[community] Unidata Users Workshop: Additional student funding available

Hello Unidata Community --

The Unidata Program Center has secured additional funding to encourage student participation in this summer's Users Workshop, "Navigating Earth System Science Data," being held 9-13 July 2012 in Boulder, Colorado.

We are lucky to be able to increase the stipend offered to students to $750, and to increase the number of stipends available from 10 to 15. We have also extended the student application date until June 1st.

If you know students who would benefit from attending the Workshop, please encourage them to review the student application information at:

If you have a bulletin board or other place to post a flyer for the workshop, you can find a PDF version at: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/events/2012UsersWorkshop/2012_UnidataUsersWorkshopFlyer.pdf

And, if you've been putting off registering for the workshop yourself, remember that the registration deadline is June 4, 2012.

Thanks for your help!

Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  *  303-497-8657

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