20020221: GRIB to netcdf

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

>From:  "Hoeth, Brian" <Brian.Hoeth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization:  JSFC
>Keywords:  200202211951.g1LJpex01567 gribtonc


>Unidata has a GRIB to netcdf converter right?

Yes, it is called 'gribtonc'.

>Is it freely available?


>What's the best way I can go about getting this software if it is?

Grab the decoders.tar.Z file from the pub/decoders directory using
anonymous FTP to our FTP server, ftp.unidata.ucar.edu.  Also, you
should keep abrest of changes in the netCDF CDLs by referring to
the contents of pub/decoders/latestCDLs.

>I checked the Unidata home page, but I just ended up running around in

Well, that's no fun ;-)


No worries.

>Brian Hoeth
>Sustaining S/W Engineering, Lockheed Martin
>Consolidated Space Operations Contract
>Office: 281-218-2240
>Pager: 281-613-1020

* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O. Box 3000 *
* yoksas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                   Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                             http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*

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