Re: [conduit] Missing grids from some 0.5 gfs files on CONDUIT

I'm assuming the problem hasn't been fixed yet, but just for info, so far the same thing has happened with the 18 UTC 23 run for

F021, F030, F036 and F087 (data is currently in through F204)


On 04/23/2015 03:07 PM, Carissa Klemmer - NOAA Federal wrote:

Apologies for the issues. We have just determined that this is a disk read/write issue which is why you see it as random. We have engaged our IT folks to resolve this issue. We will let you know as soon as the problem is fixed.

Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Production Management Branch Dataflow Team

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    We have noticed a strange problem with the grids coming in for the
    0.5 degree GFS files. The problem started with the 12 UTC run of
    the 2015/04/22 run, and several files (though not always the same
    ones) have been missing grids in each run since. The complete
    files contain 366 grids, the incomplete files always contain 327
    and are always missing exactly the following grids:

    5WAVH 5-Wave Geopotential Height [gpm]:500 mb
    ABSV Absolute Vorticity [1/s]:100 mb
    ABSV Absolute Vorticity [1/s]:975 mb
    CLWMR Cloud Mixing Ratio [kg/kg]:150 mb
    CLWMR Cloud Mixing Ratio [kg/kg]:550 mb
    CLWMR Cloud Mixing Ratio [kg/kg]:800 mb
    CSNOW Categorical Snow [-]:surface:
    DLWRF Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]:surface
    HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:1000 mb
    HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:300 mb
    HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:50 mb
    HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:highest tropospheric freezing level
    HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:PV=2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface
    HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:tropopause
    HPBL Planetary Boundary Layer Height [m]:surface
    O3MR Ozone Mixing Ratio [kg/kg]:200 mb
    PRES Pressure [Pa]:low cloud top level:
    RH Relative Humidity [%]:400 mb
    TMAX Maximum Temperature [K]:2 m above ground:114-120 hour max fcst:
    TMP Temperature [K]:10 mb
    TMP Temperature [K]:350 mb
    TMP Temperature [K]:650 mb
    TMP Temperature [K]:900 mb
    TMP Temperature [K]:max wind
    TSOIL Soil Temperature    Validation to deprecate [K]:1-2 m below
    UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:1829 m above mean sea level
    UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:70 mb
    VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:20 mb
    VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:500 mb
    VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:750 mb
    VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:950 mb
    V-GWD Meridional Flux of Gravity Wave Stress [N/m^2]:surface:
    VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:0.995 sigma level
    VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:450 mb
    VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:700 mb
    VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:925 mb

    I don't think it's a latency issue for us, because our latencies
    for conduit have been < 30 seconds or so for at least the past 3 days.

    One curious thing, the files are complete on
    <>, but the files that we have as short,
    have a later modification time than the rest. For example, for the
    12 UTC 23 run, we were missing grids for the F021, F102, F123 and
    F252 times. Here's a subset of the times on motherlode that shows
    these files:

                 23-Apr-2015 09:35   67M
                 23-Apr-2015 09:49   67M
                 23-Apr-2015 09:37   66M

                 23-Apr-2015 10:00   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:42   67M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:03   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:03   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:04   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:05   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:06   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:07   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:51   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:09   67M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:10   66M

                 23-Apr-2015 10:43   66M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:44   67M
                 23-Apr-2015 11:32   62M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:49   62M
                 23-Apr-2015 10:50   63M

    We are feeding redundantly from
    <> and


    Here is a (I think) complete list of the times that had short
    files since 12UTC 4/22. I'm guessing all of these files are
    complete on motherlode, but have a later modification time than
    the rest of the run.

    2015042212 <tel:2015042212>_F081
    2015042212 <tel:2015042212>_F112
    2015042212 <tel:2015042212>_F141
    2015042212 <tel:2015042212>_F156
    2015042212 <tel:2015042212>_F159
    2015042212 <tel:2015042212>_F195
    2015042212 <tel:2015042212>_F228

    2015042218 <tel:2015042218>_F063
    2015042218 <tel:2015042218>_F081
    2015042218 <tel:2015042218>_F198

    2015042300 <tel:2015042300>_F006
    2015042300 <tel:2015042300>_F018
    2015042300 <tel:2015042300>_F021
    2015042300 <tel:2015042300>_F087
    2015042300 <tel:2015042300>_F114
    2015042300 <tel:2015042300>_F120
    2015042300 <tel:2015042300>_F138

    2015042306 <tel:2015042306>_F006
    2015042306 <tel:2015042306>_F069

    2015042312 <tel:2015042312>_F021
    2015042312 <tel:2015042312>_F102
    2015042312 <tel:2015042312>_F123
    2015042312 <tel:2015042312>_F252


-- Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
    UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
    608-262-3086  <tel:608-262-3086>   -poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx  

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Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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