[community] April 2020 Unidata Update

Hello Unidata community,

In case you missed it -- here's a wrap-up of what's been going on at the
Unidata Program Center in April:

Unidata Update: April 2020

Some highlights:

   - Yes, the Unidata Program Center offices are *physically* closed, but
   we're still at work
   - Northern Illinois University is bringing back its public weather server
   - Unidata is looking for a software developer to join the THREDDS team
   - NetCDF-C, MetPy, and NetCDF-Java software releases

Thanks for your interest,
Doug Dirks and the Unidata Staff

Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxx <ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  *  303-497-8657
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