 
       20.0 kg m-2       :0 13 011        201 :(17339,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(17353,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(17365,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(17377,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(17393,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(17405,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      291.5 K            :0 12 012       2915 :(17417,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(17429,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(17441,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(17456,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (38/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(17464,7)WMO block number
        362 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        362 :(17471,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(17481,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(17483,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(17495,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(17499,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(17505,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(17510,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      24.00 Degree       :0 05 002      11400 :(17516,15)Latitude (coarse 
     121.60 Degree       :0 06 002      30160 :(17531,16)Longitude (coarse 
         19 m            :0 07 001        419 :(17547,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,670 Pa           :0 10 004      10167 :(17562,14)Pressure
    101,900 Pa           :0 10 051      10190 :(17576,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        210 Pa           :0 10 061        521 :(17590,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(17600,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(17604,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(17618,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(17635,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(17639,15)Height above station
        230 Degree true  :0 11 001        230 :(17654,9)Wind direction
        2.6 m s-1        :0 11 002         26 :(17663,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(17675,15)Height above station
      293.5 K            :0 12 001       2935 :(17690,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      289.9 K            :0 12 003       2899 :(17702,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(17714,7)Relative humidity
     12,000 m            :0 20 001       1200 :(17721,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(17734,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(17743,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(17748,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(17753,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(17760,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          7 :(17766,4)Cloud amount
# code (7) 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas
      1,000 m            :0 20 013        140 :(17770,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(17781,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(17787,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(17793,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(17799,12)Time period or 
        1.0 kg m-2       :0 13 011         11 :(17811,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(17825,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(17837,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(17849,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(17865,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(17877,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      292.2 K            :0 12 012       2922 :(17889,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(17901,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(17913,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(17928,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (39/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         46 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         46 :(17936,7)WMO block number
        735 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        735 :(17943,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(17953,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(17955,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(17967,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(17971,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(17977,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(17982,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      23.50 Degree       :0 05 002      11350 :(17988,15)Latitude (coarse 
     119.60 Degree       :0 06 002      29960 :(18003,16)Longitude (coarse 
         11 m            :0 07 001        411 :(18019,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,610 Pa           :0 10 004      10161 :(18034,14)Pressure
    101,740 Pa           :0 10 051      10174 :(18048,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(18062,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(18072,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(18076,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(18090,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(18107,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(18111,15)Height above station
         20 Degree true  :0 11 001         20 :(18126,9)Wind direction
        4.1 m s-1        :0 11 002         41 :(18135,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(18147,15)Height above station
      293.9 K            :0 12 001       2939 :(18162,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      289.6 K            :0 12 003       2896 :(18174,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(18186,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(18193,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(18206,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(18215,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(18220,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         75 %            :0 20 010         75 :(18225,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(18232,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(18238,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(18242,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(18253,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(18259,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(18265,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(18271,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(18283,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(18297,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(18309,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(18321,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(18337,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(18349,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      292.4 K            :0 12 012       2924 :(18361,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(18373,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(18385,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(18400,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (40/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(18408,7)WMO block number
        358 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        358 :(18415,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(18425,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(18427,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(18439,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(18443,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(18449,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(18454,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      23.00 Degree       :0 05 002      11300 :(18460,15)Latitude (coarse 
     120.20 Degree       :0 06 002      30020 :(18475,16)Longitude (coarse 
         14 m            :0 07 001        414 :(18491,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,400 Pa           :0 10 004      10140 :(18506,14)Pressure
    101,720 Pa           :0 10 051      10172 :(18520,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(18534,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(18544,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(18548,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(18562,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(18579,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(18583,15)Height above station
         30 Degree true  :0 11 001         30 :(18598,9)Wind direction
        2.6 m s-1        :0 11 002         26 :(18607,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(18619,15)Height above station
      293.2 K            :0 12 001       2932 :(18634,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      290.2 K            :0 12 003       2902 :(18646,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(18658,7)Relative humidity
      2,000 m            :0 20 001        200 :(18665,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(18678,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(18687,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(18692,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         13 %            :0 20 010         13 :(18697,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(18704,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          1 :(18710,4)Cloud amount
# code (1) 1 okta or less, but not zero
      1,000 m            :0 20 013        140 :(18714,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(18725,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(18731,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(18737,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(18743,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(18755,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(18769,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(18781,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(18793,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(18809,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(18821,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      292.1 K            :0 12 012       2921 :(18833,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(18845,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(18857,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(18872,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (41/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(18880,7)WMO block number
        554 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        554 :(18887,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(18897,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(18899,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(18911,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(18915,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(18921,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(18926,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      22.60 Degree       :0 05 002      11260 :(18932,15)Latitude (coarse 
     120.30 Degree       :0 06 002      30030 :(18947,16)Longitude (coarse 
         33 m            :0 07 001        433 :(18963,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,600 Pa           :0 10 004      10160 :(18978,14)Pressure
    101,640 Pa           :0 10 051      10164 :(18992,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        100 Pa           :0 10 061        510 :(19006,10)3-hour pressure change
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          0 :(19016,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (0) Increasing, then decreasing; atmospheric pressure the same or higher 
than 3 hours ago
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(19020,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(19034,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(19051,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(19055,15)Height above station
        360 Degree true  :0 11 001        360 :(19070,9)Wind direction
        1.5 m s-1        :0 11 002         15 :(19079,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(19091,15)Height above station
      295.2 K            :0 12 001       2952 :(19106,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      291.2 K            :0 12 003       2912 :(19118,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(19130,7)Relative humidity
      2,000 m            :0 20 001        200 :(19137,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(19150,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(19159,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(19164,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(19169,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(19176,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(19182,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
      1,000 m            :0 20 013        140 :(19186,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(19197,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(19203,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(19209,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(19215,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(19227,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(19241,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(19253,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(19265,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(19281,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(19293,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      293.5 K            :0 12 012       2935 :(19305,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(19317,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(19329,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(19344,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (42/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(19352,7)WMO block number
        158 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        158 :(19359,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(19369,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(19371,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(19383,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(19387,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(19393,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(19398,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      24.20 Degree       :0 05 002      11420 :(19404,15)Latitude (coarse 
     120.70 Degree       :0 06 002      30070 :(19419,16)Longitude (coarse 
         78 m            :0 07 001        478 :(19435,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,710 Pa           :0 10 004      10071 :(19450,14)Pressure
    101,720 Pa           :0 10 051      10172 :(19464,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        120 Pa           :0 10 061        512 :(19478,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(19488,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(19492,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(19506,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(19523,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(19527,15)Height above station
        120 Degree true  :0 11 001        120 :(19542,9)Wind direction
        0.5 m s-1        :0 11 002          5 :(19551,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(19563,15)Height above station
      292.3 K            :0 12 001       2923 :(19578,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      288.7 K            :0 12 003       2887 :(19590,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(19602,7)Relative humidity
      8,000 m            :0 20 001        800 :(19609,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(19622,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(19631,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(19636,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(19641,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(19648,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(19654,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(19658,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(19669,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(19675,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(19681,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(19687,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(19699,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(19713,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(19725,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(19737,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(19753,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(19765,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      289.6 K            :0 12 012       2896 :(19777,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(19789,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(19801,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(19816,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (43/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(19824,7)WMO block number
        559 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        559 :(19831,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(19841,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(19843,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(19855,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(19859,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(19865,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(19870,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      22.00 Degree       :0 05 002      11200 :(19876,15)Latitude (coarse 
     120.80 Degree       :0 06 002      30080 :(19891,16)Longitude (coarse 
         24 m            :0 07 001        424 :(19907,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,310 Pa           :0 10 004      10131 :(19922,14)Pressure
    101,590 Pa           :0 10 051      10159 :(19936,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         90 Pa           :0 10 061        509 :(19950,10)3-hour pressure change
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          0 :(19960,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (0) Increasing, then decreasing; atmospheric pressure the same or higher 
than 3 hours ago
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(19964,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(19978,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(19995,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(19999,15)Height above station
         30 Degree true  :0 11 001         30 :(20014,9)Wind direction
        3.6 m s-1        :0 11 002         36 :(20023,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(20035,15)Height above station
      297.2 K            :0 12 001       2972 :(20050,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      290.5 K            :0 12 003       2905 :(20062,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(20074,7)Relative humidity
     18,000 m            :0 20 001       1800 :(20081,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(20094,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(20103,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(20108,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         13 %            :0 20 010         13 :(20113,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(20120,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          1 :(20126,4)Cloud amount
# code (1) 1 okta or less, but not zero
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(20130,11)Height of base of cloud
         32 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         32 :(20141,6)Cloud type
# code (32) Cumulus mediocris or congestus, Towering cumulus (TCU), with or 
without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis or Stratocumulus, all having 
their bases at the same level
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(20147,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(20153,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(20159,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(20171,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(20185,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(20197,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(20209,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(20225,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(20237,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      294.9 K            :0 12 012       2949 :(20249,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(20261,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(20273,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(20288,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (44/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(20296,7)WMO block number
        567 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        567 :(20303,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(20313,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(20315,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(20327,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(20331,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(20337,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(20342,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      22.00 Degree       :0 05 002      11200 :(20348,15)Latitude (coarse 
     121.60 Degree       :0 06 002      30160 :(20363,16)Longitude (coarse 
        325 m            :0 07 001        725 :(20379,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     97,970 Pa           :0 10 004       9797 :(20394,14)Pressure
    101,740 Pa           :0 10 051      10174 :(20408,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        200 Pa           :0 10 061        520 :(20422,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(20432,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(20436,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(20450,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(20467,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(20471,15)Height above station
         20 Degree true  :0 11 001         20 :(20486,9)Wind direction
        7.2 m s-1        :0 11 002         72 :(20495,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(20507,15)Height above station
      294.4 K            :0 12 001       2944 :(20522,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      292.0 K            :0 12 003       2920 :(20534,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(20546,7)Relative humidity
     15,000 m            :0 20 001       1500 :(20553,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(20566,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(20575,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(20580,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         63 %            :0 20 010         63 :(20585,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(20592,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          5 :(20598,4)Cloud amount
# code (5) 5 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(20602,11)Height of base of cloud
         34 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         34 :(20613,6)Cloud type
# code (34) Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(20619,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(20625,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(20631,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(20643,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(20657,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(20669,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(20681,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(20697,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(20709,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      293.3 K            :0 12 012       2933 :(20721,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(20733,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(20745,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(20760,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (45/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(20768,7)WMO block number
        562 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        562 :(20775,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(20785,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(20787,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(20799,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(20803,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(20809,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(20814,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      22.80 Degree       :0 05 002      11280 :(20820,15)Latitude (coarse 
     121.20 Degree       :0 06 002      30120 :(20835,16)Longitude (coarse 
         10 m            :0 07 001        410 :(20851,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,660 Pa           :0 10 004      10166 :(20866,14)Pressure
    101,770 Pa           :0 10 051      10177 :(20880,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        170 Pa           :0 10 061        517 :(20894,10)3-hour pressure change
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          1 :(20904,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (1) Increasing, then steady; or Increasing, then Increasing more 
slowly.Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(20908,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(20922,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(20939,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(20943,15)Height above station
        330 Degree true  :0 11 001        330 :(20958,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(20967,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(20979,15)Height above station
      295.2 K            :0 12 001       2952 :(20994,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      290.2 K            :0 12 003       2902 :(21006,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(21018,7)Relative humidity
     25,000 m            :0 20 001       2500 :(21025,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(21038,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(21047,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(21052,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(21057,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(21064,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(21070,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(21074,11)Height of base of cloud
         31 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         31 :(21085,6)Cloud type
# code (31) Cumulus humilis or Cumulus fractus other than of bad weather,* or 
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(21091,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(21097,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(21103,12)Time period or 
        0.1 kg m-2       :0 13 011          2 :(21115,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(21129,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(21141,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(21153,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(21169,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(21181,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      292.9 K            :0 12 012       2929 :(21193,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(21205,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(21217,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(21232,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (46/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(21240,7)WMO block number
