Re: [decoders] First post - GRIB2 decoders

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Hi Patrick, List

Thank you for your reply, although it did not help me any further in solving my problem. I am not sure what you meant to say with 'you need not decode what is not encoded'.
Also, I did in fact 'RFTM'. I have spent the last few months of and on trying 
different pieces of software, reading websites, manuals and trying to decode it 
through IDL. However, the datastructure is too complex for a simple ecologist 
to just build a decoder from scratch. And unfortunately I have been unable to 
find software for windows capable of decoding the MPE GRIB2 data.

If you see an easier way to access these files, I would really appreciate it if you could help me out; I was unable to find one, and really would like to get cracking on the actual application of the data (Understanding vegetation development & animal movement), instead of data-accessing routines...
I could not get the software mentioned on the site to recognize the MPE data. 
Which is why I ended up on the unidata website. The java package at least seems 
to be able to read the file (I tried the toolUI applet, which could read the 
file, and tells me what was in it, although I could not get it to display any 
actual data..

Thanks again for your reply, and I hope you can help me figure this one out.


patrick wrote:
I am looking for some assistence..

One need not decode that which is already decoded.

It is always best to rtfm:

Jelle Ferwerda
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Animal Behavior Research Group
Department of Zoology / University of Oxford
South Parks Road / Oxford / OX13PS
United Kingdom

email:          Jelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Office Phone:   +44 18652 71214

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