[community] April 2019 Unidata Update

Hello Unidata community,

In case you missed it -- here's a wrap-up of what's been going on at the
Unidata Program Center in April:

Unidata Update: April 2019

This month, we'd like to draw your attention to Unidata's two governing
committees: the Users Committee and the Strategic Advisory Committee, both
of which will welcome new members this fall.

Unidata's governing committees serve as a vital conduit for information on
the needs and requirements of community members, help build consensus on
future directions for the Unidata Program, and establish standards of
involvement for the community. As the Program moves into our next five
years of National Science Foundation funding, it is more important than
ever that we have the strong community guidance that has helped make the
program useful to the broad geoscience community.

The Unidata Users Committee is the primary mechanism for gaining scientific
feedback on the effectiveness of Program activities in the educational
community. The Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee provides a “Big
Picture” perspective, helping the Unidata Program better understand data
and technology trends within the university geoscience community. Both
committees benefit from the viewpoints of educational institutions of all

It's imperative that the Program form a clear and accurate picture of the
needs of the broad range of educational institutions we serve. To do this
we need input and perspectives from colleges and universities small and
large, with student populations that represent the breadth of the
geoscience community. *You can help* Unidata meet the challenges of serving
our — *your* — community by nominating someone (yourself?) to help bring
the varied perspectives we need to our governing committees. See the two
articles linked from this month's summary post
for more information on how to get involved. And thank you for your help in
continuing to make the Unidata Program a useful partner in geoscience
education and research!

Thanks for your interest!
Doug Dirks and the Unidata Staff

Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxx <ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  *  303-497-8657
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