        792 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        792 :(21247,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(21257,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(21259,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(21271,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(21275,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(21281,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(21286,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      20.70 Degree       :0 05 002      11070 :(21292,15)Latitude (coarse 
     116.70 Degree       :0 06 002      29670 :(21307,16)Longitude (coarse 
          6 m            :0 07 001        406 :(21323,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,360 Pa           :0 10 004      10136 :(21338,14)Pressure
    101,410 Pa           :0 10 051      10141 :(21352,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        140 Pa           :0 10 061        514 :(21366,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(21376,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(21380,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(21394,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(21411,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(21415,15)Height above station
         50 Degree true  :0 11 001         50 :(21430,9)Wind direction
        3.6 m s-1        :0 11 002         36 :(21439,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(21451,15)Height above station
      296.4 K            :0 12 001       2964 :(21466,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      294.4 K            :0 12 003       2944 :(21478,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(21490,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(21497,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(21510,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(21519,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(21524,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         63 %            :0 20 010         63 :(21529,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(21536,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(21542,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(21546,11)Height of base of cloud
         32 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         32 :(21557,6)Cloud type
# code (32) Cumulus mediocris or congestus, Towering cumulus (TCU), with or 
without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis or Stratocumulus, all having 
their bases at the same level
         21 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         21 :(21563,6)Cloud type
# code (21) Altostratus translucidus
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(21569,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(21575,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(21587,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(21601,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(21613,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(21625,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(21641,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(21653,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      294.5 K            :0 12 012       2945 :(21665,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(21677,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(21689,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(21704,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (47/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         59 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         59 :(21712,7)WMO block number
        997 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        997 :(21719,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(21729,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(21731,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(21743,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(21747,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(21753,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(21758,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      10.40 Degree       :0 05 002      10040 :(21764,15)Latitude (coarse 
     114.40 Degree       :0 06 002      29440 :(21779,16)Longitude (coarse 
          5 m            :0 07 001        405 :(21795,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,050 Pa           :0 10 004      10105 :(21810,14)Pressure
    101,150 Pa           :0 10 051      10115 :(21824,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        180 Pa           :0 10 061        518 :(21838,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(21848,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(21852,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(21866,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(21883,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(21887,15)Height above station
         70 Degree true  :0 11 001         70 :(21902,9)Wind direction
        4.1 m s-1        :0 11 002         41 :(21911,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(21923,15)Height above station
      299.8 K            :0 12 001       2998 :(21938,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      296.2 K            :0 12 003       2962 :(21950,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(21962,7)Relative humidity
     14,000 m            :0 20 001       1400 :(21969,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(21982,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(21991,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(21996,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(22001,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(22008,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(22014,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(22018,11)Height of base of cloud
         32 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         32 :(22029,6)Cloud type
# code (32) Cumulus mediocris or congestus, Towering cumulus (TCU), with or 
without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis or Stratocumulus, all having 
their bases at the same level
         26 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         26 :(22035,6)Cloud type
# code (26) Altocumulus cumulogenitus (or cumulonimbogenitus)
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(22041,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(22047,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(22059,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(22073,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(22085,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(22097,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(22113,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(22125,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      297.7 K            :0 12 012       2977 :(22137,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(22149,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(22161,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(22176,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (48/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(22184,7)WMO block number
          8 NUMERIC      :0 01 002          8 :(22191,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(22201,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(22203,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(22215,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(22219,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(22225,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(22230,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      41.80 Degree       :0 05 002      13180 :(22236,15)Latitude (coarse 
     129.80 Degree       :0 06 002      30980 :(22251,16)Longitude (coarse 
         43 m            :0 07 001        443 :(22267,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,070 Pa           :0 10 004      10207 :(22282,14)Pressure
    102,610 Pa           :0 10 051      10261 :(22296,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         60 Pa           :0 10 061        506 :(22310,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(22320,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(22324,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(22338,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(22355,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(22359,15)Height above station
        140 Degree true  :0 11 001        140 :(22374,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(22383,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(22395,15)Height above station
      278.6 K            :0 12 001       2786 :(22410,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      276.2 K            :0 12 003       2762 :(22422,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(22434,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(22441,13)Horizontal visibility
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         20 :(22454,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (20) Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(22463,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(22468,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(22473,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(22480,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(22486,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(22490,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(22501,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         61 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         61 :(22507,6)Cloud type
# code (61) CM clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of continuous layer of lower clouds
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(22513,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(22519,12)Time period or 
       -0.1 kg m-2       :0 13 011          0 :(22531,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(22545,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(22557,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(22569,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(22585,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(22597,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      278.1 K            :0 12 012       2781 :(22609,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(22621,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(22633,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(22648,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (49/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(22656,7)WMO block number
         14 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         14 :(22663,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(22673,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(22675,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(22687,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(22691,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(22697,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(22702,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      41.80 Degree       :0 05 002      13180 :(22708,15)Latitude (coarse 
     126.90 Degree       :0 06 002      30690 :(22723,16)Longitude (coarse 
        331 m            :0 07 001        731 :(22739,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     98,170 Pa           :0 10 004       9817 :(22754,14)Pressure
    102,220 Pa           :0 10 051      10222 :(22768,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         60 Pa           :0 10 061        506 :(22782,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(22792,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(22796,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(22810,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(22827,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(22831,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(22846,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(22855,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(22867,15)Height above station
      273.8 K            :0 12 001       2738 :(22882,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      272.4 K            :0 12 003       2724 :(22894,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(22906,7)Relative humidity
      5,000 m            :0 20 001        500 :(22913,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(22926,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(22935,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(22940,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(22945,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(22952,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(22958,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(22962,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(22973,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         22 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         22 :(22979,6)Cloud type
# code (22) Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(22985,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(22991,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(23003,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(23017,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(23029,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(23041,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(23057,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(23069,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      272.2 K            :0 12 012       2722 :(23081,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(23093,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(23105,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(23120,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (50/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(23128,7)WMO block number
         16 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         16 :(23135,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(23145,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(23147,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(23159,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(23163,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(23169,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(23174,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      41.40 Degree       :0 05 002      13140 :(23180,15)Latitude (coarse 
     128.20 Degree       :0 06 002      30820 :(23195,16)Longitude (coarse 
        714 m            :0 07 001       1114 :(23211,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     93,580 Pa           :0 10 004       9358 :(23226,14)Pressure
    102,260 Pa           :0 10 051      10226 :(23240,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        190 Pa           :0 10 061        519 :(23254,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(23264,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(23268,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(23282,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(23299,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(23303,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(23318,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(23327,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(23339,15)Height above station
      273.9 K            :0 12 001       2739 :(23354,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      269.3 K            :0 12 003       2693 :(23366,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(23378,7)Relative humidity
      4,000 m            :0 20 001        400 :(23385,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(23398,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          4 :(23407,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (4) Fog or ice fog or thick haze
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          4 :(23412,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (4) Fog or ice fog or thick haze
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(23417,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(23424,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(23430,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(23434,11)Height of base of cloud
         36 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         36 :(23445,6)Cloud type
# code (36) Stratus nebulosus or Stratus fractus other than of bad weather*, or 
         21 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         21 :(23451,6)Cloud type
# code (21) Altostratus translucidus
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(23457,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(23463,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(23475,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(23489,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(23501,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(23513,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(23529,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(23541,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      269.7 K            :0 12 012       2697 :(23553,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(23565,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(23577,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(23592,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (51/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(23600,7)WMO block number
         20 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         20 :(23607,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(23617,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(23619,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(23631,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(23635,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(23641,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(23646,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      41.00 Degree       :0 05 002      13100 :(23652,15)Latitude (coarse 
     126.60 Degree       :0 06 002      30660 :(23667,16)Longitude (coarse 
        306 m            :0 07 001        706 :(23683,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     98,390 Pa           :0 10 004       9839 :(23698,14)Pressure
    102,190 Pa           :0 10 051      10219 :(23712,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(23726,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(23736,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(23740,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(23754,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(23771,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(23775,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(23790,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(23799,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(23811,15)Height above station
      276.6 K            :0 12 001       2766 :(23826,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      274.8 K            :0 12 003       2748 :(23838,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(23850,7)Relative humidity
     15,000 m            :0 20 001       1500 :(23857,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(23870,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(23879,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(23884,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(23889,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(23896,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(23902,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(23906,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(23917,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         61 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         61 :(23923,6)Cloud type
# code (61) CM clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of continuous layer of lower clouds
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(23929,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(23935,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(23947,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(23961,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(23973,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(23985,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(24001,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(24013,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      274.3 K            :0 12 012       2743 :(24025,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(24037,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(24049,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(24064,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (52/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(24072,7)WMO block number
         25 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         25 :(24079,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(24089,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(24091,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(24103,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(24107,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(24113,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(24118,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      40.70 Degree       :0 05 002      13070 :(24124,15)Latitude (coarse 
     129.20 Degree       :0 06 002      30920 :(24139,16)Longitude (coarse 
         23 m            :0 07 001        423 :(24155,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,180 Pa           :0 10 004      10218 :(24170,14)Pressure
    102,470 Pa           :0 10 051      10247 :(24184,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         50 Pa           :0 10 061        505 :(24198,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(24208,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(24212,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(24226,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(24243,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(24247,15)Height above station
        180 Degree true  :0 11 001        180 :(24262,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(24271,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(24283,15)Height above station
      279.3 K            :0 12 001       2793 :(24298,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      275.6 K            :0 12 003       2756 :(24310,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(24322,7)Relative humidity
      4,500 m            :0 20 001        450 :(24329,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(24342,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(24351,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(24356,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(24361,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(24368,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(24374,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(24378,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(24389,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         61 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         61 :(24395,6)Cloud type
# code (61) CM clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of continuous layer of lower clouds
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(24401,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(24407,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(24419,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(24433,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(24445,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(24457,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(24473,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(24485,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      277.5 K            :0 12 012       2775 :(24497,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(24509,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(24521,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(24536,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (53/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(24544,7)WMO block number
         35 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         35 :(24551,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(24561,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(24563,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(24575,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(24579,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(24585,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(24590,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      40.10 Degree       :0 05 002      13010 :(24596,15)Latitude (coarse 
     124.40 Degree       :0 06 002      30440 :(24611,16)Longitude (coarse 
          7 m            :0 07 001        407 :(24627,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,090 Pa           :0 10 004      10209 :(24642,14)Pressure
    102,180 Pa           :0 10 051      10218 :(24656,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         80 Pa           :0 10 061        508 :(24670,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(24680,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(24684,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(24698,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(24715,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(24719,15)Height above station
         90 Degree true  :0 11 001         90 :(24734,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(24743,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(24755,15)Height above station
      276.1 K            :0 12 001       2761 :(24770,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      275.9 K            :0 12 003       2759 :(24782,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(24794,7)Relative humidity
        400 m            :0 20 001         40 :(24801,13)Horizontal visibility
         45 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         45 :(24814,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (45) Fog or ice fog, sky invisible
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          4 :(24823,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (4) Fog or ice fog or thick haze
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          4 :(24828,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (4) Fog or ice fog or thick haze
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
   //////// %            :0 20 010      (127) :(24833,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(24840,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(24846,4)Cloud amount
   //////// m            :0 20 013     (2047) :(24850,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(24861,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(24867,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(24873,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(24879,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(24891,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(24905,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(24917,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(24929,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(24945,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(24957,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      275.4 K            :0 12 012       2754 :(24969,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(24981,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(24993,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(25008,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (54/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(25016,7)WMO block number
