[community] October 2021 Unidata Update

Hello Unidata community,

In case you missed it -- here's a wrap-up of what's been going on at the
Unidata Program Center in October:

Unidata Update: October 2021

We have extended the time to respond to the 2021 Unidata Users Committee
Community Survey
If you haven't done so already, please consider giving Unidata your
feedback about what the program has been doing and ideas about what we can
do in the future. The more we know about your needs, what works, and what
doesn't work, the better we can serve you going forward.

Some highlights:

   - There's a new asynchronous AWIPS eLearning course: Learn AWIPS CAVE
   - IDV Users please update to version 6.0 or later
   - THREDDS Data Server Administrators please update your configurations
   - Unidata is looking for *two* software developers

Thanks for your interest,
Doug Dirks and the Unidata Staff
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