20010412: netcdf-to-wmo format utility

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>From: Celia Chen <celia@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: NCAR/RAP
>Keywords: 200104112303.f3BN34L23087 encoder

Hi Celia-

>I am pretty sure what I need is the WMO FM42 format.  I have been receiving
>the AMDAR data from FSL via the LDM.  The files are in netCDF format
>and we would like to see if we can convert them into (back to?) the
>WMO FM42 format.

We have nothing like that.  I would think it would be easier to write 
a decoder to take the netCDF data to whatever format your FM42 decoder
puts out, rather than encoding and running it through a separate decoder.

>I just learned that we get the AMDAR data as a WMO product.  Do you 
>happen to know if the data we receive from FSL is the same?  I do
>notice that the FSL data is about 2 hrs late.

We were not aware that the AMDAR data are available as a WMO product.  
these products on the NOAAPort feed?  

As to the delay, we know there is some processing occurring at FSL and
you may be seeing some latency due to that process.  Can you give an 
example of a late product?

Also, are you saying that the WMO AMDARs are 2 hours ahead of the FSL data,
or just that the FSL data is late.  If the latter, are the WMO AMDARs
on time?

I'm cc'ing this to Linda Miller who has been our contact with FSL on
the ACARS and AMDAR data.

Don Murray

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