         41 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         41 :(25023,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(25033,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(25035,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(25047,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(25051,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(25057,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(25062,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      39.90 Degree       :0 05 002      12990 :(25068,15)Latitude (coarse 
     127.60 Degree       :0 06 002      30760 :(25083,16)Longitude (coarse 
         22 m            :0 07 001        422 :(25099,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,380 Pa           :0 10 004      10238 :(25114,14)Pressure
    102,650 Pa           :0 10 051      10265 :(25128,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        230 Pa           :0 10 061        523 :(25142,10)3-hour pressure change
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          3 :(25152,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (3) Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then 
increasing more rapidly Atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(25156,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(25170,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(25187,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(25191,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(25206,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(25215,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(25227,15)Height above station
      278.7 K            :0 12 001       2787 :(25242,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      277.0 K            :0 12 003       2770 :(25254,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(25266,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(25273,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(25286,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          5 :(25295,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (5) Drizzle
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          4 :(25300,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (4) Fog or ice fog or thick haze
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(25305,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(25312,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(25318,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(25322,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(25333,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         61 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         61 :(25339,6)Cloud type
# code (61) CM clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of continuous layer of lower clouds
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(25345,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(25351,12)Time period or 
       -0.1 kg m-2       :0 13 011          0 :(25363,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(25377,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(25389,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(25401,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(25417,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(25429,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      277.5 K            :0 12 012       2775 :(25441,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(25453,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(25465,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(25480,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (55/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(25488,7)WMO block number
         55 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         55 :(25495,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(25505,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(25507,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(25519,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(25523,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(25529,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(25534,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      39.20 Degree       :0 05 002      12920 :(25540,15)Latitude (coarse 
     127.40 Degree       :0 06 002      30740 :(25555,16)Longitude (coarse 
         36 m            :0 07 001        436 :(25571,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,200 Pa           :0 10 004      10220 :(25586,14)Pressure
    102,660 Pa           :0 10 051      10266 :(25600,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         10 Pa           :0 10 061        501 :(25614,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(25624,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(25628,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(25642,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(25659,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(25663,15)Height above station
        320 Degree true  :0 11 001        320 :(25678,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(25687,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(25699,15)Height above station
      278.9 K            :0 12 001       2789 :(25714,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      276.2 K            :0 12 003       2762 :(25726,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(25738,7)Relative humidity
      4,000 m            :0 20 001        400 :(25745,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(25758,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(25767,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(25772,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(25777,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(25784,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(25790,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(25794,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(25805,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         21 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         21 :(25811,6)Cloud type
# code (21) Altostratus translucidus
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(25817,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(25823,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(25835,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(25849,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(25861,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(25873,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(25889,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(25901,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      278.2 K            :0 12 012       2782 :(25913,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(25925,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(25937,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(25952,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (56/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(25960,7)WMO block number
         58 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         58 :(25967,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(25977,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(25979,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(25991,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(25995,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(26001,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(26006,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      39.00 Degree       :0 05 002      12900 :(26012,15)Latitude (coarse 
     125.80 Degree       :0 06 002      30580 :(26027,16)Longitude (coarse 
         36 m            :0 07 001        436 :(26043,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,860 Pa           :0 10 004      10186 :(26058,14)Pressure
    102,330 Pa           :0 10 051      10233 :(26072,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         40 Pa           :0 10 061        504 :(26086,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(26096,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(26100,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(26114,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(26131,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(26135,15)Height above station
         90 Degree true  :0 11 001         90 :(26150,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(26159,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(26171,15)Height above station
      280.5 K            :0 12 001       2805 :(26186,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      277.5 K            :0 12 003       2775 :(26198,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(26210,7)Relative humidity
      5,000 m            :0 20 001        500 :(26217,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(26230,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(26239,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(26244,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(26249,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(26256,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(26262,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(26266,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(26277,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(26283,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(26289,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(26295,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(26307,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(26321,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(26333,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(26345,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(26361,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(26373,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      278.1 K            :0 12 012       2781 :(26385,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(26397,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(26409,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(26424,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (57/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(26432,7)WMO block number
         69 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         69 :(26439,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(26449,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(26451,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(26463,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(26467,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(26473,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(26478,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      38.00 Degree       :0 05 002      12800 :(26484,15)Latitude (coarse 
     125.70 Degree       :0 06 002      30570 :(26499,16)Longitude (coarse 
         81 m            :0 07 001        481 :(26515,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,330 Pa           :0 10 004      10133 :(26530,14)Pressure
    102,320 Pa           :0 10 051      10232 :(26544,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -140 Pa           :0 10 061        486 :(26558,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(26568,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(26572,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(26586,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(26603,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(26607,15)Height above station
         90 Degree true  :0 11 001         90 :(26622,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(26631,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(26643,15)Height above station
      282.3 K            :0 12 001       2823 :(26658,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      278.5 K            :0 12 003       2785 :(26670,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(26682,7)Relative humidity
      3,900 m            :0 20 001        390 :(26689,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(26702,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(26711,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(26716,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(26721,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(26728,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(26734,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(26738,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(26749,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(26755,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(26761,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(26767,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(26779,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(26793,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(26805,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(26817,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(26833,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(26845,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      276.9 K            :0 12 012       2769 :(26857,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(26869,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(26881,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(26896,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (58/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(26904,7)WMO block number
        105 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        105 :(26911,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(26921,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(26923,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(26935,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(26939,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(26945,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(26950,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      37.80 Degree       :0 05 002      12780 :(26956,15)Latitude (coarse 
     128.90 Degree       :0 06 002      30890 :(26971,16)Longitude (coarse 
         26 m            :0 07 001        426 :(26987,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,250 Pa           :0 10 004      10225 :(27002,14)Pressure
    102,570 Pa           :0 10 051      10257 :(27016,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        150 Pa           :0 10 061        515 :(27030,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(27040,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(27044,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(27058,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(27075,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(27079,15)Height above station
        250 Degree true  :0 11 001        250 :(27094,9)Wind direction
        3.1 m s-1        :0 11 002         31 :(27103,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(27115,15)Height above station
      281.8 K            :0 12 001       2818 :(27130,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      276.6 K            :0 12 003       2766 :(27142,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(27154,7)Relative humidity
      6,000 m            :0 20 001        600 :(27161,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(27174,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(27183,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(27188,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(27193,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(27200,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(27206,4)Cloud amount
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(27210,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(27221,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(27227,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(27233,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(27239,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(27251,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(27265,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(27277,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(27289,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(27305,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(27317,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      279.8 K            :0 12 012       2798 :(27329,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(27341,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(27353,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(27368,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (59/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(27376,7)WMO block number
        108 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        108 :(27383,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(27393,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(27395,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(27407,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(27411,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(27417,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(27422,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      37.60 Degree       :0 05 002      12760 :(27428,15)Latitude (coarse 
     127.00 Degree       :0 06 002      30700 :(27443,16)Longitude (coarse 
         86 m            :0 07 001        486 :(27459,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,370 Pa           :0 10 004      10137 :(27474,14)Pressure
    102,420 Pa           :0 10 051      10242 :(27488,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        130 Pa           :0 10 061        513 :(27502,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(27512,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(27516,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(27530,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(27547,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(27551,15)Height above station
         70 Degree true  :0 11 001         70 :(27566,9)Wind direction
        1.5 m s-1        :0 11 002         15 :(27575,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(27587,15)Height above station
      283.0 K            :0 12 001       2830 :(27602,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      276.8 K            :0 12 003       2768 :(27614,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(27626,7)Relative humidity
      2,000 m            :0 20 001        200 :(27633,13)Horizontal visibility
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          5 :(27646,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (5) Haze
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(27655,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(27660,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(27665,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(27672,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(27678,4)Cloud amount
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(27682,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(27693,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(27699,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(27705,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(27711,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(27723,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(27737,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(27749,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(27761,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(27777,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(27789,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      281.2 K            :0 12 012       2812 :(27801,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(27813,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(27825,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(27840,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (60/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(27848,7)WMO block number
        112 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        112 :(27855,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(27865,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(27867,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(27879,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(27883,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(27889,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(27894,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      37.50 Degree       :0 05 002      12750 :(27900,15)Latitude (coarse 
     126.60 Degree       :0 06 002      30660 :(27915,16)Longitude (coarse 
         70 m            :0 07 001        470 :(27931,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,550 Pa           :0 10 004      10155 :(27946,14)Pressure
    102,380 Pa           :0 10 051      10238 :(27960,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        130 Pa           :0 10 061        513 :(27974,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(27984,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(27988,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(28002,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(28019,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(28023,15)Height above station
        180 Degree true  :0 11 001        180 :(28038,9)Wind direction
        2.1 m s-1        :0 11 002         21 :(28047,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(28059,15)Height above station
      283.0 K            :0 12 001       2830 :(28074,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      277.8 K            :0 12 003       2778 :(28086,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(28098,7)Relative humidity
      4,000 m            :0 20 001        400 :(28105,13)Horizontal visibility
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          5 :(28118,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (5) Haze
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(28127,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(28132,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         63 %            :0 20 010         63 :(28137,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(28144,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          5 :(28150,4)Cloud amount
# code (5) 5 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(28154,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(28165,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(28171,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(28177,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(28183,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(28195,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(28209,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(28221,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(28233,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(28249,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(28261,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      281.1 K            :0 12 012       2811 :(28273,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(28285,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(28297,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(28312,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (61/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(28320,7)WMO block number
        115 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        115 :(28327,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(28337,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(28339,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(28351,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(28355,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(28361,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(28366,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      37.50 Degree       :0 05 002      12750 :(28372,15)Latitude (coarse 
     130.90 Degree       :0 06 002      31090 :(28387,16)Longitude (coarse 
        220 m            :0 07 001        620 :(28403,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,900 Pa           :0 10 004       9990 :(28418,14)Pressure
    102,570 Pa           :0 10 051      10257 :(28432,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        100 Pa           :0 10 061        510 :(28446,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(28456,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(28460,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(28474,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(28491,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(28495,15)Height above station
         50 Degree true  :0 11 001         50 :(28510,9)Wind direction
        2.1 m s-1        :0 11 002         21 :(28519,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(28531,15)Height above station
      283.2 K            :0 12 001       2832 :(28546,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      279.8 K            :0 12 003       2798 :(28558,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(28570,7)Relative humidity
      8,000 m            :0 20 001        800 :(28577,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(28590,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(28599,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(28604,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(28609,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(28616,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(28622,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(28626,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(28637,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(28643,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(28649,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(28655,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(28667,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(28681,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(28693,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(28705,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(28721,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(28733,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      280.0 K            :0 12 012       2800 :(28745,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(28757,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(28769,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(28784,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (62/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(28792,7)WMO block number
        135 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        135 :(28799,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(28809,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(28811,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(28823,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(28827,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(28833,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(28838,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      36.20 Degree       :0 05 002      12620 :(28844,15)Latitude (coarse 
     128.00 Degree       :0 06 002      30800 :(28859,16)Longitude (coarse 
        245 m            :0 07 001        645 :(28875,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,590 Pa           :0 10 004       9959 :(28890,14)Pressure
    102,550 Pa           :0 10 051      10255 :(28904,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
         90 Pa           :0 10 061        509 :(28918,10)3-hour pressure change
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          0 :(28928,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (0) Increasing, then decreasing; atmospheric pressure the same or higher 
than 3 hours ago
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(28932,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(28946,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(28963,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(28967,15)Height above station
        140 Degree true  :0 11 001        140 :(28982,9)Wind direction
        1.5 m s-1        :0 11 002         15 :(28991,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(29003,15)Height above station
      280.4 K            :0 12 001       2804 :(29018,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      276.8 K            :0 12 003       2768 :(29030,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(29042,7)Relative humidity
      5,000 m            :0 20 001        500 :(29049,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(29062,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(29071,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(29076,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(29081,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(29088,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(29094,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(29098,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(29109,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(29115,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(29121,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(29127,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(29139,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(29153,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(29165,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(29177,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(29193,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(29205,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      275.8 K            :0 12 012       2758 :(29217,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(29229,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(29241,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(29256,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (63/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(29264,7)WMO block number
        138 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        138 :(29271,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(29281,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(29283,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(29295,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(29299,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(29305,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(29310,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      36.00 Degree       :0 05 002      12600 :(29316,15)Latitude (coarse 
     129.40 Degree       :0 06 002      30940 :(29331,16)Longitude (coarse 
          4 m            :0 07 001        404 :(29347,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,500 Pa           :0 10 004      10250 :(29362,14)Pressure
    102,530 Pa           :0 10 051      10253 :(29376,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        110 Pa           :0 10 061        511 :(29390,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(29400,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(29404,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(29418,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(29435,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(29439,15)Height above station
        360 Degree true  :0 11 001        360 :(29454,9)Wind direction
        0.5 m s-1        :0 11 002          5 :(29463,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(29475,15)Height above station
      282.7 K            :0 12 001       2827 :(29490,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      281.0 K            :0 12 003       2810 :(29502,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(29514,7)Relative humidity
      3,000 m            :0 20 001        300 :(29521,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(29534,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          1 :(29543,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          1 :(29548,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         63 %            :0 20 010         63 :(29553,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(29560,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          5 :(29566,4)Cloud amount
# code (5) 5 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(29570,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(29581,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(29587,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(29593,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(29599,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(29611,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(29625,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(29637,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(29649,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(29665,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(29677,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      280.6 K            :0 12 012       2806 :(29689,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(29701,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(29713,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(29728,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (64/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(29736,7)WMO block number
        140 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        140 :(29743,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(29753,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(29755,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(29767,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(29771,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(29777,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(29782,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      36.00 Degree       :0 05 002      12600 :(29788,15)Latitude (coarse 
     126.80 Degree       :0 06 002      30680 :(29803,16)Longitude (coarse 
         31 m            :0 07 001        431 :(29819,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,120 Pa           :0 10 004      10212 :(29834,14)Pressure
    102,450 Pa           :0 10 051      10245 :(29848,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        120 Pa           :0 10 061        512 :(29862,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(29872,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(29876,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(29890,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(29907,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(29911,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(29926,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(29935,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(29947,15)Height above station
      280.7 K            :0 12 001       2807 :(29962,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      279.4 K            :0 12 003       2794 :(29974,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(29986,7)Relative humidity
      1,500 m            :0 20 001        150 :(29993,13)Horizontal visibility
         28 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         28 :(30006,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (28) Fog or Ice fog
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          4 :(30015,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (4) Fog or ice fog or thick haze
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          4 :(30020,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (4) Fog or ice fog or thick haze
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(30025,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(30032,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(30038,4)Cloud amount
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(30042,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(30053,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(30059,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(30065,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(30071,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(30083,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(30097,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(30109,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(30121,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(30137,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(30149,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      275.9 K            :0 12 012       2759 :(30161,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(30173,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(30185,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(30200,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (65/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(30208,7)WMO block number
        159 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        159 :(30215,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(30225,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(30227,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(30239,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(30243,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(30249,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(30254,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      35.10 Degree       :0 05 002      12510 :(30260,15)Latitude (coarse 
     129.00 Degree       :0 06 002      30900 :(30275,16)Longitude (coarse 
         70 m            :0 07 001        470 :(30291,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,600 Pa           :0 10 004      10160 :(30306,14)Pressure
    102,450 Pa           :0 10 051      10245 :(30320,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        100 Pa           :0 10 061        510 :(30334,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(30344,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(30348,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(30362,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(30379,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(30383,15)Height above station
         20 Degree true  :0 11 001         20 :(30398,9)Wind direction
        3.6 m s-1        :0 11 002         36 :(30407,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(30419,15)Height above station
      284.6 K            :0 12 001       2846 :(30434,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      279.2 K            :0 12 003       2792 :(30446,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(30458,7)Relative humidity
      3,000 m            :0 20 001        300 :(30465,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(30478,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(30487,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(30492,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(30497,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(30504,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(30510,4)Cloud amount
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(30514,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(30525,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(30531,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(30537,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(30543,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(30555,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(30569,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(30581,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(30593,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(30609,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(30621,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      282.3 K            :0 12 012       2823 :(30633,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(30645,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(30657,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(30672,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (66/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(30680,7)WMO block number
        165 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        165 :(30687,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(30697,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(30699,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(30711,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(30715,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(30721,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(30726,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      34.80 Degree       :0 05 002      12480 :(30732,15)Latitude (coarse 
     126.40 Degree       :0 06 002      30640 :(30747,16)Longitude (coarse 
         39 m            :0 07 001        439 :(30763,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,920 Pa           :0 10 004      10192 :(30778,14)Pressure
    102,380 Pa           :0 10 051      10238 :(30792,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        150 Pa           :0 10 061        515 :(30806,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(30816,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(30820,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(30834,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(30851,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(30855,15)Height above station
        160 Degree true  :0 11 001        160 :(30870,9)Wind direction
        1.5 m s-1        :0 11 002         15 :(30879,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(30891,15)Height above station
      281.5 K            :0 12 001       2815 :(30906,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      277.1 K            :0 12 003       2771 :(30918,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(30930,7)Relative humidity
      7,000 m            :0 20 001        700 :(30937,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(30950,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(30959,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(30964,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(30969,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(30976,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(30982,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(30986,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(30997,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(31003,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(31009,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31015,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(31027,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31041,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(31053,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(31065,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(31081,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(31093,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      277.7 K            :0 12 012       2777 :(31105,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31117,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(31129,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(31144,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (67/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(31152,7)WMO block number
        168 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        168 :(31159,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(31169,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(31171,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(31183,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(31187,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(31193,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(31198,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      34.70 Degree       :0 05 002      12470 :(31204,15)Latitude (coarse 
     127.80 Degree       :0 06 002      30780 :(31219,16)Longitude (coarse 
         67 m            :0 07 001        467 :(31235,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    101,620 Pa           :0 10 004      10162 :(31250,14)Pressure
    102,530 Pa           :0 10 051      10253 :(31264,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        130 Pa           :0 10 061        513 :(31278,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(31288,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(31292,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(31306,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(31323,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(31327,15)Height above station
         50 Degree true  :0 11 001         50 :(31342,9)Wind direction
        3.6 m s-1        :0 11 002         36 :(31351,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(31363,15)Height above station
      281.8 K            :0 12 001       2818 :(31378,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      277.7 K            :0 12 003       2777 :(31390,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(31402,7)Relative humidity
      8,000 m            :0 20 001        800 :(31409,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(31422,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(31431,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(31436,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(31441,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(31448,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(31454,4)Cloud amount
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(31458,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(31469,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(31475,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(31481,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31487,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(31499,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31513,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(31525,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(31537,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(31553,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(31565,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      280.8 K            :0 12 012       2808 :(31577,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31589,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(31601,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(31616,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (68/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         47 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         47 :(31624,7)WMO block number
        184 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        184 :(31631,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(31641,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(31643,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(31655,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(31659,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(31665,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(31670,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      33.50 Degree       :0 05 002      12350 :(31676,15)Latitude (coarse 
     126.50 Degree       :0 06 002      30650 :(31691,16)Longitude (coarse 
         23 m            :0 07 001        423 :(31707,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    102,150 Pa           :0 10 004      10215 :(31722,14)Pressure
    102,400 Pa           :0 10 051      10240 :(31736,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        130 Pa           :0 10 061        513 :(31750,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(31760,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(31764,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(31778,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(31795,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(31799,15)Height above station
        110 Degree true  :0 11 001        110 :(31814,9)Wind direction
        2.1 m s-1        :0 11 002         21 :(31823,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(31835,15)Height above station
      284.3 K            :0 12 001       2843 :(31850,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      279.4 K            :0 12 003       2794 :(31862,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(31874,7)Relative humidity
      8,000 m            :0 20 001        800 :(31881,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(31894,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(31903,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(31908,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(31913,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(31920,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(31926,4)Cloud amount
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(31930,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(31941,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(31947,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(31953,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31959,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(31971,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(31985,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(31997,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(32009,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(32025,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(32037,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      281.2 K            :0 12 012       2812 :(32049,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(32061,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(32073,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(32088,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (69/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(32096,7)WMO block number
         42 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         42 :(32103,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(32113,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(32115,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(32127,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(32131,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(32137,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(32142,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      22.00 Degree       :0 05 002      11200 :(32148,15)Latitude (coarse 
      96.10 Degree       :0 06 002      27610 :(32163,16)Longitude (coarse 
         76 m            :0 07 001        476 :(32179,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
   //////// Pa           :0 10 004    (16383) :(32194,14)Pressure
    100,870 Pa           :0 10 051      10087 :(32208,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(32222,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(32232,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(32236,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(32250,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(32267,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(32271,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(32286,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(32295,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(32307,15)Height above station
      293.2 K            :0 12 001       2932 :(32322,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      291.7 K            :0 12 003       2917 :(32334,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(32346,7)Relative humidity
      7,000 m            :0 20 001        700 :(32353,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(32366,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(32375,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(32380,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         38 %            :0 20 010         38 :(32385,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(32392,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          3 :(32398,4)Cloud amount
# code (3) 3 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(32402,11)Height of base of cloud
         38 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         38 :(32413,6)Cloud type
# code (38) Cumulus and Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus, 
with bases at different levels
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(32419,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(32425,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(32431,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(32443,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(32457,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(32469,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(32481,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(32497,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(32509,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      292.7 K            :0 12 012       2927 :(32521,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(32533,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(32545,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(32560,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (70/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(32568,7)WMO block number
         62 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         62 :(32575,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(32585,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(32587,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(32599,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(32603,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(32609,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(32614,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      20.10 Degree       :0 05 002      11010 :(32620,15)Latitude (coarse 
      92.90 Degree       :0 06 002      27290 :(32635,16)Longitude (coarse 
          5 m            :0 07 001        405 :(32651,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
   //////// Pa           :0 10 004    (16383) :(32666,14)Pressure
    101,150 Pa           :0 10 051      10115 :(32680,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(32694,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(32704,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(32708,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(32722,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(32739,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(32743,15)Height above station
        320 Degree true  :0 11 001        320 :(32758,9)Wind direction
        0.5 m s-1        :0 11 002          5 :(32767,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(32779,15)Height above station
      291.2 K            :0 12 001       2912 :(32794,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      288.2 K            :0 12 003       2882 :(32806,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(32818,7)Relative humidity
      7,000 m            :0 20 001        700 :(32825,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(32838,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(32847,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(32852,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         50 %            :0 20 010         50 :(32857,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(32864,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          3 :(32870,4)Cloud amount
# code (3) 3 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(32874,11)Height of base of cloud
         39 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         39 :(32885,6)Cloud type
# code (39) Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without 
Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(32891,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(32897,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(32903,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(32915,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(32929,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(32941,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(32953,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(32969,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(32981,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      288.0 K            :0 12 012       2880 :(32993,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(33005,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(33017,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(33032,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (71/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(33040,7)WMO block number
         97 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         97 :(33047,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(33057,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(33059,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(33071,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(33075,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(33081,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(33086,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      16.80 Degree       :0 05 002      10680 :(33092,15)Latitude (coarse 
      96.20 Degree       :0 06 002      27620 :(33107,16)Longitude (coarse 
         15 m            :0 07 001        415 :(33123,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
   //////// Pa           :0 10 004    (16383) :(33138,14)Pressure
    101,070 Pa           :0 10 051      10107 :(33152,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(33166,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(33176,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(33180,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(33194,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(33211,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(33215,15)Height above station
        320 Degree true  :0 11 001        320 :(33230,9)Wind direction
        0.5 m s-1        :0 11 002          5 :(33239,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(33251,15)Height above station
      295.2 K            :0 12 001       2952 :(33266,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      293.7 K            :0 12 003       2937 :(33278,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(33290,7)Relative humidity
      6,000 m            :0 20 001        600 :(33297,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(33310,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          1 :(33319,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          1 :(33324,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (1) Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the 
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(33329,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(33336,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(33342,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(33346,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(33357,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(33363,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         11 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         11 :(33369,6)Cloud type
# code (11) Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the 
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(33375,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(33387,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(33401,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(33413,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(33425,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(33441,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(33453,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      293.2 K            :0 12 012       2932 :(33465,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(33477,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(33489,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(33504,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (72/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(33512,7)WMO block number
        327 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        327 :(33519,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(33529,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(33531,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(33543,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(33547,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(33553,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(33558,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      18.80 Degree       :0 05 002      10880 :(33564,15)Latitude (coarse 
      99.00 Degree       :0 06 002      27900 :(33579,16)Longitude (coarse 
        314 m            :0 07 001        714 :(33595,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     97,630 Pa           :0 10 004       9763 :(33610,14)Pressure
    101,250 Pa           :0 10 051      10125 :(33624,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(33638,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(33648,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(33652,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(33666,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(33683,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(33687,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(33702,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(33711,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(33723,15)Height above station
      292.7 K            :0 12 001       2927 :(33738,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      287.5 K            :0 12 003       2875 :(33750,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(33762,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(33769,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(33782,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(33791,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(33796,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(33801,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(33808,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(33814,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(33818,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(33829,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(33835,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         15 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         15 :(33841,6)Cloud type
# code (15) Cirrus (often in bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, 
progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole, but the 
continuous veil does not reach 45 degrees above the horizon
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(33847,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(33859,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(33873,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(33885,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(33897,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(33913,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(33925,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      292.6 K            :0 12 012       2926 :(33937,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(33949,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(33961,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(33976,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (73/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(33984,7)WMO block number
        354 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        354 :(33991,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(34001,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(34003,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(34015,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(34019,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(34025,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(34030,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      17.40 Degree       :0 05 002      10740 :(34036,15)Latitude (coarse 
     102.80 Degree       :0 06 002      28280 :(34051,16)Longitude (coarse 
        178 m            :0 07 001        578 :(34067,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,120 Pa           :0 10 004       9912 :(34082,14)Pressure
   //////// Pa           :0 10 051    (16383) :(34096,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(34110,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(34120,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(34124,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(34138,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(34155,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(34159,15)Height above station
         60 Degree true  :0 11 001         60 :(34174,9)Wind direction
        1.5 m s-1        :0 11 002         15 :(34183,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(34195,15)Height above station
      295.4 K            :0 12 001       2954 :(34210,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      292.2 K            :0 12 003       2922 :(34222,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(34234,7)Relative humidity
      8,000 m            :0 20 001        800 :(34241,13)Horizontal visibility
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 003      (511) :(34254,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(34263,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(34268,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         75 %            :0 20 010         75 :(34273,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(34280,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(34286,4)Cloud amount
      1,000 m            :0 20 013        140 :(34290,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(34301,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(34307,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(34313,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(34319,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(34331,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(34345,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(34357,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(34369,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(34385,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(34397,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      294.7 K            :0 12 012       2947 :(34409,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(34421,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(34433,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(34448,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (74/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(34456,7)WMO block number
        403 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        403 :(34463,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(34473,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(34475,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(34487,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(34491,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(34497,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(34502,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      15.80 Degree       :0 05 002      10580 :(34508,15)Latitude (coarse 
     102.00 Degree       :0 06 002      28200 :(34523,16)Longitude (coarse 
        184 m            :0 07 001        584 :(34539,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,130 Pa           :0 10 004       9913 :(34554,14)Pressure
    101,240 Pa           :0 10 051      10124 :(34568,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(34582,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(34592,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(34596,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(34610,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(34627,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(34631,15)Height above station
         80 Degree true  :0 11 001         80 :(34646,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(34655,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(34667,15)Height above station
      298.3 K            :0 12 001       2983 :(34682,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      291.2 K            :0 12 003       2912 :(34694,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(34706,7)Relative humidity
      6,000 m            :0 20 001        600 :(34713,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(34726,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(34735,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(34740,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(34745,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(34752,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          4 :(34758,4)Cloud amount
# code (4) 4 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(34762,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(34773,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         24 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         24 :(34779,6)Cloud type
# code (24) Patches (often Lenticular) of Altocumulus translucidus, continually 
changing and occurring at one or more levels
         16 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         16 :(34785,6)Cloud type
# code (16) Cirrus (often In bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, 
progressively Invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole; the 
continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky 
being totally covered
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(34791,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(34803,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(34817,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(34829,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(34841,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(34857,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(34869,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      298.3 K            :0 12 012       2983 :(34881,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(34893,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(34905,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(34920,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (75/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(34928,7)WMO block number
        407 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        407 :(34935,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(34945,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(34947,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(34959,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(34963,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(34969,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(34974,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      15.30 Degree       :0 05 002      10530 :(34980,15)Latitude (coarse 
     104.90 Degree       :0 06 002      28490 :(34995,16)Longitude (coarse 
        124 m            :0 07 001        524 :(35011,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,780 Pa           :0 10 004       9978 :(35026,14)Pressure
    101,210 Pa           :0 10 051      10121 :(35040,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(35054,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(35064,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(35068,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(35082,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(35099,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(35103,15)Height above station
         60 Degree true  :0 11 001         60 :(35118,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(35127,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(35139,15)Height above station
      294.2 K            :0 12 001       2942 :(35154,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      291.3 K            :0 12 003       2913 :(35166,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(35178,7)Relative humidity
      6,000 m            :0 20 001        600 :(35185,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(35198,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(35207,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(35212,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(35217,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(35224,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(35230,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(35234,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(35245,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(35251,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         16 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         16 :(35257,6)Cloud type
# code (16) Cirrus (often In bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, 
progressively Invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole; the 
continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky 
being totally covered
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(35263,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(35275,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(35289,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(35301,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(35313,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(35329,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(35341,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(35353,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(35365,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(35377,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(35392,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (76/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(35400,7)WMO block number
        455 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        455 :(35407,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(35417,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(35419,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(35431,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(35435,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(35441,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(35446,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      13.70 Degree       :0 05 002      10370 :(35452,15)Latitude (coarse 
     100.60 Degree       :0 06 002      28060 :(35467,16)Longitude (coarse 
          4 m            :0 07 001        404 :(35483,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
   //////// Pa           :0 10 004    (16383) :(35498,14)Pressure
   //////// Pa           :0 10 051    (16383) :(35512,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(35526,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(35536,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(35540,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(35554,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(35571,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(35575,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(35590,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(35599,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(35611,15)Height above station
      300.5 K            :0 12 001       3005 :(35626,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
   //////// K            :0 12 003     (4095) :(35638,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(35650,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(35657,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(35670,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(35679,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(35684,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(35689,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(35696,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(35702,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(35706,11)Height of base of cloud
         32 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         32 :(35717,6)Cloud type
# code (32) Cumulus mediocris or congestus, Towering cumulus (TCU), with or 
without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis or Stratocumulus, all having 
their bases at the same level
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(35723,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         16 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         16 :(35729,6)Cloud type
# code (16) Cirrus (often In bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, 
progressively Invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole; the 
continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky 
being totally covered
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(35735,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(35747,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(35761,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(35773,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(35785,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(35801,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(35813,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      299.6 K            :0 12 012       2996 :(35825,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(35837,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(35849,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(35864,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (77/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(35872,7)WMO block number
        517 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        517 :(35879,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(35889,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(35891,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(35903,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(35907,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(35913,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(35918,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      10.50 Degree       :0 05 002      10050 :(35924,15)Latitude (coarse 
      99.20 Degree       :0 06 002      27920 :(35939,16)Longitude (coarse 
          6 m            :0 07 001        406 :(35955,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,990 Pa           :0 10 004      10099 :(35970,14)Pressure
    101,060 Pa           :0 10 051      10106 :(35984,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(35998,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(36008,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(36012,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(36026,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(36043,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(36047,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(36062,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(36071,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(36083,15)Height above station
      296.7 K            :0 12 001       2967 :(36098,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      296.0 K            :0 12 003       2960 :(36110,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(36122,7)Relative humidity
      6,000 m            :0 20 001        600 :(36129,13)Horizontal visibility
         15 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         15 :(36142,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (15) Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of 
the sea, but distant, i.e. estimated to be more than 5 km from the station
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(36151,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(36156,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         38 %            :0 20 010         38 :(36161,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(36168,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(36174,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(36178,11)Height of base of cloud
         32 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         32 :(36189,6)Cloud type
# code (32) Cumulus mediocris or congestus, Towering cumulus (TCU), with or 
without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis or Stratocumulus, all having 
their bases at the same level
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(36195,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         15 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         15 :(36201,6)Cloud type
# code (15) Cirrus (often in bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, 
progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole, but the 
continuous veil does not reach 45 degrees above the horizon
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(36207,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(36219,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(36233,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(36245,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(36257,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(36273,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(36285,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      296.7 K            :0 12 012       2967 :(36297,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(36309,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(36321,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(36336,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (78/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(36344,7)WMO block number
        615 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        615 :(36351,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(36361,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(36363,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(36375,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(36379,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(36385,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(36390,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
       6.20 Degree       :0 05 002       9620 :(36396,15)Latitude (coarse 
     102.30 Degree       :0 06 002      28230 :(36411,16)Longitude (coarse 
          5 m            :0 07 001        405 :(36427,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,990 Pa           :0 10 004      10099 :(36442,14)Pressure
    101,050 Pa           :0 10 051      10105 :(36456,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(36470,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(36480,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(36484,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(36498,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(36515,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(36519,15)Height above station
         80 Degree true  :0 11 001         80 :(36534,9)Wind direction
        3.6 m s-1        :0 11 002         36 :(36543,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(36555,15)Height above station
      299.2 K            :0 12 001       2992 :(36570,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      296.1 K            :0 12 003       2961 :(36582,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(36594,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(36601,13)Horizontal visibility
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          1 :(36614,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (1) Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed.
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(36623,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(36628,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(36633,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(36640,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          3 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          3 :(36646,4)Cloud amount
# code (3) 3 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(36650,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(36661,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         24 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         24 :(36667,6)Cloud type
# code (24) Patches (often Lenticular) of Altocumulus translucidus, continually 
changing and occurring at one or more levels
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(36673,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(36679,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(36691,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(36705,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(36717,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(36729,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(36745,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(36757,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      297.8 K            :0 12 012       2978 :(36769,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(36781,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(36793,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(36808,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (79/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(36816,7)WMO block number
        647 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        647 :(36823,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(36833,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(36835,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(36847,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(36851,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(36857,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(36862,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
       3.10 Degree       :0 05 002       9310 :(36868,15)Latitude (coarse 
     101.60 Degree       :0 06 002      28160 :(36883,16)Longitude (coarse 
         22 m            :0 07 001        422 :(36899,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,710 Pa           :0 10 004      10071 :(36914,14)Pressure
    100,960 Pa           :0 10 051      10096 :(36928,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(36942,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(36952,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(36956,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(36970,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(36987,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(36991,15)Height above station
        150 Degree true  :0 11 001        150 :(37006,9)Wind direction
        0.5 m s-1        :0 11 002          5 :(37015,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(37027,15)Height above station
      297.6 K            :0 12 001       2976 :(37042,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      296.5 K            :0 12 003       2965 :(37054,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(37066,7)Relative humidity
      7,000 m            :0 20 001        700 :(37073,13)Horizontal visibility
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          5 :(37086,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (5) Haze
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          2 :(37095,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          2 :(37100,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (2) Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(37105,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(37112,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          1 :(37118,4)Cloud amount
# code (1) 1 okta or less, but not zero
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(37122,11)Height of base of cloud
         39 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         39 :(37133,6)Cloud type
# code (39) Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without 
Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
         25 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         25 :(37139,6)Cloud type
# code (25) Altocumulus translucidus in bands, or one or more layers of 
Altocumulus translucidus or opacus, progressively Invading the sky;these 
Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(37145,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(37151,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(37163,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(37177,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(37189,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(37201,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(37217,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(37229,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      297.0 K            :0 12 012       2970 :(37241,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(37253,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(37265,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(37280,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (80/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         48 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         48 :(37288,7)WMO block number
        698 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        698 :(37295,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(37305,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(37307,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(37319,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(37323,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(37329,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(37334,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
       1.40 Degree       :0 05 002       9140 :(37340,15)Latitude (coarse 
     104.00 Degree       :0 06 002      28400 :(37355,16)Longitude (coarse 
         16 m            :0 07 001        416 :(37371,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,760 Pa           :0 10 004      10076 :(37386,14)Pressure
    100,950 Pa           :0 10 051      10095 :(37400,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
   //////// Pa           :0 10 061     (1023) :(37414,10)3-hour pressure change
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 10 063       (15) :(37424,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(37428,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(37442,17)Height
        0xC FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002         12 :(37459,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
# flag <2/4> Originally measured in knots
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(37463,15)Height above station
        340 Degree true  :0 11 001        340 :(37478,9)Wind direction
        1.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         10 :(37487,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(37499,15)Height above station
      297.8 K            :0 12 001       2978 :(37514,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      297.2 K            :0 12 003       2972 :(37526,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(37538,7)Relative humidity
     11,000 m            :0 20 001       1100 :(37545,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(37558,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          9 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          9 :(37567,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (9) Thunderstorm(s) with or without precipitation
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          8 :(37572,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (8) Shower(s)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(37577,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(37584,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          5 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          5 :(37590,4)Cloud amount
# code (5) 5 oktas
        300 m            :0 20 013         70 :(37594,11)Height of base of cloud
         38 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         38 :(37605,6)Cloud type
# code (38) Cumulus and Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus, 
with bases at different levels
         27 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         27 :(37611,6)Cloud type
# code (27) Altocumulus translucidus or opacus In two or more layers, or 
Altocumulus opacus In a single layer, not progressively Invading the sky, or 
Altocumulus with Altostratus or Nimbostratus
         18 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         18 :(37617,6)Cloud type
# code (18) Cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not entirely 
covering It
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(37623,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(37635,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(37649,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(37661,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(37673,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(37689,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(37701,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
      297.3 K            :0 12 012       2973 :(37713,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(37725,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(37737,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(37752,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (81/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(37760,7)WMO block number
        527 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        527 :(37767,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(37777,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(37779,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(37791,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(37795,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(37801,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(37806,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      49.20 Degree       :0 05 002      13920 :(37812,15)Latitude (coarse 
     119.80 Degree       :0 06 002      29980 :(37827,16)Longitude (coarse 
        611 m            :0 07 001       1011 :(37843,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     93,120 Pa           :0 10 004       9312 :(37858,14)Pressure
    100,450 Pa           :0 10 051      10045 :(37872,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        270 Pa           :0 10 061        527 :(37886,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(37896,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(37900,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(37914,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(37931,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(37935,15)Height above station
        270 Degree true  :0 11 001        270 :(37950,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(37959,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(37971,15)Height above station
      273.1 K            :0 12 001       2731 :(37986,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      268.5 K            :0 12 003       2685 :(37998,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(38010,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(38017,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(38030,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(38039,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(38044,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(38049,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(38056,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(38062,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(38066,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(38077,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(38083,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(38089,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(38095,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(38107,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(38121,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(38133,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(38145,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(38161,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(38173,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(38185,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(38197,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(38209,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(38224,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (82/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(38232,7)WMO block number
        557 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        557 :(38239,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(38249,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(38251,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(38263,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(38267,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(38273,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(38278,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      49.20 Degree       :0 05 002      13920 :(38284,15)Latitude (coarse 
     125.20 Degree       :0 06 002      30520 :(38299,16)Longitude (coarse 
        243 m            :0 07 001        643 :(38315,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     98,060 Pa           :0 10 004       9806 :(38330,14)Pressure
    101,070 Pa           :0 10 051      10107 :(38344,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -170 Pa           :0 10 061        483 :(38358,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(38368,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(38372,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(38386,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(38403,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(38407,15)Height above station
        160 Degree true  :0 11 001        160 :(38422,9)Wind direction
       11.0 m s-1        :0 11 002        110 :(38431,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(38443,15)Height above station
      274.8 K            :0 12 001       2748 :(38458,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      262.0 K            :0 12 003       2620 :(38470,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(38482,7)Relative humidity
     15,000 m            :0 20 001       1500 :(38489,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(38502,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(38511,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(38516,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(38521,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(38528,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          2 :(38534,4)Cloud amount
# code (2) 2 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(38538,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(38549,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(38555,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(38561,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(38567,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(38579,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(38593,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(38605,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(38617,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(38633,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(38645,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(38657,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(38669,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(38681,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(38696,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (83/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(38704,7)WMO block number
        632 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        632 :(38711,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(38721,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(38723,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(38735,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(38739,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(38745,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(38750,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      48.80 Degree       :0 05 002      13880 :(38756,15)Latitude (coarse 
     121.90 Degree       :0 06 002      30190 :(38771,16)Longitude (coarse 
        739 m            :0 07 001       1139 :(38787,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     91,800 Pa           :0 10 004       9180 :(38802,14)Pressure
    100,680 Pa           :0 10 051      10068 :(38816,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -100 Pa           :0 10 061        490 :(38830,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(38840,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(38844,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(38858,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(38875,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(38879,15)Height above station
        160 Degree true  :0 11 001        160 :(38894,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(38903,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(38915,15)Height above station
      271.4 K            :0 12 001       2714 :(38930,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      256.9 K            :0 12 003       2569 :(38942,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(38954,7)Relative humidity
     28,000 m            :0 20 001       2800 :(38961,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(38974,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(38983,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(38988,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(38993,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(39000,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(39006,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(39010,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(39021,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(39027,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(39033,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(39039,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(39051,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(39065,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(39077,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(39089,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(39105,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(39117,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(39129,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(39141,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(39153,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(39168,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (84/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(39176,7)WMO block number
        727 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        727 :(39183,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(39193,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(39195,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(39207,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(39211,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(39217,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(39222,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      47.20 Degree       :0 05 002      13720 :(39228,15)Latitude (coarse 
     119.90 Degree       :0 06 002      29990 :(39243,16)Longitude (coarse 
        997 m            :0 07 001       1397 :(39259,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     89,130 Pa           :0 10 004       8913 :(39274,14)Pressure
    100,810 Pa           :0 10 051      10081 :(39288,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        130 Pa           :0 10 061        513 :(39302,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(39312,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(39316,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(39330,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(39347,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(39351,15)Height above station
        270 Degree true  :0 11 001        270 :(39366,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(39375,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(39387,15)Height above station
      274.7 K            :0 12 001       2747 :(39402,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      264.6 K            :0 12 003       2646 :(39414,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(39426,7)Relative humidity
     30,000 m            :0 20 001       3000 :(39433,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(39446,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(39455,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(39460,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(39465,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(39472,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(39478,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(39482,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(39493,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(39499,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(39505,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(39511,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(39523,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(39537,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(39549,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(39561,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(39577,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(39589,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(39601,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(39613,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(39625,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(39640,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (85/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(39648,7)WMO block number
        745 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        745 :(39655,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(39665,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(39667,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(39679,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(39683,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(39689,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(39694,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      47.40 Degree       :0 05 002      13740 :(39700,15)Latitude (coarse 
     123.90 Degree       :0 06 002      30390 :(39715,16)Longitude (coarse 
        148 m            :0 07 001        548 :(39731,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,280 Pa           :0 10 004       9928 :(39746,14)Pressure
    101,120 Pa           :0 10 051      10112 :(39760,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -150 Pa           :0 10 061        485 :(39774,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(39784,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(39788,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(39802,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(39819,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(39823,15)Height above station
        180 Degree true  :0 11 001        180 :(39838,9)Wind direction
        6.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         60 :(39847,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(39859,15)Height above station
      275.2 K            :0 12 001       2752 :(39874,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      261.0 K            :0 12 003       2610 :(39886,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(39898,7)Relative humidity
     15,000 m            :0 20 001       1500 :(39905,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(39918,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(39927,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(39932,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         25 %            :0 20 010         25 :(39937,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(39944,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(39950,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(39954,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(39965,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(39971,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(39977,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(39983,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(39995,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(40009,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(40021,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(40033,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(40049,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(40061,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(40073,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(40085,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(40097,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(40112,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (86/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(40120,7)WMO block number
        756 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        756 :(40127,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(40137,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(40139,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(40151,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(40155,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(40161,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(40166,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      47.40 Degree       :0 05 002      13740 :(40172,15)Latitude (coarse 
     127.00 Degree       :0 06 002      30700 :(40187,16)Longitude (coarse 
        240 m            :0 07 001        640 :(40203,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     98,640 Pa           :0 10 004       9864 :(40218,14)Pressure
    101,640 Pa           :0 10 051      10164 :(40232,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -170 Pa           :0 10 061        483 :(40246,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(40256,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(40260,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(40274,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(40291,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(40295,15)Height above station
        160 Degree true  :0 11 001        160 :(40310,9)Wind direction
        5.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         50 :(40319,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(40331,15)Height above station
      274.2 K            :0 12 001       2742 :(40346,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      263.0 K            :0 12 003       2630 :(40358,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(40370,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(40377,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(40390,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(40399,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(40404,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(40409,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(40416,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(40422,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(40426,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(40437,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(40443,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(40449,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(40455,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(40467,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(40481,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(40493,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(40505,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(40521,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(40533,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(40545,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(40557,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(40569,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(40584,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (87/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(40592,7)WMO block number
        774 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        774 :(40599,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(40609,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(40611,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(40623,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(40627,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(40633,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(40638,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      47.70 Degree       :0 05 002      13770 :(40644,15)Latitude (coarse 
     128.90 Degree       :0 06 002      30890 :(40659,16)Longitude (coarse 
        232 m            :0 07 001        632 :(40675,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     98,770 Pa           :0 10 004       9877 :(40690,14)Pressure
    101,880 Pa           :0 10 051      10188 :(40704,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -180 Pa           :0 10 061        482 :(40718,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(40728,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(40732,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(40746,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(40763,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(40767,15)Height above station
          0 Degree true  :0 11 001          0 :(40782,9)Wind direction
        0.0 m s-1        :0 11 002          0 :(40791,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(40803,15)Height above station
      270.8 K            :0 12 001       2708 :(40818,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      263.4 K            :0 12 003       2634 :(40830,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(40842,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(40849,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(40862,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(40871,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(40876,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(40881,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(40888,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(40894,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(40898,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(40909,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(40915,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         18 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         18 :(40921,6)Cloud type
# code (18) Cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not entirely 
covering It
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(40927,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(40939,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(40953,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(40965,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(40977,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(40993,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(41005,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(41017,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(41029,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(41041,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(41056,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (88/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(41064,7)WMO block number
        915 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        915 :(41071,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(41081,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(41083,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(41095,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(41099,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(41105,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(41110,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      45.50 Degree       :0 05 002      13550 :(41116,15)Latitude (coarse 
     117.00 Degree       :0 06 002      29700 :(41131,16)Longitude (coarse 
        840 m            :0 07 001       1240 :(41147,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     91,350 Pa           :0 10 004       9135 :(41162,14)Pressure
    101,320 Pa           :0 10 051      10132 :(41176,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        480 Pa           :0 10 061        548 :(41190,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(41200,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(41204,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(41218,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(41235,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(41239,15)Height above station
        360 Degree true  :0 11 001        360 :(41254,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(41263,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(41275,15)Height above station
      272.7 K            :0 12 001       2727 :(41290,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      267.3 K            :0 12 003       2673 :(41302,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(41314,7)Relative humidity
     25,000 m            :0 20 001       2500 :(41321,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(41334,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(41343,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(41348,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(41353,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(41360,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          4 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          4 :(41366,4)Cloud amount
# code (4) 4 oktas
        600 m            :0 20 013        100 :(41370,11)Height of base of cloud
         39 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         39 :(41381,6)Cloud type
# code (39) Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without 
Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(41387,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(41393,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(41399,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(41411,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(41425,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(41437,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(41449,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(41465,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(41477,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(41489,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(41501,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(41513,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(41528,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (89/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(41536,7)WMO block number
        949 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        949 :(41543,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(41553,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(41555,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(41567,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(41571,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(41577,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(41582,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      45.10 Degree       :0 05 002      13510 :(41588,15)Latitude (coarse 
     124.90 Degree       :0 06 002      30490 :(41603,16)Longitude (coarse 
        136 m            :0 07 001        536 :(41619,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,720 Pa           :0 10 004       9972 :(41634,14)Pressure
    101,420 Pa           :0 10 051      10142 :(41648,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -200 Pa           :0 10 061        480 :(41662,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(41672,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(41676,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(41690,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(41707,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(41711,15)Height above station
        180 Degree true  :0 11 001        180 :(41726,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(41735,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(41747,15)Height above station
      277.9 K            :0 12 001       2779 :(41762,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      260.5 K            :0 12 003       2605 :(41774,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(41786,7)Relative humidity
     15,000 m            :0 20 001       1500 :(41793,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(41806,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(41815,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(41820,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(41825,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(41832,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(41838,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(41842,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(41853,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(41859,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(41865,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(41871,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(41883,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(41897,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(41909,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(41921,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(41937,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(41949,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(41961,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(41973,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(41985,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(42000,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (90/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(42008,7)WMO block number
        953 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        953 :(42015,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(42025,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(42027,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(42039,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(42043,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(42049,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(42054,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      45.80 Degree       :0 05 002      13580 :(42060,15)Latitude (coarse 
     126.80 Degree       :0 06 002      30680 :(42075,16)Longitude (coarse 
        143 m            :0 07 001        543 :(42091,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     99,850 Pa           :0 10 004       9985 :(42106,14)Pressure
    101,640 Pa           :0 10 051      10164 :(42120,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -120 Pa           :0 10 061        488 :(42134,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(42144,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(42148,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(42162,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(42179,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(42183,15)Height above station
        180 Degree true  :0 11 001        180 :(42198,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(42207,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(42219,15)Height above station
      277.3 K            :0 12 001       2773 :(42234,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      261.3 K            :0 12 003       2613 :(42246,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(42258,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(42265,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(42278,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(42287,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(42292,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(42297,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(42304,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(42310,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(42314,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(42325,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(42331,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(42337,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(42343,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(42355,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(42369,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(42381,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(42393,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(42409,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(42421,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(42433,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(42445,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(42457,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(42472,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (91/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         50 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         50 :(42480,7)WMO block number
        963 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        963 :(42487,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(42497,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(42499,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(42511,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(42515,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(42521,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(42526,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      46.00 Degree       :0 05 002      13600 :(42532,15)Latitude (coarse 
     128.70 Degree       :0 06 002      30870 :(42547,16)Longitude (coarse 
        110 m            :0 07 001        510 :(42563,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
    100,510 Pa           :0 10 004      10051 :(42578,14)Pressure
    101,910 Pa           :0 10 051      10191 :(42592,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -140 Pa           :0 10 061        486 :(42606,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(42616,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(42620,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(42634,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(42651,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(42655,15)Height above station
         70 Degree true  :0 11 001         70 :(42670,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(42679,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(42691,15)Height above station
      273.2 K            :0 12 001       2732 :(42706,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      265.9 K            :0 12 003       2659 :(42718,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(42730,7)Relative humidity
     10,000 m            :0 20 001       1000 :(42737,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(42750,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(42759,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(42764,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         13 %            :0 20 010         13 :(42769,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(42776,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          0 :(42782,4)Cloud amount
# code (0) 0
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(42786,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(42797,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(42803,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(42809,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(42815,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(42827,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(42841,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(42853,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(42865,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(42881,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(42893,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(42905,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(42917,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(42929,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(42944,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (92/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         51 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         51 :(42952,7)WMO block number
        463 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        463 :(42959,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(42969,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(42971,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(42983,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(42987,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(42993,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(42998,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      43.80 Degree       :0 05 002      13380 :(43004,15)Latitude (coarse 
      87.70 Degree       :0 06 002      26770 :(43019,16)Longitude (coarse 
        947 m            :0 07 001       1347 :(43035,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     91,130 Pa           :0 10 004       9113 :(43050,14)Pressure
    102,350 Pa           :0 10 051      10235 :(43064,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
       -170 Pa           :0 10 061        483 :(43078,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(43088,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(43092,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(43106,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(43123,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(43127,15)Height above station
        250 Degree true  :0 11 001        250 :(43142,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(43151,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(43163,15)Height above station
      271.9 K            :0 12 001       2719 :(43178,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      268.7 K            :0 12 003       2687 :(43190,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(43202,7)Relative humidity
     30,000 m            :0 20 001       3000 :(43209,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(43222,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(43231,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(43236,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(43241,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(43248,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(43254,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(43258,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(43269,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(43275,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(43281,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(43287,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(43299,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(43313,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(43325,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(43337,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(43353,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(43365,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(43377,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(43389,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(43401,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(43416,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (93/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         51 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         51 :(43424,7)WMO block number
        709 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        709 :(43431,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(43441,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(43443,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(43455,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(43459,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(43465,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(43470,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      39.50 Degree       :0 05 002      12950 :(43476,15)Latitude (coarse 
      76.00 Degree       :0 06 002      25600 :(43491,16)Longitude (coarse 
      1,291 m            :0 07 001       1691 :(43507,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     87,040 Pa           :0 10 004       8704 :(43522,14)Pressure
    101,450 Pa           :0 10 051      10145 :(43536,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        -20 Pa           :0 10 061        498 :(43550,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(43560,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(43564,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(43578,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(43595,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(43599,15)Height above station
        290 Degree true  :0 11 001        290 :(43614,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(43623,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(43635,15)Height above station
      279.0 K            :0 12 001       2790 :(43650,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      267.4 K            :0 12 003       2674 :(43662,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(43674,7)Relative humidity
     15,000 m            :0 20 001       1500 :(43681,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(43694,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(43703,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(43708,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(43713,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(43720,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(43726,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(43730,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(43741,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(43747,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(43753,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(43759,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(43771,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(43785,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(43797,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(43809,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(43825,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(43837,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(43849,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(43861,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(43873,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(43888,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (94/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         52 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         52 :(43896,7)WMO block number
        267 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        267 :(43903,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(43913,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(43915,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(43927,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(43931,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(43937,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(43942,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      42.00 Degree       :0 05 002      13200 :(43948,15)Latitude (coarse 
     101.10 Degree       :0 06 002      28110 :(43963,16)Longitude (coarse 
        941 m            :0 07 001       1341 :(43979,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     91,530 Pa           :0 10 004       9153 :(43994,14)Pressure
    102,820 Pa           :0 10 051      10282 :(44008,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        170 Pa           :0 10 061        517 :(44022,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(44032,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(44036,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(44050,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(44067,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(44071,15)Height above station
        220 Degree true  :0 11 001        220 :(44086,9)Wind direction
        3.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         30 :(44095,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(44107,15)Height above station
      269.5 K            :0 12 001       2695 :(44122,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      256.6 K            :0 12 003       2566 :(44134,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(44146,7)Relative humidity
     30,000 m            :0 20 001       3000 :(44153,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(44166,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(44175,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(44180,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
          0 %            :0 20 010          0 :(44185,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(44192,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 011       (15) :(44198,4)Cloud amount
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(44202,11)Height of base of cloud
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(44213,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(44219,6)Cloud type
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 012       (63) :(44225,6)Cloud type
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(44231,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(44243,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(44257,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(44269,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(44281,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(44297,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(44309,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(44321,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(44333,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(44345,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(44360,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (95/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         52 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         52 :(44368,7)WMO block number
        533 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        533 :(44375,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(44385,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(44387,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(44399,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(44403,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(44409,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(44414,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      39.80 Degree       :0 05 002      12980 :(44420,15)Latitude (coarse 
      98.50 Degree       :0 06 002      27850 :(44435,16)Longitude (coarse 
      1,478 m            :0 07 001       1878 :(44451,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     85,520 Pa           :0 10 004       8552 :(44466,14)Pressure
    102,530 Pa           :0 10 051      10253 :(44480,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        -90 Pa           :0 10 061        491 :(44494,10)3-hour pressure change
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          7 :(44504,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (7) Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily). Atmospheric pressure now lower 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(44508,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(44522,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(44539,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(44543,15)Height above station
         90 Degree true  :0 11 001         90 :(44558,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(44567,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(44579,15)Height above station
      271.3 K            :0 12 001       2713 :(44594,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      271.2 K            :0 12 003       2712 :(44606,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(44618,7)Relative humidity
      6,000 m            :0 20 001        600 :(44625,13)Horizontal visibility
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         10 :(44638,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (10) Mist
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          0 :(44647,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(44652,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(44657,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(44664,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(44670,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(44674,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(44685,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         22 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         22 :(44691,6)Cloud type
# code (22) Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(44697,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(44703,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(44715,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(44729,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(44741,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(44753,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(44769,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(44781,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(44793,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(44805,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(44817,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(44832,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (96/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         52 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         52 :(44840,7)WMO block number
        681 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        681 :(44847,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(44857,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(44859,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(44871,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(44875,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(44881,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(44886,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      38.60 Degree       :0 05 002      12860 :(44892,15)Latitude (coarse 
     103.10 Degree       :0 06 002      28310 :(44907,16)Longitude (coarse 
      1,367 m            :0 07 001       1767 :(44923,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     86,930 Pa           :0 10 004       8693 :(44938,14)Pressure
    102,560 Pa           :0 10 051      10256 :(44952,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        110 Pa           :0 10 061        511 :(44966,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(44976,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(44980,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(44994,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(45011,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(45015,15)Height above station
        220 Degree true  :0 11 001        220 :(45030,9)Wind direction
        2.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         20 :(45039,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(45051,15)Height above station
      275.0 K            :0 12 001       2750 :(45066,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      272.6 K            :0 12 003       2726 :(45078,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(45090,7)Relative humidity
     30,000 m            :0 20 001       3000 :(45097,13)Horizontal visibility
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          0 :(45110,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (0) Cloud development not observed or not observable
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          7 :(45119,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (7) Snow, or rain and snow mixed
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(45124,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(45129,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(45136,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          7 :(45142,4)Cloud amount
# code (7) 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(45146,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(45157,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         23 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         23 :(45163,6)Cloud type
# code (23) Altocumulus translucidus at a single level
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(45169,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
         -6 Hour         :0 04 024       2042 :(45175,12)Time period or 
       -0.1 kg m-2       :0 13 011          0 :(45187,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(45201,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(45213,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(45225,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(45241,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(45253,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(45265,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(45277,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(45289,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(45304,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (97/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         53 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         53 :(45312,7)WMO block number
         68 NUMERIC      :0 01 002         68 :(45319,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(45329,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(45331,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(45343,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(45347,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(45353,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(45358,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      43.70 Degree       :0 05 002      13370 :(45364,15)Latitude (coarse 
     112.00 Degree       :0 06 002      29200 :(45379,16)Longitude (coarse 
        966 m            :0 07 001       1366 :(45395,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     90,450 Pa           :0 10 004       9045 :(45410,14)Pressure
    101,740 Pa           :0 10 051      10174 :(45424,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        300 Pa           :0 10 061        530 :(45438,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(45448,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(45452,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(45466,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(45483,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(45487,15)Height above station
        270 Degree true  :0 11 001        270 :(45502,9)Wind direction
        6.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         60 :(45511,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(45523,15)Height above station
      273.6 K            :0 12 001       2736 :(45538,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      258.4 K            :0 12 003       2584 :(45550,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(45562,7)Relative humidity
     30,000 m            :0 20 001       3000 :(45569,13)Horizontal visibility
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003          0 :(45582,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (0) Cloud development not observed or not observable
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          7 :(45591,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (7) Snow, or rain and snow mixed
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(45596,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(45601,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(45608,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(45614,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
      1,500 m            :0 20 013        190 :(45618,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(45629,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(45635,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         12 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         12 :(45641,6)Cloud type
# code (12) Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do 
not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a 
Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus
         -6 Hour         :0 04 024       2042 :(45647,12)Time period or 
       -0.1 kg m-2       :0 13 011          0 :(45659,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(45673,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(45685,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(45697,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(45713,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(45725,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(45737,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(45749,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(45761,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(45776,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (98/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         53 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         53 :(45784,7)WMO block number
        276 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        276 :(45791,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(45801,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(45803,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(45815,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(45819,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(45825,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(45830,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      42.40 Degree       :0 05 002      13240 :(45836,15)Latitude (coarse 
     112.90 Degree       :0 06 002      29290 :(45851,16)Longitude (coarse 
      1,152 m            :0 07 001       1552 :(45867,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     88,600 Pa           :0 10 004       8860 :(45882,14)Pressure
    102,000 Pa           :0 10 051      10200 :(45896,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        540 Pa           :0 10 061        554 :(45910,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(45920,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(45924,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(45938,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(45955,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(45959,15)Height above station
        320 Degree true  :0 11 001        320 :(45974,9)Wind direction
        6.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         60 :(45983,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(45995,15)Height above station
      272.9 K            :0 12 001       2729 :(46010,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      266.3 K            :0 12 003       2663 :(46022,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(46034,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(46041,13)Horizontal visibility
         26 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003         26 :(46054,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (26) Shower(s) of snow, or of rain and snow
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 004          8 :(46063,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
# code (8) Shower(s)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 20 005          0 :(46068,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
# code (0) Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate 
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         75 %            :0 20 010         75 :(46073,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(46080,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          6 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          6 :(46086,4)Cloud amount
# code (6) 6 oktas
      1,000 m            :0 20 013        140 :(46090,11)Height of base of cloud
         39 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         39 :(46101,6)Cloud type
# code (39) Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without 
Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus
         20 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         20 :(46107,6)Cloud type
# code (20) No CM clouds
         10 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         10 :(46113,6)Cloud type
# code (10) No CH clouds
         -6 Hour         :0 04 024       2042 :(46119,12)Time period or 
       -0.1 kg m-2       :0 13 011          0 :(46131,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(46145,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(46157,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(46169,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(46185,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(46197,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(46209,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(46221,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(46233,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(46248,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# ---------------------------[ Data Subset (99/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         53 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         53 :(46256,7)WMO block number
        336 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        336 :(46263,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(46273,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(46275,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(46287,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(46291,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(46297,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(46302,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      41.60 Degree       :0 05 002      13160 :(46308,15)Latitude (coarse 
     108.50 Degree       :0 06 002      28850 :(46323,16)Longitude (coarse 
      1,290 m            :0 07 001       1690 :(46339,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     87,240 Pa           :0 10 004       8724 :(46354,14)Pressure
    101,980 Pa           :0 10 051      10198 :(46368,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        190 Pa           :0 10 061        519 :(46382,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(46392,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(46396,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(46410,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(46427,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(46431,15)Height above station
        340 Degree true  :0 11 001        340 :(46446,9)Wind direction
        4.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         40 :(46455,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(46467,15)Height above station
      274.0 K            :0 12 001       2740 :(46482,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      260.6 K            :0 12 003       2606 :(46494,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(46506,7)Relative humidity
     15,000 m            :0 20 001       1500 :(46513,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(46526,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(46535,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(46540,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
         88 %            :0 20 010         88 :(46545,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(46552,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          7 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          7 :(46558,4)Cloud amount
# code (7) 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas
      1,000 m            :0 20 013        140 :(46562,11)Height of base of cloud
         35 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         35 :(46573,6)Cloud type
# code (35) Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
         61 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         61 :(46579,6)Cloud type
# code (61) CM clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of continuous layer of lower clouds
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(46585,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(46591,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(46603,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(46617,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(46629,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(46641,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(46657,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(46669,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(46681,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(46693,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(46705,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(46720,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# --------------------------[ Data Subset (100/100) ]---------------------------
#                        :3 01 032            :Observation Identification
#                        :3 01 001            :WMO station ID
         53 NUMERIC      :0 01 001         53 :(46728,7)WMO block number
        463 NUMERIC      :0 01 002        463 :(46735,10)WMO station number
          1 CODE TABLE   :0 02 001          1 :(46745,2)Type of station
# code (1) Manned station
#                        :3 01 011            :Y/M/D
      2,008 Year         :0 04 001       2008 :(46747,12)Year
          3 Month        :0 04 002          3 :(46759,4)Month
         12 Day          :0 04 003         12 :(46763,6)Day
#                        :3 01 012            :Hr/Min
          0 Hour         :0 04 004          0 :(46769,5)Hour
          0 Minute       :0 04 005          0 :(46774,6)Minute
#                        :3 01 024            :Location(coarse accuracy)
      40.80 Degree       :0 05 002      13080 :(46780,15)Latitude (coarse 
     111.70 Degree       :0 06 002      29170 :(46795,16)Longitude (coarse 
      1,065 m            :0 07 001       1465 :(46811,15)Height of station(see 
Note 1)
#                        :3 02 001            :(Pressure data)
     89,500 Pa           :0 10 004       8950 :(46826,14)Pressure
    101,800 Pa           :0 10 051      10180 :(46840,14)Pressure reduced to 
mean sea level
        330 Pa           :0 10 061        533 :(46854,10)3-hour pressure change
          2 CODE TABLE   :0 10 063          2 :(46864,4)Characteristic of 
pressure tendency
# code (2) Increasing (steadily or unsteadily) Atmospheric pressure now higher 
than 3 hours ago.
   //////// Pa           :0 07 004    (16383) :(46868,14)Pressure
   //////// m            :0 10 007   (131071) :(46882,17)Height
        0x8 FLAG TABLE   :0 02 002          8 :(46899,4)Type of instrumentation 
for wind measurement
# flag <1/4> Certified Instruments
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(46903,15)Height above station
        290 Degree true  :0 11 001        290 :(46918,9)Wind direction
        7.0 m s-1        :0 11 002         70 :(46927,12)Wind speed
   //////// m            :0 07 006    (32767) :(46939,15)Height above station
      278.1 K            :0 12 001       2781 :(46954,12)Temperature/dry-bulb 
      265.0 K            :0 12 003       2650 :(46966,12)Dew-point temperature
   //////// %            :0 13 003      (127) :(46978,7)Relative humidity
     20,000 m            :0 20 001       2000 :(46985,13)Horizontal visibility
        508 CODE TABLE   :0 20 003        508 :(46998,9)Present weather (see 
note 1)
# code (508) No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather 
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 004       (31) :(47007,5)Past weather (1) (see 
note 2)
   //////// CODE TABLE   :0 20 005       (31) :(47012,5)Past weather (2) (see 
note 2)
#                        :3 02 004            :(General cloud information)
        100 %            :0 20 010        100 :(47017,7)Cloud cover (total)
          0 CODE TABLE   :0 08 002          0 :(47024,6)Vertical significance 
(surface observations)
# code (0) Observing rules for base of lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 
12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply
          8 CODE TABLE   :0 20 011          8 :(47030,4)Cloud amount
# code (8) 8 oktas
      2,500 m            :0 20 013        290 :(47034,11)Height of base of cloud
         30 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         30 :(47045,6)Cloud type
# code (30) No CL clouds
         22 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         22 :(47051,6)Cloud type
# code (22) Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus
         60 CODE TABLE   :0 20 012         60 :(47057,6)Cloud type
# code (60) CH clouds Invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, 
or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(47063,12)Time period or 
   //////// kg m-2       :0 13 011    (16383) :(47075,14)Total 
precipitation/total water equivalent
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(47089,12)Time period or 
   //////// m            :0 13 012     (4095) :(47101,12)Depth of fresh snow
   //////// m            :0 13 013    (65535) :(47113,16)Total snow depth
        -12 Hour         :0 04 024       2036 :(47129,12)Time period or 
   //////// K            :0 12 011     (4095) :(47141,12)Maximum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// K            :0 12 012     (4095) :(47153,12)Minimum temperature, 
at height and over period specified
   //////// Hour         :0 04 024     (4095) :(47165,12)Time period or 
   //////// J m-2        :0 14 021    (32767) :(47177,15)Global solar 
radiation, integrated over period specified
#                        :1 05 000            :Delayed Replication[1](5:*)
          0 NUMERIC      :0 31 001          0 :(47192,8)Delayed descriptor 
replication factor
# -----------------------------------[ END ]------------------------------------
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